--- /dev/null
+# contrib/hstore/Makefile
+MODULE_big = hstore
+OBJS = hstore_io.o hstore_op.o hstore_gist.o hstore_gin.o hstore_compat.o \
+ hstore_gram.o hstore_support.o
+EXTENSION = hstore
+DATA = hstore--1.3.sql hstore--1.0--1.1.sql hstore--1.1--1.2.sql \
+ hstore--1.2--1.3.sql hstore--unpackaged--1.0.sql
+REGRESS = hstore nested types
+EXTRA_CLEAN = y.tab.c y.tab.h \
+ hstore_gram.c hstore_scan.c hstore_gram.h
+ifdef USE_PGXS
+PG_CONFIG = pg_config
+PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs)
+include $(PGXS)
+subdir = contrib/hstore
+top_builddir = ../..
+include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
+include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
+hstore_gram.o: hstore_scan.c
+hstore_gram.c: BISONFLAGS += -d
+distprep: hstore_gram.c hstore_scan.c
+ rm -f hstore_gram.c hstore_scan.c hstore_gram.h
--- /dev/null
+line=>1, date=>CB, node=>AA
+cleaned=>f, status=>59, line=>2, disabled=>f, node=>CBB
+indexed=>t, status=>35, line=>3, disabled=>f, wait=>CAA, subtitle=>BA, user=>CCA
+line=>4, disabled=>t, space=>BB
+cleaned=>f, line=>5, wait=>BB, query=>CAC, coauthors=>ACA, node=>CBA
+world=>CB, query=>CBC, indexed=>f, line=>6, pos=>92, date=>AAB, space=>CB, coauthors=>ACA, node=>CBC
+state=>98, org=>43, line=>7, pos=>97
+auth=>BB, title=>CAC, query=>BA, status=>94, line=>8, coauthors=>BBB
+auth=>BAC, title=>CAA, wait=>CA, bad=>t, query=>AA, indexed=>t, line=>9, pos=>56
+title=>AAC, bad=>t, user=>AAB, query=>AC, line=>10, node=>AB
+world=>CAC, user=>AB, query=>ACA, indexed=>t, line=>11, space=>CB
+line=>12, pos=>72, abstract=>BBA, space=>AAC
+world=>CC, query=>AA, line=>14, disabled=>f, date=>CAC, coauthors=>AB
+org=>68, title=>BBB, query=>BAC, line=>15, public=>f
+org=>73, user=>AA, indexed=>t, line=>16, date=>CCC, public=>t, coauthors=>AB
+indexed=>f, line=>17
+state=>23, auth=>BCC, org=>38, status=>28, line=>18, disabled=>f, abstract=>CB
+state=>99, auth=>CA, indexed=>t, line=>19, date=>BA
+wait=>CBA, user=>BBA, indexed=>t, line=>20, disabled=>f, abstract=>BA, date=>ABA
+org=>10, query=>AC, indexed=>f, line=>21, disabled=>t, abstract=>CA, pos=>44
+state=>65, title=>AC, user=>AAC, cleaned=>t, status=>93, line=>22, abstract=>ABC, node=>CCC
+subtitle=>AC, user=>CCC, line=>23
+state=>67, world=>ACB, bad=>t, user=>CB, line=>24, disabled=>t
+state=>65, title=>CBC, wait=>AAC, bad=>t, query=>ACA, line=>26, disabled=>f, space=>CA
+auth=>BAA, state=>68, indexed=>t, line=>27, space=>BA
+indexed=>f, line=>28, disabled=>t, space=>CC, node=>BB
+auth=>BAB, org=>80, title=>BBA, query=>BBC, status=>3, line=>29
+title=>AC, status=>16, cleaned=>t, line=>30
+state=>39, world=>AAB, user=>BB, line=>31, disabled=>t
+wait=>BC, bad=>f, query=>AA, line=>32, coauthors=>CAC
+line=>33, pos=>97
+title=>AA, world=>CCA, wait=>CC, bad=>t, status=>86, line=>34, disabled=>t, node=>ACA
+world=>BCC, title=>ACB, org=>61, status=>99, cleaned=>t, line=>36, pos=>76, space=>ACC, coauthors=>AA, node=>CB
+title=>CAA, cleaned=>f, line=>37, abstract=>ACA, node=>BC
+auth=>BC, title=>BA, world=>ACA, indexed=>t, line=>38, abstract=>AAA, public=>t
+org=>90, line=>39, public=>f
+state=>16, indexed=>t, line=>40, pos=>53
+auth=>AAB, wait=>CAC, status=>44, line=>41
+subtitle=>ACA, bad=>t, line=>42
+org=>19, world=>BC, user=>ABA, indexed=>f, line=>43, disabled=>t, pos=>48, abstract=>CAB, space=>CCB
+indexed=>f, line=>44
+indexed=>t, line=>45
+status=>84, line=>46, date=>CCC
+state=>94, title=>BAB, bad=>t, user=>BBB, indexed=>t, line=>47, public=>f
+org=>90, subtitle=>BAC, query=>CAC, cleaned=>f, line=>48, disabled=>t, abstract=>CC, pos=>17, space=>BCA
+world=>CBC, line=>49
+org=>24, line=>50, date=>CA, public=>f
+world=>BC, indexed=>t, status=>44, line=>51, pos=>59, date=>BA, public=>t
+org=>98, line=>52
+title=>CA, world=>ABC, subtitle=>CBB, line=>53, abstract=>BBA, date=>ACB, node=>CA
+user=>BAB, cleaned=>t, line=>54
+subtitle=>CAA, line=>55, disabled=>f, pos=>55, abstract=>AB, public=>f, coauthors=>AA
+wait=>CC, user=>CC, cleaned=>t, line=>56, pos=>73, node=>ABC
+title=>BCC, wait=>ABC, indexed=>t, line=>57, disabled=>f
+org=>42, title=>BB, line=>58, disabled=>t, public=>t, coauthors=>BCC
+wait=>CAB, title=>CCB, query=>BAC, status=>66, line=>59, disabled=>t
+user=>CAC, line=>60
+user=>BBB, line=>61, disabled=>f, pos=>31
+org=>18, line=>62, coauthors=>CCC, node=>CA
+line=>63, coauthors=>AB
+org=>25, wait=>CA, line=>64, abstract=>BA, date=>BBB
+title=>CB, wait=>CC, bad=>f, user=>BBB, line=>65, abstract=>ACA, public=>t
+line=>66, coauthors=>AC
+state=>20, wait=>CCB, bad=>t, line=>67, abstract=>CB
+state=>79, wait=>BAC, bad=>f, status=>11, line=>68, abstract=>BC, public=>t, coauthors=>CBA
+state=>39, title=>CCA, bad=>f, query=>BBA, line=>69, pos=>42, public=>f
+title=>BC, subtitle=>CA, query=>BC, line=>70
+bad=>t, query=>BBB, line=>72
+state=>35, world=>CC, bad=>f, line=>73, space=>BB, public=>f
+title=>ACC, wait=>CAB, subtitle=>CB, status=>19, line=>74, disabled=>f, space=>BAA, coauthors=>CBC, node=>AC
+subtitle=>BCB, indexed=>f, status=>83, line=>75, public=>t
+state=>32, line=>76, disabled=>f, pos=>66, space=>CC
+state=>43, cleaned=>t, line=>77
+state=>97, wait=>CBA, indexed=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>79, abstract=>CB, date=>ACC, public=>f
+user=>AAB, line=>80, pos=>85, date=>AC
+world=>AC, wait=>CC, subtitle=>AAB, bad=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>81, pos=>91, node=>CCC
+org=>87, bad=>f, user=>AAC, query=>CCC, line=>83, disabled=>f, abstract=>AC, date=>CCA, public=>f
+state=>50, line=>84
+wait=>AA, subtitle=>AA, query=>BB, status=>97, line=>85, disabled=>t, abstract=>CB
+subtitle=>CA, query=>BC, line=>87
+title=>CC, line=>89, disabled=>f, pos=>49, date=>CCB, space=>CB, node=>BB
+auth=>CC, wait=>AA, title=>BC, bad=>t, line=>90
+state=>37, org=>85, indexed=>f, line=>91, space=>CAA, public=>t, coauthors=>BA
+wait=>BBB, title=>BBC, org=>95, subtitle=>AC, line=>92, pos=>23, date=>AC, public=>t, space=>BBC
+org=>48, user=>AC, line=>93, space=>CCC
+state=>77, wait=>ABA, subtitle=>AC, user=>BA, status=>43, line=>95, public=>f
+title=>CA, indexed=>t, status=>26, line=>96
+auth=>BCA, subtitle=>ACC, user=>CA, line=>97, disabled=>f, node=>ACB
+query=>BB, line=>98, coauthors=>AB
+auth=>AA, title=>ACB, org=>58, subtitle=>AC, bad=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>100, space=>ACC, public=>t
