-WildSpeed - fast wildcard search for LIKE operator
- Wildspeed extension provides GIN index support for wildcard search
- for LIKE operator.
- Online version of this document is available
- http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/wiki/wildspeed
- * Oleg Bartunov <oleg@sai.msu.su>, Moscow, Moscow University, Russia
- * Teodor Sigaev <teodor@sigaev.ru>, Moscow, Moscow University,Russia
- Stable version, included into PostgreSQL distribution, released under
- BSD license. Development version, available from this site, released
- under the GNU General Public License, version 2 (June 1991)
- Stable version of wildspeed is available from
- http://www.sigaev.ru/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi/wildspeed/
-% cd PGSQLSRC/contrib
-% tar xzvf wildspeed.tar.gz
-% make
-% make install
-% make installcheck
-% psql DB < wildspeed.sql
- Wildspeed provides opclass (wildcard_ops) and uses partial match
- feature of GIN, available since 8.4. Also, it supports full index scan.
- The size of index can be very big, since it contains entries for all
- permutations of the original word, see [1] for details. For example,
- word hello will be indexed as well as its all permutations:
-=# select permute('hello');
- permute
- {hello$,ello$h,llo$he,lo$hel,o$hell}
- Notice, symbol '$' is used only for visualization, in actual
- implementation null-symbol '\0' is used.
- Search query rewritten as prefix search:
-*X -> X$*
-X*Y -> Y$X*
-*X* -> X*
- For example, search for 'hel*o' will be rewritten as 'o$hel'.
- Special function permute(TEXT), which returns all permutations of
- argument, provided for test purposes.
- Performance of wildspeed depends on search pattern. Basically,
- wildspeed is less effective than btree index with text_pattern_ops for
- prefix search (the difference is greatly reduced for long prefixes) and
- much faster for wildcard search.
- Wildspeed by default uses optimization (skip short patterns if there
- are long one), which can be turned off in Makefile by removing define
- 1. http://www.cs.wright.edu/~tkprasad/courses/cs499/L05TolerantIR.ppt, see also,
- http://nlp.stanford.edu/IR-book/html/htmledition/permuterm-indexes-1.html
- Table words contains 747358 records, w1 and w2 columns contains the
- same data in order to test performance of Btree (w1) and GIN (w2)
- indexes:
- Table "public.words"
- Column | Type | Modifiers
- w1 | text |
- w2 | text |
-words=# create index bt_idx on words using btree (w1 text_pattern_ops);
-Time: 1885.195 ms
-words=# create index gin_idx on words using gin (w2 wildcard_ops);
-vacuum analyze;
-Time: 530351.223 ms
-words=# select pg_relation_size('words');
- pg_relation_size
- 43253760
-words=# select pg_relation_size('gin_idx');
- pg_relation_size
- 417816576
-(1 row)
-words=# select pg_relation_size('bt_idx');
- pg_relation_size
- 23437312
-(1 row)
- Prefix search:
-words=# select count(*) from words where w1 like 'a%';
- count
- 15491
-(1 row)
-Time: 7.502 ms
-words=# select count(*) from words where w2 like 'a%';
- count
- 15491
-(1 row)
-Time: 31.152 ms
- Wildcard search:
-words=# select count(*) from words where w1 like '%asd%';
- count
- 26
-(1 row)
-Time: 147.308 ms
-words=# select count(*) from words where w2 like '%asd%';
- count
- 26
-(1 row)
-Time: 0.339 ms
- Full index scan:
-words=# set enable_seqscan to off;
-words=# explain analyze select count(*) from words where w2 like '%';
- Aggregate (cost=226274.98..226274.99 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=2218.709..2218.709 rows=1 loops=1)
- -> Bitmap Heap Scan on words (cost=209785.73..224406.77 rows=747283 width=0) (actual time=1510.516..1913.
-430 rows=747358 loops=1)
- Filter: (w2 ~~ '%'::text)
- -> Bitmap Index Scan on gin_idx (cost=0.00..209598.91 rows=747283 width=0) (actual time=1509.358..1
-509.358 rows=747358 loops=1)
- Index Cond: (w2 ~~ '%'::text)
- Total runtime: 2218.747 ms
-(6 rows)