+subtitle=>AAB, bad=>f, line=>101, public=>t
+subtitle=>AAA, indexed=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>102, disabled=>t, pos=>35
+world=>CAC, org=>10, query=>AAA, cleaned=>t, status=>79, indexed=>t, line=>104, pos=>65, public=>f, node=>BAB
+bad=>f, line=>105, abstract=>BA, node=>CBB
+world=>BB, wait=>BAA, title=>ACA, line=>106, date=>CBC, space=>BA
+state=>92, wait=>CAC, title=>AAA, bad=>f, line=>107, abstract=>CBC, date=>BCC, public=>f
+title=>CCC, indexed=>t, line=>108, abstract=>ACB, public=>f, coauthors=>ABB
+auth=>BB, query=>ACC, status=>68, line=>109
+user=>CC, cleaned=>f, indexed=>t, line=>110, date=>BAA, space=>BCB
+auth=>CC, org=>4, wait=>BAC, bad=>f, indexed=>f, line=>111, pos=>55, node=>BBC
+line=>112, disabled=>t
+org=>66, cleaned=>t, indexed=>f, line=>113, pos=>96
+world=>CA, title=>ACA, org=>83, query=>BAC, user=>BBC, indexed=>f, line=>114
+subtitle=>BCC, line=>115, space=>AA, public=>t, node=>CBA
+state=>77, status=>23, line=>116
+bad=>f, status=>4, line=>117, node=>CC
+state=>99, title=>BCC, query=>AC, status=>98, line=>118, date=>BA
+status=>55, line=>119, public=>f, coauthors=>BBA, node=>BCA
+query=>CAA, status=>40, indexed=>f, line=>120, disabled=>f, coauthors=>CA
+title=>BBC, org=>82, subtitle=>ACB, line=>121, abstract=>BB, node=>CC
+state=>66, world=>AB, subtitle=>BA, query=>CB, line=>122, abstract=>BBC, pos=>65, date=>BAB
+state=>96, title=>CBC, status=>44, line=>123, abstract=>BA, space=>ACA, node=>AAC
+auth=>CA, state=>59, bad=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>124, pos=>41, date=>BBA, coauthors=>ABB
+wait=>ACC, line=>125
+org=>30, wait=>CBB, subtitle=>CCA, cleaned=>t, line=>126, date=>AC, node=>ABC
+auth=>BBA, org=>66, subtitle=>CCB, bad=>t, cleaned=>f, line=>128, abstract=>BB, public=>t, coauthors=>BA
+subtitle=>AC, bad=>f, user=>BAA, line=>129, date=>BCB, node=>BAC
+wait=>CC, subtitle=>CA, line=>130, disabled=>f, pos=>49, node=>BA
+indexed=>f, line=>131, pos=>79, date=>AAA, node=>CAC
+wait=>AC, world=>CB, title=>AAA, user=>ABC, indexed=>f, status=>15, line=>132, coauthors=>BA
+state=>96, bad=>t, line=>133, disabled=>f, space=>BAC, coauthors=>ABA
+world=>BAC, line=>134
+title=>CCC, line=>135, coauthors=>CC
+cleaned=>t, line=>136
+bad=>t, query=>CCA, user=>CA, cleaned=>f, line=>137, disabled=>t
+world=>CC, subtitle=>BBB, line=>139
+wait=>CA, status=>2, line=>140
+world=>BC, bad=>f, user=>BBC, query=>ACB, line=>141, pos=>33, space=>ACA
+state=>92, title=>CA, bad=>t, query=>AB, line=>142, abstract=>BA, date=>ABB, space=>BC, coauthors=>CAA
+state=>79, query=>AB, user=>CCA, indexed=>t, cleaned=>t, line=>143, public=>t
+org=>37, query=>CA, cleaned=>t, line=>144, disabled=>t, date=>CC
+wait=>AC, title=>CBA, user=>AAA, status=>24, line=>145, date=>CBC, public=>f, coauthors=>BAC, node=>ACC
+user=>CA, indexed=>t, line=>146, disabled=>f, coauthors=>BA
+wait=>BC, org=>35, bad=>f, query=>CBB, line=>147, date=>AAA, public=>f, space=>BBB
+org=>56, user=>AB, indexed=>t, line=>148
+title=>CBB, org=>78, subtitle=>CBA, bad=>t, user=>AAB, line=>150, disabled=>t, abstract=>BAC
+world=>CCA, query=>BC, cleaned=>t, indexed=>f, line=>151, abstract=>BC, pos=>43, coauthors=>AB, node=>CBA
+auth=>ABA, status=>13, line=>152, date=>AA
+world=>CA, line=>153, space=>CBC
+world=>BA, user=>BBB, status=>72, line=>154
+auth=>ABB, line=>155, disabled=>t, node=>BBC
+world=>BBB, bad=>f, line=>156, abstract=>CBC
+line=>157, pos=>60, node=>ACC
+line=>158, node=>CC
+line=>159, public=>t
+query=>BA, status=>53, cleaned=>f, line=>161, public=>t
+line=>162, date=>CC
+title=>BC, bad=>f, query=>CC, line=>164, abstract=>CCB, date=>BA
+status=>36, line=>165
+title=>AB, bad=>f, status=>64, line=>166, abstract=>AB, coauthors=>AA, node=>AA
+wait=>AA, line=>167
+subtitle=>CBC, user=>AC, cleaned=>f, line=>168, disabled=>t, coauthors=>BAB, node=>CC
+state=>34, status=>73, cleaned=>t, line=>169, abstract=>BC, public=>f, space=>BBC, node=>BAA
+state=>10, auth=>BBB, bad=>t, indexed=>f, status=>34, line=>170, abstract=>BC
+subtitle=>AAA, bad=>f, user=>ACA, status=>53, line=>171, disabled=>f, date=>AAA
+subtitle=>CB, query=>CC, indexed=>t, line=>172, node=>BBC
+state=>5, world=>ABC, bad=>f, line=>173, public=>f
+subtitle=>AC, line=>174
+auth=>AC, org=>72, query=>CA, indexed=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>175, disabled=>t, pos=>54
+title=>BCB, bad=>f, line=>176, pos=>35, coauthors=>AAC, node=>ABB
+title=>BB, cleaned=>t, status=>26, line=>177
+state=>61, wait=>BB, world=>CB, query=>BAB, line=>178, abstract=>BB, date=>CBB, space=>CA, node=>AB
+wait=>CA, cleaned=>f, indexed=>t, line=>179, space=>CBC
+org=>68, line=>180
+wait=>ABB, subtitle=>CCC, cleaned=>t, line=>181, abstract=>BC, coauthors=>BA
+title=>ACA, subtitle=>AAB, line=>182, node=>BAC
+subtitle=>BA, query=>BBB, indexed=>t, cleaned=>t, line=>185, node=>BCC
+org=>6, title=>BCC, user=>BA, line=>186, pos=>67, abstract=>CBA, coauthors=>CBB, node=>CBC
+org=>50, title=>CAB, subtitle=>CB, query=>CBB, line=>187, coauthors=>CA, node=>CC
+bad=>f, line=>188, node=>CCB
+org=>4, world=>AAC, query=>CAC, line=>189, pos=>90, node=>AC
+state=>86, line=>190, pos=>79
+org=>98, title=>AAC, cleaned=>t, line=>191, space=>BC, coauthors=>AA
+wait=>CAA, bad=>f, user=>BC, status=>23, line=>192, disabled=>t, date=>CA, coauthors=>BBB
+status=>26, line=>193, disabled=>t
+world=>CA, subtitle=>CCC, query=>ABB, status=>86, line=>194, pos=>97, space=>CAC
+cleaned=>t, line=>195
+state=>53, org=>84, wait=>BC, query=>BCC, line=>196, disabled=>t, abstract=>AAC, node=>CAC
+state=>25, status=>70, cleaned=>f, line=>197, disabled=>t, space=>AA, public=>f
+org=>82, subtitle=>AAC, line=>198
+org=>87, bad=>t, status=>69, line=>199, public=>f
+wait=>CC, org=>60, subtitle=>BCA, bad=>t, cleaned=>f, indexed=>t, line=>200, date=>BA
+state=>9, world=>CAA, org=>78, user=>ACB, cleaned=>t, line=>201, disabled=>t, abstract=>ACC, public=>f
+state=>50, world=>AAA, title=>CAA, user=>AB, status=>37, line=>202, disabled=>f
+org=>36, subtitle=>CB, query=>BAA, status=>35, line=>203, abstract=>CC
+auth=>CCC, bad=>t, query=>CB, status=>84, line=>204, disabled=>f, date=>BB
+auth=>AC, query=>BA, indexed=>f, line=>205, date=>AAB, space=>ABB
+state=>30, world=>CCA, query=>CC, user=>BAA, line=>206
+title=>CAB, wait=>BAB, bad=>t, query=>BCB, indexed=>t, status=>48, cleaned=>t, line=>207, node=>ACB
+state=>97, subtitle=>BC, status=>99, line=>208, abstract=>CB
+title=>CA, world=>BBA, bad=>t, indexed=>f, cleaned=>f, status=>82, line=>209, disabled=>f, pos=>44, space=>ACA
+line=>210, public=>t
+line=>211, space=>BBC, node=>AAA
+wait=>BAA, org=>50, line=>212, abstract=>BB, public=>t, space=>AB
+line=>213, pos=>57, date=>CC, space=>AC
+state=>23, user=>BAB, query=>BCB, line=>214, abstract=>BAB
+world=>ACB, org=>21, line=>215, abstract=>AC, public=>f
+state=>14, wait=>ACB, org=>79, title=>BB, subtitle=>BA, line=>216
+wait=>BC, line=>217, date=>BB
+wait=>AC, user=>BB, indexed=>f, status=>83, line=>218
+auth=>BC, org=>9, user=>BA, status=>31, line=>219, disabled=>f
+state=>80, world=>BA, wait=>CA, line=>220, pos=>65, node=>CAC
+wait=>AC, subtitle=>ABB, status=>79, indexed=>t, line=>221, abstract=>AC, pos=>33, space=>BA
+state=>69, org=>83, world=>CBC, subtitle=>CAC, cleaned=>f, line=>222, space=>BC, node=>CCA
+line=>223, abstract=>BC
+world=>BB, title=>BC, bad=>f, query=>BBC, cleaned=>f, line=>225, disabled=>f, public=>t
+line=>226, date=>AC
+auth=>CB, subtitle=>AB, indexed=>f, status=>2, line=>227, pos=>53, space=>AB, coauthors=>BCA
+title=>ABA, org=>36, line=>228, space=>AA
+world=>AB, line=>229, pos=>78, date=>BC, space=>CC
+wait=>BBC, org=>47, cleaned=>t, status=>5, line=>230, pos=>2, date=>CCA
+line=>231, coauthors=>CB
+state=>1, user=>CAA, cleaned=>f, line=>232, date=>BA, public=>t, coauthors=>AAA, node=>BCC
+auth=>AB, world=>CAC, query=>BC, cleaned=>t, line=>233, pos=>47, space=>AB, node=>AB
+title=>CAA, line=>234, pos=>9, public=>t, node=>AB
+auth=>CCA, title=>AA, org=>6, subtitle=>CA, cleaned=>t, status=>12, indexed=>f, line=>235, space=>ABB
+auth=>CA, bad=>f, query=>BC, status=>61, cleaned=>f, line=>236, disabled=>t, public=>t
+user=>BCB, line=>237, pos=>70, node=>CBA
+query=>CCB, line=>238, disabled=>t, coauthors=>BAB, node=>BC
+auth=>AC, org=>73, title=>CA, bad=>f, status=>94, line=>239, abstract=>CC
+subtitle=>BC, indexed=>f, line=>240, disabled=>t
+auth=>AAC, org=>73, title=>CB, bad=>t, query=>CA, cleaned=>t, line=>241, disabled=>f, public=>f
+line=>242, public=>f
+auth=>AC, title=>BC, status=>61, line=>243, disabled=>f
+auth=>ABB, bad=>f, indexed=>f, line=>244, abstract=>BAB, date=>ABC, coauthors=>BC
+query=>BA, line=>245, disabled=>f, space=>BAB
+world=>BCC, bad=>f, indexed=>f, line=>246, disabled=>t, pos=>80, public=>f, coauthors=>BC
+indexed=>t, line=>247
+wait=>CCA, subtitle=>CBB, bad=>f, line=>248, pos=>83, public=>f, space=>BA
+auth=>ABA, org=>13, title=>BA, bad=>f, indexed=>t, line=>250, disabled=>f, abstract=>BBA, date=>AB
+state=>37, title=>AAA, bad=>f, line=>251, disabled=>f, coauthors=>CBC
+auth=>ACB, world=>AC, title=>CAA, subtitle=>BCA, bad=>f, status=>32, line=>252, pos=>84
+query=>BA, indexed=>f, status=>0, line=>253, abstract=>CCB, pos=>48, date=>AC, space=>AAC
+subtitle=>BBA, line=>254, node=>AAA
+query=>AC, user=>CAA, status=>13, line=>255, public=>t, coauthors=>BCC
+auth=>AAA, state=>31, line=>256
+wait=>AC, query=>AAA, cleaned=>t, indexed=>f, line=>259, pos=>89, coauthors=>BCA, node=>BC
+world=>CC, query=>BB, line=>260
+org=>99, bad=>f, user=>ABA, line=>262, abstract=>BA, coauthors=>BCC
+auth=>CAC, world=>CBC, subtitle=>CA, bad=>f, status=>22, line=>263, pos=>4, public=>t, node=>BB
+wait=>BB, subtitle=>BCC, indexed=>t, line=>264, node=>CAC
+subtitle=>BB, query=>CBB, line=>265
+state=>35, query=>AA, line=>266, coauthors=>AAA
+status=>6, line=>267, pos=>66
+auth=>BAA, subtitle=>CCA, bad=>f, query=>CCB, line=>268, public=>t, space=>CAB, node=>CAC
+world=>AC, org=>58, user=>AC, line=>269, node=>AB
+auth=>BCB, org=>36, title=>AB, line=>270, abstract=>CAB, date=>CAB, public=>t, coauthors=>CB, node=>AB
+cleaned=>t, line=>271
+world=>ACC, cleaned=>t, status=>11, line=>272, disabled=>f, abstract=>AA, space=>BCA, node=>BA
+cleaned=>t, line=>273, pos=>50, public=>t
+status=>95, line=>274, abstract=>BB, coauthors=>AC
+auth=>BCC, state=>80, cleaned=>t, line=>275, abstract=>AC
+wait=>BA, line=>276
+org=>62, subtitle=>CAA, query=>BA, user=>BCC, indexed=>f, line=>277, disabled=>f, abstract=>ACA, date=>AB
+org=>63, bad=>t, line=>278, pos=>26, coauthors=>BA
+auth=>CBB, indexed=>f, line=>279, pos=>40, space=>CA, coauthors=>CC
+auth=>BA, line=>280, abstract=>AAA, public=>t, coauthors=>CAC
+org=>10, status=>16, line=>281, date=>CCC, space=>AC
+org=>76, user=>BBC, indexed=>f, line=>282, pos=>56, node=>CBA
+auth=>CA, subtitle=>AB, query=>AA, indexed=>t, line=>283, disabled=>f, coauthors=>ABC, node=>CAA
+title=>BA, status=>91, line=>284, pos=>7, coauthors=>BB
+wait=>CCA, line=>285, public=>t
+world=>AC, line=>286, disabled=>t
+line=>287, abstract=>AAA
+user=>CCB, status=>50, line=>288, public=>f
+state=>41, world=>CCC, query=>AA, line=>289, disabled=>t, pos=>49, public=>f
+wait=>CBC, line=>290, abstract=>CCA, space=>BBC
+auth=>CCB, world=>BAB, user=>CCC, status=>93, line=>291, pos=>77, node=>BAC
+wait=>BCC, org=>8, user=>AC, cleaned=>t, line=>292, disabled=>t, pos=>67, date=>AA
+org=>56, query=>BCA, line=>293, pos=>81, coauthors=>AAA, node=>CAB
+world=>CB, subtitle=>CBC, bad=>t, query=>ACB, indexed=>f, line=>294, pos=>58, date=>BC, node=>CB
+wait=>BC, user=>CA, line=>295
+world=>ABA, wait=>BA, user=>BB, status=>65, line=>296, pos=>45, date=>BB
+auth=>BA, user=>AA, indexed=>f, line=>299, space=>ABA, public=>f, coauthors=>BC
+line=>300, space=>ABA
+state=>36, org=>16, world=>BBC, status=>13, line=>301, public=>f
+subtitle=>CB, user=>BC, line=>302, date=>AA, coauthors=>CAC
+wait=>CBC, indexed=>t, cleaned=>t, line=>303, date=>ACC, public=>t
+user=>CAC, status=>81, line=>304, node=>CAB
+title=>CBB, org=>89, subtitle=>CAA, user=>CCA, indexed=>t, line=>305
+state=>10, title=>CBA, org=>66, cleaned=>t, line=>306, pos=>59, coauthors=>CAC
+auth=>AAA, world=>AC, wait=>ACA, subtitle=>BAA, status=>64, line=>308, node=>CCA
+state=>31, world=>CCC, title=>BCB, cleaned=>f, status=>11, line=>309, disabled=>t, date=>AA
+title=>BC, subtitle=>CB, indexed=>f, line=>310, disabled=>t, abstract=>BA, space=>ACA
+wait=>ABB, cleaned=>t, indexed=>f, line=>311, space=>CAB
+subtitle=>CA, line=>313
+org=>91, title=>CAB, line=>314, date=>CA
+state=>65, line=>316, node=>CC
+line=>317, space=>AA
+wait=>AA, indexed=>t, line=>319
+wait=>BB, org=>42, world=>AC, subtitle=>ACC, indexed=>t, line=>320, disabled=>t
+auth=>CAC, line=>322
+line=>324, pos=>38, space=>CC, node=>BBC
+title=>CC, line=>325, public=>t, coauthors=>BAC, node=>ACC
+world=>CC, subtitle=>BBC, bad=>f, user=>BA, line=>326, date=>AAA, space=>AA
+state=>81, title=>BC, wait=>BA, indexed=>f, status=>48, line=>327, coauthors=>AB
+line=>328, space=>ABB
+line=>329, date=>CCA
+auth=>BB, world=>BAB, subtitle=>BA, query=>ABB, line=>331, disabled=>t, date=>AAA, node=>BC
+auth=>ABA, title=>CC, user=>CBA, line=>332, disabled=>t, space=>ACC
+org=>98, subtitle=>ACB, line=>333, abstract=>BC, public=>f, coauthors=>BC, node=>ABA
+world=>BC, subtitle=>BAC, user=>AB, query=>BAA, cleaned=>t, line=>335, space=>AC, node=>BAA
+state=>76, indexed=>t, cleaned=>f, line=>336, node=>CAC
+org=>95, status=>84, line=>337
+world=>BBA, title=>BCC, subtitle=>ACB, query=>BA, line=>339, space=>ABC, node=>AC
+title=>CBB, user=>CBA, cleaned=>t, line=>340, public=>t, space=>CB, coauthors=>CAB
+wait=>AA, status=>82, line=>341
+world=>CC, line=>342
+auth=>BAB, title=>CAC, query=>BCC, indexed=>t, line=>343
+org=>77, world=>BAC, subtitle=>AA, user=>ABA, line=>344
+state=>99, org=>56, world=>CC, title=>CAB, wait=>CB, subtitle=>BCC, line=>345, pos=>65
+state=>68, org=>97, title=>AA, indexed=>t, line=>346, node=>CC
+state=>3, title=>CBC, user=>BAA, status=>98, line=>347, disabled=>t, pos=>96, date=>BBA
+auth=>BAA, world=>ABB, line=>348, disabled=>f, abstract=>ACA, pos=>66, space=>CCC, coauthors=>CBB, node=>BC
+status=>54, line=>350
+wait=>CC, query=>ABA, user=>AB, status=>76, cleaned=>f, line=>351, abstract=>CBA
+line=>352, disabled=>t, public=>f
+state=>93, org=>92, status=>88, line=>353, space=>AB, coauthors=>CB
+org=>34, wait=>ABC, world=>CBA, bad=>f, query=>BB, indexed=>f, line=>354, date=>CB, public=>t
+wait=>CBA, title=>CAC, cleaned=>t, indexed=>t, line=>355, pos=>9, date=>CAA
+user=>BC, indexed=>f, cleaned=>t, status=>73, line=>356, disabled=>t, space=>CB
+state=>20, cleaned=>f, line=>357, pos=>28, abstract=>CCB, space=>BC
+state=>17, wait=>ABC, query=>CB, cleaned=>f, status=>4, line=>358, disabled=>f
+state=>83, world=>CC, org=>53, cleaned=>f, status=>64, line=>360, abstract=>CBC, coauthors=>BC
+title=>BB, indexed=>f, line=>361
+state=>49, wait=>BCA, line=>362
+world=>CCC, title=>CA, query=>CCC, cleaned=>t, line=>363, space=>AA, coauthors=>AAC
+state=>8, wait=>BBB, line=>364, pos=>70, public=>f, space=>BAA, coauthors=>AB
+state=>20, indexed=>f, status=>87, cleaned=>t, line=>365, public=>t
+state=>92, title=>CCC, subtitle=>CAB, status=>39, line=>367
+state=>54, org=>38, line=>368
+auth=>ACA, subtitle=>CBC, status=>52, line=>370, date=>ACC, public=>t
+indexed=>t, line=>371, pos=>98, node=>CBA
+world=>BA, status=>40, line=>372, coauthors=>AA
+query=>BA, indexed=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>374, date=>BCC
+query=>CA, indexed=>t, line=>375, public=>f
+auth=>CCA, wait=>BBC, bad=>f, status=>91, line=>376, abstract=>BBC, date=>ABA
+user=>BA, query=>CB, status=>86, indexed=>f, line=>377, pos=>83, abstract=>BCC, space=>CBC, public=>t
+title=>ACA, org=>15, wait=>CBC, status=>85, line=>378
+state=>57, bad=>t, line=>379, abstract=>BC, date=>CAC
+world=>CC, cleaned=>t, line=>380
+title=>CB, subtitle=>AC, line=>381, public=>f
+status=>12, line=>384, coauthors=>CC
+auth=>BAC, bad=>f, line=>385, abstract=>CBB, public=>f, space=>BBC
+world=>BBC, bad=>t, status=>71, cleaned=>f, line=>388, node=>BB
+cleaned=>f, line=>389
+state=>73, line=>390
+wait=>BB, org=>5, subtitle=>BAA, bad=>f, indexed=>f, line=>391, public=>f, node=>BAA
+auth=>CCC, org=>51, bad=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>392, space=>AC, node=>CC
+line=>394, abstract=>ACC, public=>t
+org=>44, subtitle=>BAC, query=>BAC, line=>395
+wait=>BC, line=>396
+state=>68, world=>AB, title=>ABB, user=>CBC, cleaned=>f, indexed=>t, line=>397, abstract=>BA, pos=>11
+world=>CA, title=>AB, subtitle=>BC, user=>BCB, line=>398
+bad=>t, query=>BCC, line=>399
+wait=>BB, user=>BB, cleaned=>t, indexed=>f, line=>400, date=>BC, public=>f
+wait=>BA, line=>402
+title=>AC, subtitle=>BCB, query=>BA, line=>403
+auth=>BA, org=>19, query=>CCB, line=>405, pos=>82, date=>CAA
+state=>26, world=>CB, subtitle=>AB, cleaned=>f, line=>406, disabled=>t, date=>AC
+state=>11, bad=>t, indexed=>t, line=>408, pos=>79, abstract=>BA, date=>CB, space=>BBA
+auth=>AC, status=>59, line=>409
+org=>15, line=>410, disabled=>t, date=>BAC, space=>CCA
+state=>65, world=>AB, status=>69, line=>413, space=>BA
+title=>CCB, line=>415
+title=>BAB, subtitle=>CA, indexed=>f, line=>416, public=>t
+wait=>CAB, user=>CAB, cleaned=>t, line=>417, date=>BC, coauthors=>BBA
+subtitle=>ABA, user=>BB, query=>AA, indexed=>t, line=>418, pos=>8, space=>BB, coauthors=>CBA
+state=>11, indexed=>t, line=>419, node=>AA
+state=>86, cleaned=>f, line=>420, pos=>2, node=>CBC
+org=>73, line=>421, disabled=>f
+query=>BAC, user=>CB, status=>69, line=>422
+status=>22, line=>423
+auth=>CB, wait=>CCA, world=>AAB, line=>424, disabled=>f, space=>BA, public=>f
+state=>81, world=>AC, subtitle=>CBA, bad=>t, cleaned=>f, indexed=>t, line=>425, date=>AAB, coauthors=>BC, node=>BAC
+wait=>CB, query=>BCC, status=>97, line=>426
+org=>47, query=>CB, cleaned=>t, line=>427, date=>CC
+org=>33, query=>AC, status=>48, indexed=>f, line=>428, disabled=>t, abstract=>BC, space=>ACC
+org=>10, query=>AB, line=>429, pos=>77, date=>BC
+line=>430, pos=>7, abstract=>CCA, space=>AA
+bad=>f, user=>CA, query=>CAB, line=>431, node=>AC
+auth=>CA, bad=>f, line=>432
+auth=>BAA, org=>98, title=>CCC, world=>BAC, line=>434, public=>t
+state=>54, wait=>AA, user=>BBA, indexed=>f, line=>435, disabled=>t, pos=>12, space=>AB
+world=>AC, title=>CA, query=>AAA, line=>436, space=>AB, coauthors=>AA
+auth=>CB, wait=>CCC, bad=>f, line=>437, pos=>42, date=>ABC, space=>AB, coauthors=>ABC
+auth=>CBB, title=>BB, query=>CB, line=>438, pos=>15, abstract=>BC, node=>BBB
+title=>CC, line=>439, disabled=>f
+title=>AB, line=>440, disabled=>f
+org=>3, bad=>t, user=>BCB, query=>AB, indexed=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>441, disabled=>f, space=>BA, node=>BB
+state=>62, user=>BCC, status=>12, line=>442, pos=>58, date=>CC, node=>CB
+world=>BCB, bad=>t, line=>443, space=>AAB
+state=>56, bad=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>444, disabled=>f, date=>CA, space=>BBB, public=>t
+org=>31, world=>ABC, cleaned=>t, line=>446, disabled=>t, public=>t, coauthors=>CB
+state=>54, indexed=>t, line=>447
+state=>98, title=>AC, wait=>AAC, world=>BC, bad=>f, line=>448, disabled=>t, public=>t, node=>ABB
+world=>AAC, indexed=>t, line=>449, disabled=>t, pos=>61
+org=>56, title=>CA, line=>450
+auth=>BBB, line=>451, pos=>58, date=>BB, space=>ABA
+auth=>AB, world=>CA, cleaned=>t, line=>452
+bad=>t, line=>453, disabled=>t, abstract=>AC, pos=>20, date=>ABB, node=>CAB
+state=>91, wait=>AC, org=>96, world=>AA, subtitle=>BBC, query=>AA, cleaned=>t, line=>455, public=>f
+status=>99, line=>456, disabled=>t
+org=>86, line=>457, public=>t, coauthors=>AC
+status=>14, cleaned=>t, line=>458, disabled=>t
+world=>AB, user=>CB, query=>AAB, line=>459, pos=>66, public=>f, node=>BBA
+state=>58, world=>BB, wait=>CBA, title=>BCA, line=>460, pos=>95, abstract=>CCA, space=>BC, coauthors=>CB
+auth=>CAC, title=>AB, query=>BBA, user=>CB, line=>462, abstract=>BCC, pos=>89, coauthors=>ABB
+org=>13, bad=>f, query=>AA, status=>49, line=>463, disabled=>f
+bad=>t, cleaned=>f, line=>464, coauthors=>BB
+org=>14, query=>BA, line=>465, pos=>25, abstract=>BBA, space=>AAA, node=>CAC
+org=>63, title=>CA, subtitle=>ACC, query=>BAC, status=>76, line=>466, abstract=>ACA
+wait=>BA, subtitle=>BC, line=>467, disabled=>f, abstract=>AC
+org=>76, title=>CA, query=>AB, line=>468, public=>f
+state=>95, world=>AC, bad=>f, status=>65, cleaned=>f, line=>469, disabled=>f
+wait=>AB, subtitle=>AA, bad=>f, user=>CC, query=>BBC, status=>6, line=>470, date=>CCC
+state=>82, bad=>t, indexed=>t, line=>471, date=>BB, coauthors=>AAA
+state=>12, auth=>ACB, world=>CBC, bad=>f, indexed=>t, line=>473, date=>CA, space=>ABB, coauthors=>CC
+subtitle=>AA, bad=>f, user=>ACC, line=>474, pos=>86, abstract=>CAC, space=>BBA
+cleaned=>t, line=>475
+title=>CC, wait=>BB, status=>6, line=>476, abstract=>ACC, date=>CB, space=>BA, public=>t
+state=>96, wait=>BA, org=>30, subtitle=>BB, user=>CBB, status=>19, line=>477
+state=>78, org=>99, title=>CC, line=>478, node=>BAB
+world=>CBC, bad=>f, line=>479, date=>ACB, public=>t, node=>CB
+state=>0, query=>ABC, status=>65, line=>480, disabled=>t, space=>CBA, node=>BA
+auth=>BAC, org=>24, subtitle=>BBC, bad=>f, user=>CAC, line=>481, date=>BBB, public=>t, coauthors=>CBA
+org=>18, bad=>t, cleaned=>f, status=>3, indexed=>t, line=>482, date=>BB, coauthors=>ACC
+wait=>CB, user=>AC, line=>483, disabled=>f
+world=>AC, subtitle=>AA, query=>AAB, line=>484, disabled=>t, space=>CAA
+line=>485, pos=>2, space=>CA
+org=>42, indexed=>f, line=>486, date=>CB
+org=>3, wait=>CAA, subtitle=>CA, cleaned=>t, line=>487, disabled=>t
+org=>68, subtitle=>CCB, query=>CAA, cleaned=>f, status=>46, line=>488, pos=>87, public=>f, node=>BC
+status=>60, cleaned=>f, line=>490, space=>CC, node=>BCB
+state=>42, org=>9, subtitle=>CBA, user=>BA, status=>96, line=>491, pos=>36
+state=>16, title=>BCC, user=>ABC, indexed=>f, status=>24, line=>492, disabled=>t, node=>CBC
+auth=>CC, wait=>BBB, line=>493, disabled=>f, public=>f, coauthors=>AB
+wait=>BB, title=>BBC, subtitle=>BA, status=>3, cleaned=>f, line=>495, disabled=>f, coauthors=>AB, node=>BAC
+query=>CC, indexed=>f, line=>497, coauthors=>CAC, node=>BC
+auth=>BBA, state=>68, line=>498
+state=>21, title=>CCB, wait=>AAA, subtitle=>CCC, user=>BAA, indexed=>t, line=>499, coauthors=>BB
+auth=>AAA, subtitle=>CC, bad=>t, user=>CC, indexed=>t, line=>500, disabled=>t, date=>AB, node=>AC
+auth=>BB, title=>CCA, user=>BA, cleaned=>t, line=>501, pos=>37, space=>BA, public=>f
+auth=>BCA, line=>502, date=>BA
+world=>ABA, bad=>t, indexed=>f, line=>503, disabled=>t, abstract=>AC, pos=>1, public=>f
+auth=>BBB, subtitle=>ACB, line=>504, space=>AC, node=>BB
+auth=>CAC, state=>19, title=>ACA, wait=>BA, query=>CC, line=>505
+subtitle=>BC, cleaned=>f, indexed=>f, line=>506, date=>CAB, public=>f, node=>ABC
+state=>87, wait=>CCC, query=>CAC, user=>CBB, line=>507, abstract=>BBC, date=>AA, coauthors=>CA
+auth=>AC, subtitle=>BC, bad=>f, query=>ABA, user=>CBB, indexed=>t, cleaned=>f, line=>508, coauthors=>BA
+auth=>AA, title=>ABA, subtitle=>CCA, query=>CC, line=>509, pos=>27, node=>CBB
+org=>5, title=>CAC, subtitle=>BBB, line=>510, pos=>76, abstract=>AAB, space=>AA
+bad=>t, line=>511
+wait=>ACB, indexed=>f, line=>512
+auth=>CBA, world=>BA, bad=>t, user=>CBA, query=>CC, line=>513, public=>f, coauthors=>CC
+state=>97, wait=>BB, line=>515, date=>CBC, space=>CA
+auth=>CBC, line=>516, disabled=>t
+state=>91, user=>CCA, line=>517, coauthors=>BA, node=>CBA
+bad=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>518, space=>AAB
+title=>CA, cleaned=>f, status=>38, line=>520
+auth=>BCA, world=>AC, org=>71, user=>CA, line=>521, abstract=>AAB
+bad=>t, line=>522, pos=>28, abstract=>BAA
+line=>523, coauthors=>CBC, node=>AAB
+status=>51, cleaned=>f, line=>524
+query=>AAB, line=>525, disabled=>t, date=>AA, public=>t, coauthors=>CA
+org=>15, user=>AC, cleaned=>f, line=>526, coauthors=>CAC, node=>BAB
+world=>ABA, line=>527, disabled=>t, public=>t
+auth=>BBC, state=>48, bad=>f, line=>528, abstract=>BB, date=>BAC, space=>BA, public=>t
+auth=>BA, wait=>CAC, subtitle=>ABC, query=>CB, indexed=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>529, disabled=>t, date=>CA
+wait=>AC, world=>ABA, org=>55, bad=>t, indexed=>t, line=>530, pos=>32, space=>BCA, public=>t
+title=>CBC, wait=>BAA, line=>531
+world=>AA, line=>532, pos=>35, space=>AAB, public=>t
+line=>533, space=>AB, coauthors=>BA
+auth=>CBC, world=>BB, line=>534, space=>ACA, coauthors=>CBB
+wait=>ACA, status=>47, line=>535, public=>t, node=>BAA
+org=>16, subtitle=>BBB, line=>536, abstract=>AC, space=>CB, coauthors=>CC, node=>CBC
+wait=>AAB, line=>537, abstract=>AB, space=>CAC
+query=>CAC, line=>538
+world=>AC, query=>AAA, indexed=>f, status=>18, line=>539, pos=>62, space=>BC, coauthors=>BAC
+org=>30, world=>AA, query=>BC, user=>BAC, status=>12, cleaned=>t, line=>540, space=>AB
+org=>30, user=>CCB, query=>BB, cleaned=>f, line=>541, disabled=>t, public=>t, node=>CBA
+subtitle=>ABB, bad=>t, line=>543
+subtitle=>BBB, bad=>t, line=>544, pos=>43, coauthors=>ABB
+subtitle=>AB, user=>BA, line=>546, node=>CB
+title=>BBB, user=>AA, line=>547, abstract=>CBB, pos=>45
+wait=>CCB, title=>AC, world=>AAA, line=>548, abstract=>BBC, pos=>23, coauthors=>ACC
+org=>55, subtitle=>BA, line=>549, disabled=>t, date=>CB, space=>AA
+org=>39, cleaned=>t, line=>550, public=>f
+state=>41, auth=>CC, world=>CB, line=>551, space=>AAB
+state=>26, bad=>f, query=>BAA, status=>84, indexed=>t, line=>553, disabled=>f, coauthors=>CC, node=>CBB
+world=>ABA, user=>CCC, query=>ABB, line=>554, space=>ABC, node=>AAA
+state=>18, wait=>CCB, bad=>t, user=>BA, line=>555, space=>CC, coauthors=>BB, node=>BBB
+auth=>AA, state=>71, subtitle=>AA, query=>ACC, indexed=>t, line=>556, space=>BAB, public=>f
+indexed=>t, cleaned=>t, line=>557, disabled=>f, abstract=>AB
+auth=>BCC, title=>ACB, world=>BCA, user=>BAB, cleaned=>f, line=>558, space=>BB, coauthors=>CBC
+auth=>ACC, org=>18, wait=>AB, status=>1, indexed=>t, line=>560
+status=>8, line=>561, abstract=>BA, public=>f
+state=>27, title=>ABA, bad=>t, query=>AAB, indexed=>f, line=>562, pos=>86, public=>t, coauthors=>BA
+title=>BAC, wait=>CCC, user=>BA, line=>564, disabled=>f, date=>BB, public=>t, space=>CB, coauthors=>CCB
+wait=>CAA, line=>565, pos=>80, space=>AB
+auth=>CBB, subtitle=>BCA, user=>CB, line=>566, abstract=>BC, date=>AB
+title=>CCB, status=>78, line=>567, pos=>68, node=>BA
+auth=>BC, query=>AB, line=>568, space=>AB, node=>BB
+line=>570, pos=>54
+world=>BBB, user=>CC, indexed=>t, line=>571, abstract=>CC, coauthors=>BA, node=>ABB
+state=>41, line=>572
+subtitle=>CBC, cleaned=>t, line=>573, node=>BCB
+title=>ABA, line=>574, pos=>27, space=>CC
+status=>29, indexed=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>575, pos=>52, public=>f, coauthors=>ACC
+title=>BBB, org=>86, wait=>AAA, user=>CC, query=>CA, line=>576, disabled=>f, date=>AB, node=>BC
+line=>577, abstract=>CAA, date=>BB
+auth=>CCC, subtitle=>BBB, query=>ABA, line=>578, pos=>99, space=>CCB, public=>t, coauthors=>ACA, node=>ACB
+wait=>BCC, line=>579
+state=>99, world=>BAC, user=>CA, line=>580
+state=>55, world=>AAA, title=>AAA, cleaned=>f, line=>581, date=>AC, public=>t, node=>AA
+query=>ACC, cleaned=>t, line=>582, disabled=>f
+auth=>AAB, query=>BAC, line=>583
+auth=>AA, user=>BAC, line=>584
+org=>96, wait=>BC, bad=>f, cleaned=>f, status=>96, line=>586, pos=>95
+auth=>BC, subtitle=>BCB, bad=>t, user=>BBC, line=>587, pos=>79, node=>BA
+state=>55, line=>588
+title=>ABC, world=>AB, subtitle=>CBC, user=>BA, query=>BAB, line=>589, date=>AC, node=>CB
+world=>BAA, bad=>f, user=>AAB, cleaned=>f, indexed=>f, line=>590
+title=>CB, wait=>BC, subtitle=>BAC, cleaned=>t, line=>591, disabled=>f, abstract=>CBB, public=>f, node=>ACC
+user=>BC, line=>592, public=>f
+wait=>CC, org=>57, title=>BAC, line=>594, abstract=>AA
+auth=>BBC, state=>3, world=>AAC, query=>BA, line=>595, coauthors=>BB
+subtitle=>CC, user=>CC, line=>597
+wait=>BBA, user=>AAA, line=>598, space=>ACB, node=>AA
+auth=>BB, user=>ABA, line=>599, abstract=>AB, node=>BA
+world=>AAA, user=>BB, cleaned=>f, line=>601, space=>AC, coauthors=>ABB
+title=>CAB, bad=>f, line=>602, coauthors=>ABB
+world=>CCC, org=>79, line=>604
+org=>56, query=>AB, cleaned=>t, indexed=>t, status=>20, line=>605, public=>t, coauthors=>ACA
+auth=>BBC, org=>13, subtitle=>CC, bad=>t, user=>ABC, line=>606, date=>CA, public=>f
+query=>BA, line=>607
+bad=>t, line=>608, pos=>12, coauthors=>CB
+bad=>f, status=>42, line=>609
+bad=>t, line=>611
+auth=>CCA, subtitle=>BC, bad=>t, query=>CAA, cleaned=>f, line=>612, public=>f, node=>CBA
+org=>65, query=>BC, line=>613
+wait=>BAC, title=>AAB, user=>CAC, line=>615, pos=>69, space=>CC, node=>AAC
+bad=>f, line=>616, abstract=>AB, pos=>65, coauthors=>BBB
+org=>38, world=>BA, line=>618, coauthors=>AA, node=>BC
+cleaned=>f, line=>619, disabled=>f
+auth=>BC, line=>620, pos=>79, date=>AB, coauthors=>BAA, node=>CB
+auth=>CAA, title=>CB, user=>BAC, cleaned=>f, line=>621, public=>f, space=>CBA
+bad=>f, status=>12, line=>623
+auth=>BBB, wait=>BAC, org=>36, title=>AB, indexed=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>624, date=>AB, coauthors=>CB
+wait=>AA, subtitle=>AB, query=>CCB, line=>625, node=>CBB
+wait=>BC, subtitle=>BA, bad=>t, user=>AA, line=>626, pos=>3, date=>BB
+org=>28, user=>BC, query=>AC, status=>63, line=>627, pos=>45, public=>t, node=>BC
+query=>BC, status=>47, line=>628, disabled=>f, date=>CA, public=>f
+wait=>CB, line=>630, pos=>67, coauthors=>AC
+org=>33, world=>BBB, query=>BB, status=>92, line=>631
+state=>65, title=>AC, world=>CBC, query=>CBC, line=>632, date=>CAC, space=>CC, coauthors=>CC
+auth=>CC, query=>BCA, status=>46, line=>634, disabled=>f, pos=>69
+wait=>CB, line=>635, pos=>34
+state=>9, wait=>CC, status=>23, line=>636, disabled=>t, date=>BB, space=>AC
+user=>CCB, indexed=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>637, pos=>65, date=>AA, public=>t
+auth=>BC, wait=>AB, title=>BB, bad=>t, line=>638, abstract=>ACC, date=>BC, public=>f
+state=>44, auth=>BC, world=>CBC, line=>639, disabled=>f, date=>CAA
+world=>CB, title=>ACB, user=>BA, query=>AA, line=>640, disabled=>t, space=>AC
+state=>37, line=>641, disabled=>t, pos=>66
+world=>AAA, bad=>t, user=>AAA, query=>BA, line=>642, disabled=>t, coauthors=>CBC
+world=>BA, title=>ABB, org=>96, bad=>f, query=>AAA, status=>75, cleaned=>f, line=>643, space=>BA
+state=>36, org=>66, subtitle=>AA, query=>CA, cleaned=>t, status=>79, line=>644, date=>CB
+wait=>BC, line=>645, date=>CBA, space=>BCB, public=>t, node=>ABA
+auth=>BB, org=>37, query=>CAA, indexed=>t, line=>646, abstract=>CBA, coauthors=>CBA
+state=>58, world=>BAB, org=>11, user=>CC, line=>649
+title=>CB, status=>19, line=>650, disabled=>f, public=>f, coauthors=>AA
+user=>BBC, indexed=>t, line=>651, disabled=>t, pos=>8
+query=>CC, cleaned=>t, indexed=>f, line=>652, pos=>67, date=>AA
+auth=>AAC, line=>653, disabled=>t, public=>f, coauthors=>AAA, node=>CBB
+bad=>t, query=>AC, line=>654, disabled=>f
+world=>CCA, org=>15, bad=>f, user=>CCC, line=>655, public=>t, space=>CC
+line=>656, coauthors=>BBB
+title=>BA, line=>657, date=>ACB
+user=>BC, query=>CC, cleaned=>t, line=>658, pos=>51, abstract=>BA
+subtitle=>CCA, user=>CCA, cleaned=>f, line=>659, abstract=>BA, pos=>95, date=>CA
+auth=>CA, state=>23, org=>19, bad=>f, user=>BCB, indexed=>f, line=>660, date=>ABA
+state=>64, org=>97, bad=>f, indexed=>f, line=>661, space=>BAB, coauthors=>BB, node=>BA
+status=>11, line=>662
+title=>BCC, org=>44, subtitle=>ACB, cleaned=>f, line=>663, pos=>58
+auth=>ABB, bad=>t, line=>664, pos=>82, coauthors=>CC, node=>AB
+bad=>f, cleaned=>t, status=>25, line=>665, disabled=>f, abstract=>BB, public=>t
+wait=>AC, user=>CB, line=>666, pos=>71, abstract=>ACA, coauthors=>CBB
+title=>AA, bad=>t, user=>BB, line=>667, date=>CA, space=>BC, node=>CC
+auth=>AAB, line=>669
+wait=>AAC, query=>ABA, status=>35, line=>670, disabled=>f, pos=>56
+org=>3, line=>671
+state=>46, bad=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>672
+state=>30, org=>9, status=>72, line=>673, abstract=>ACA, coauthors=>CB
+auth=>BB, wait=>CA, title=>BBB, bad=>t, user=>AAA, status=>86, indexed=>f, line=>674, node=>BCC
+indexed=>t, line=>675, pos=>63
+bad=>t, query=>CBB, status=>5, line=>676, abstract=>CCC, public=>f, space=>BB
+title=>BBB, org=>60, bad=>t, cleaned=>f, line=>677, pos=>82, date=>BAA, space=>BB, coauthors=>CAA
+state=>73, bad=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>680, abstract=>CA, date=>CCA, space=>CB
+state=>92, query=>CC, line=>681, abstract=>AB, date=>BBB, public=>t, coauthors=>CBA
+subtitle=>CCA, line=>682
+world=>BAC, subtitle=>AC, line=>683, disabled=>t, abstract=>AA, pos=>55, space=>AC, node=>CA
+state=>75, world=>ACA, query=>BC, line=>684, coauthors=>AAC
+status=>21, line=>685
+state=>39, wait=>CB, title=>CBC, query=>BB, cleaned=>t, line=>686, disabled=>f
+world=>CCA, wait=>AB, user=>CC, query=>BB, cleaned=>t, line=>687
+auth=>CAC, state=>94, wait=>ACC, title=>BBC, user=>BB, line=>688, disabled=>f, pos=>16, coauthors=>AAC
+org=>43, line=>690
+state=>4, title=>CA, subtitle=>AA, query=>BC, line=>692, pos=>57, date=>BCA, public=>f, coauthors=>ABB
+wait=>BBA, line=>693
+auth=>BCA, bad=>f, user=>BBA, line=>694, disabled=>f, date=>CC, public=>t, coauthors=>CB
+state=>66, wait=>BB, user=>CC, indexed=>t, line=>695, pos=>99, space=>BCA
+org=>1, line=>696, disabled=>f, space=>BCC, coauthors=>BC
+auth=>BC, cleaned=>t, indexed=>f, line=>697, space=>CBB
+wait=>AC, indexed=>f, line=>698, pos=>44
+wait=>AA, title=>BBB, org=>31, indexed=>t, line=>699, disabled=>f
+auth=>BB, world=>ACC, bad=>t, indexed=>f, line=>700, abstract=>CB, pos=>5, space=>ACB, node=>CC
+cleaned=>f, line=>701, space=>CB
+line=>702, space=>CCC
+world=>CA, subtitle=>ABA, line=>703, pos=>5, date=>BA, coauthors=>AB
+line=>705, date=>BBB
+state=>10, query=>CB, status=>70, line=>706, abstract=>ABA, date=>BC
+auth=>CB, line=>707
+wait=>BBA, cleaned=>t, line=>708, pos=>94, date=>CBC
+state=>86, org=>5, world=>BB, indexed=>f, line=>709, date=>BBB, space=>CA, public=>t
+world=>ACA, query=>ABC, status=>40, line=>710, disabled=>t, public=>t, node=>CA
+bad=>t, line=>711
+query=>AB, line=>712, coauthors=>BBC, node=>AA
+user=>ABB, line=>713, public=>f, space=>AAA, node=>BBA
+auth=>AC, wait=>BAC, bad=>t, line=>714, public=>f
+line=>715, abstract=>CA, public=>f
+user=>AC, indexed=>t, line=>716, coauthors=>CB
+state=>4, title=>ABB, org=>26, indexed=>t, line=>717, public=>t, coauthors=>CCA, node=>AC
+wait=>CA, title=>CCA, world=>CCC, line=>718, abstract=>ACA
+auth=>ACA, org=>29, subtitle=>AA, user=>CA, status=>24, indexed=>t, line=>719, public=>f, node=>CA
+line=>721, disabled=>t, abstract=>BAC
+world=>BC, line=>722
+state=>27, auth=>AA, title=>BC, world=>CC, query=>BCC, line=>723, disabled=>t, pos=>9, public=>f, node=>BCC
+org=>78, wait=>ABA, cleaned=>t, indexed=>t, line=>724, date=>ACB, space=>AA
+state=>60, line=>725
+wait=>ABA, title=>CAC, user=>CCC, line=>728
+wait=>CC, indexed=>t, status=>39, line=>729, disabled=>t, public=>f
+auth=>CB, subtitle=>BBA, line=>730, coauthors=>CAC
+world=>CBB, line=>731, space=>BCB
+cleaned=>t, line=>732
+org=>67, bad=>t, line=>733, pos=>9, node=>ACC
+world=>BC, wait=>CAC, org=>58, subtitle=>ACC, bad=>t, query=>CAA, line=>734, abstract=>BCA, pos=>1, public=>t
+state=>45, query=>AB, indexed=>f, line=>735, pos=>82, date=>BC, public=>f, coauthors=>BA
+state=>68, title=>BC, cleaned=>t, status=>34, line=>736, disabled=>t, node=>BBB
+auth=>AC, line=>737
+line=>738, date=>BA, space=>CCC, public=>f
+line=>739, node=>BAA
+org=>72, title=>BC, line=>740, pos=>51, coauthors=>CA
+state=>72, user=>CCB, query=>ACA, line=>741
+org=>80, subtitle=>BBA, bad=>t, user=>BC, line=>742, pos=>52, coauthors=>BCA
+query=>BC, line=>744, abstract=>AB, public=>f, node=>BAC
+world=>CAC, line=>745
+auth=>CBB, title=>AA, user=>AB, line=>746, pos=>35, public=>f, space=>AAB
+state=>69, world=>AB, org=>78, subtitle=>BA, bad=>f, line=>747, node=>AAA
+bad=>t, line=>748, public=>t
+wait=>BC, org=>47, query=>BBB, line=>749
+title=>BBB, line=>750
+org=>33, query=>CB, line=>751, disabled=>t
+subtitle=>BB, line=>752, space=>CC
+org=>89, line=>753
+auth=>ABA, line=>754, coauthors=>ACC
+subtitle=>BA, line=>755, pos=>47
+state=>81, subtitle=>CB, query=>AB, status=>25, cleaned=>f, line=>756, pos=>72, date=>BA, coauthors=>BCA
+state=>46, status=>88, line=>757, disabled=>f, public=>t
+world=>AB, line=>758, disabled=>t, abstract=>BB, coauthors=>AAA
+query=>AC, line=>759, abstract=>AAB
+auth=>BC, indexed=>f, line=>760, abstract=>BA, node=>CAA
+state=>10, auth=>BAC, title=>BC, query=>BCA, cleaned=>t, line=>761, disabled=>t, space=>ACC, coauthors=>ABA
+line=>762, disabled=>t, pos=>43
+world=>CBA, user=>BBC, indexed=>t, line=>763
+wait=>ACB, query=>BA, status=>22, line=>764, pos=>70, abstract=>BAC, public=>f, space=>BC
+line=>766, disabled=>f, abstract=>CBC, date=>CA
+title=>CC, bad=>t, user=>BCC, indexed=>f, line=>767, date=>BCB, node=>AAA
+title=>CB, line=>768, abstract=>AA, node=>ABB
+org=>21, user=>ABC, line=>769, abstract=>BB, date=>CBB, space=>CC
+auth=>AC, org=>66, user=>CC, line=>770, public=>f, space=>CA, coauthors=>AA
+org=>58, line=>771, coauthors=>BCC, node=>AC
+auth=>BC, wait=>CC, line=>773, abstract=>ACC, pos=>98, date=>CCC, space=>ABB, node=>CB
+query=>BC, user=>AC, indexed=>t, line=>775, abstract=>AAA
+subtitle=>BAA, indexed=>f, line=>776
+line=>777, pos=>33, date=>CCB, public=>t
+world=>BCA, bad=>t, line=>778
+auth=>CA, line=>779, date=>AC, space=>CAC
+title=>BB, bad=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>780, disabled=>f, date=>BAB, space=>ACB
+auth=>CAC, title=>AAB, subtitle=>CA, bad=>f, line=>781, disabled=>f, space=>CB
+state=>78, auth=>AC, bad=>t, status=>46, line=>782, abstract=>CCA, pos=>97, public=>t
+user=>BBA, line=>783
+state=>63, title=>CA, cleaned=>t, line=>785, abstract=>BA, space=>BCC
+line=>786, node=>CAC
+line=>787, pos=>65
+line=>788, space=>ABB
+org=>14, line=>790, abstract=>CAB, coauthors=>BBC
+subtitle=>CBA, cleaned=>f, line=>791, disabled=>f, pos=>57, node=>CB
+auth=>CAA, org=>84, wait=>AB, indexed=>t, status=>51, line=>792, abstract=>CC
+org=>72, bad=>t, line=>793, space=>ACA
+auth=>BC, state=>76, wait=>CC, user=>ABB, cleaned=>f, line=>795, pos=>99, abstract=>CA
+wait=>CCA, world=>CBC, line=>796, date=>CB, public=>f
+state=>49, line=>797, coauthors=>CC
+wait=>BBB, title=>ABB, org=>74, line=>798, disabled=>f, pos=>34, space=>BB
+line=>799, abstract=>CB
+state=>84, user=>ABB, cleaned=>f, status=>18, line=>800, disabled=>t, date=>CCA, node=>BA
+state=>81, auth=>CB, world=>CA, user=>CAA, line=>801, date=>AC, space=>CBC, coauthors=>BCB
+org=>4, line=>802, disabled=>f, abstract=>ABA, public=>f
+auth=>CBC, state=>99, cleaned=>t, line=>803, disabled=>t, space=>BC, node=>BBC
+auth=>AC, wait=>CA, cleaned=>f, line=>804, pos=>54, date=>BAA, public=>t, space=>AB
+auth=>BCB, wait=>BCC, subtitle=>AAA, line=>806
+line=>807, disabled=>f, space=>ACA
+org=>96, query=>CBA, line=>808, disabled=>f, pos=>74, space=>CA, public=>f
+state=>12, title=>AA, bad=>f, status=>20, line=>810, disabled=>t, coauthors=>CAC, node=>AB
+auth=>ABC, line=>811, date=>CA
+title=>AB, indexed=>f, line=>812, disabled=>f, node=>AAC
+world=>CBA, status=>15, line=>814, abstract=>CBA
+status=>49, line=>815, pos=>49
+subtitle=>CAB, line=>816
+world=>CAC, title=>CB, wait=>AA, query=>CA, indexed=>t, line=>819, disabled=>t
+auth=>ABB, wait=>AC, query=>CC, cleaned=>t, indexed=>f, line=>820, abstract=>AA, public=>f, node=>AB
+org=>5, wait=>BA, indexed=>t, line=>821, node=>AB
+title=>CC, wait=>CC, bad=>f, query=>BCC, indexed=>f, line=>822, pos=>27, date=>CB, node=>CBA
+query=>BC, status=>28, line=>823, public=>f
+status=>1, line=>824, abstract=>BB
+auth=>AA, title=>BC, query=>CA, status=>33, line=>826
+state=>9, title=>BB, subtitle=>ACC, bad=>t, query=>BA, status=>41, line=>827, abstract=>ACB, public=>f
+auth=>AB, subtitle=>CAB, line=>828, public=>f, coauthors=>AB, node=>BAC
+line=>829, disabled=>f, public=>t, node=>CBC
+auth=>BAB, line=>830
+wait=>BBA, bad=>t, indexed=>f, line=>831, space=>BB
+org=>70, wait=>BC, world=>AC, indexed=>t, status=>96, line=>832, disabled=>t, space=>AB
+state=>8, world=>BAB, bad=>t, indexed=>t, status=>18, line=>833, date=>BA, space=>BA
+query=>AB, line=>834
+bad=>t, status=>5, line=>835
+world=>BAC, subtitle=>BB, bad=>f, user=>AB, indexed=>f, cleaned=>t, line=>836
+line=>837, public=>f
+line=>838, pos=>7
+auth=>CA, query=>ABB, indexed=>t, line=>839, public=>t
+wait=>CC, bad=>f, line=>840, date=>AAB, public=>f, coauthors=>BCB
+auth=>AB, state=>97, org=>24, line=>841, pos=>41, node=>BC
+wait=>BB, world=>CBA, user=>BAA, status=>18, line=>842, date=>BAB, public=>t
+title=>BA, subtitle=>CA, query=>CCB, line=>843, space=>BB
+auth=>BB, world=>ACA, line=>844, pos=>29
+state=>65, org=>40, query=>CAA, user=>AB, indexed=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>845
+title=>CB, cleaned=>f, indexed=>f, line=>846
+wait=>CAA, indexed=>f, line=>847, disabled=>f
+title=>CB, query=>CC, line=>849, abstract=>CB, pos=>10, public=>t
+auth=>CB, subtitle=>BA, cleaned=>t, line=>850, disabled=>t, pos=>84
+org=>45, wait=>BA, query=>CCC, line=>851, date=>BCA, coauthors=>CAB
+state=>84, title=>CB, line=>852, pos=>71, space=>CA
+line=>853, public=>t, node=>AA
+subtitle=>BC, user=>AB, cleaned=>t, line=>854, public=>t
+state=>26, wait=>BA, world=>BBB, user=>BB, status=>53, line=>855, abstract=>ABA, pos=>72, space=>AC
+line=>856, public=>f, coauthors=>CA
+wait=>ABB, subtitle=>CBA, line=>857, pos=>44
+auth=>ABA, wait=>CC, org=>0, bad=>t, query=>BB, line=>858, disabled=>f, public=>t
+bad=>f, user=>AA, line=>859, pos=>90
+world=>BCC, title=>BAA, bad=>f, user=>CAA, query=>BBC, line=>860, date=>CAA, space=>BCB, public=>t, coauthors=>CB
+title=>BAB, world=>BC, subtitle=>AA, cleaned=>f, status=>9, line=>861, pos=>95
+title=>AC, line=>862
+wait=>CB, bad=>f, status=>89, line=>863, coauthors=>AB
+subtitle=>ACC, indexed=>t, cleaned=>t, line=>864
+title=>AB, subtitle=>CBB, query=>ACA, indexed=>t, line=>865, disabled=>t
+title=>BC, world=>BB, query=>AA, user=>ACB, status=>43, cleaned=>f, line=>866, coauthors=>CBC, node=>ACB
+org=>25, wait=>AC, indexed=>f, line=>868, disabled=>f, abstract=>CA, pos=>48
+bad=>t, status=>34, line=>869, pos=>32, date=>AC, public=>t, node=>AA
+state=>33, wait=>AAC, indexed=>t, status=>20, line=>870, abstract=>BA
+wait=>CCC, subtitle=>AC, line=>871, disabled=>f, space=>BA, public=>t, coauthors=>BCC
+status=>49, line=>872
+state=>90, title=>ACC, world=>CBB, subtitle=>BAB, bad=>f, status=>94, line=>873, abstract=>CB
+title=>BCB, line=>874
+cleaned=>f, line=>875
+wait=>BAA, subtitle=>BBC, line=>876
+auth=>AB, org=>35, bad=>f, indexed=>f, line=>877, coauthors=>BBA
+line=>878, public=>f
+auth=>CB, wait=>CBC, indexed=>f, line=>880, public=>t
+query=>CC, status=>4, line=>881, disabled=>t, node=>CA
+title=>BB, line=>882
+state=>53, bad=>f, cleaned=>f, status=>63, line=>883, coauthors=>BAA
+auth=>ACA, world=>AC, user=>CBC, line=>884, date=>BCA, node=>BBC
+auth=>BAB, state=>11, world=>CB, org=>77, query=>BA, cleaned=>f, line=>885, space=>AC
+world=>CA, user=>CA, line=>886, node=>CB
+state=>32, org=>50, wait=>AA, line=>887, disabled=>f, space=>BBA, public=>f
+cleaned=>t, line=>888, pos=>70, node=>ABC
+org=>63, user=>AAB, query=>BB, line=>889, date=>BC, space=>CBB, node=>ABC
+wait=>BB, user=>BB, query=>CB, line=>890, space=>BB, coauthors=>BA, node=>ABC
+auth=>BC, world=>CC, subtitle=>CB, line=>891, public=>f, coauthors=>BC
+state=>13, org=>38, line=>892, coauthors=>BC, node=>ABC
+auth=>CC, world=>CAC, line=>893, date=>BBA, node=>CBC
+auth=>AA, line=>895, coauthors=>BB
+auth=>AA, state=>76, status=>85, line=>896, date=>CCC, public=>t, coauthors=>AB
+auth=>AB, indexed=>t, cleaned=>f, line=>897
+line=>898, coauthors=>CBB
+wait=>ACC, line=>900, abstract=>BBA
+auth=>AA, wait=>BCB, cleaned=>f, line=>901, abstract=>AAC
+state=>68, title=>AC, subtitle=>BB, line=>902
+state=>41, wait=>ABA, bad=>f, user=>BBA, status=>46, line=>903, node=>AAB
+cleaned=>f, line=>905, pos=>33
+bad=>f, query=>BA, line=>906, pos=>48, space=>CB, public=>t
+query=>CB, indexed=>t, line=>907, pos=>41, abstract=>CBB, space=>BA, public=>f, node=>BC
+title=>AB, line=>908
+auth=>BC, title=>CB, line=>909, disabled=>f, space=>CA, public=>t, coauthors=>BC
+world=>AA, user=>ABA, indexed=>f, line=>910, abstract=>CC
+auth=>CCA, indexed=>f, line=>911, date=>AC, public=>f
+world=>AAB, bad=>t, line=>912
+subtitle=>CBB, line=>913, public=>t
+wait=>CB, line=>914, disabled=>f, pos=>71, date=>BA, space=>CBA, public=>f, coauthors=>BB
+org=>67, wait=>CA, bad=>f, line=>915, disabled=>f, public=>t
+line=>917, date=>CB
+auth=>CBB, world=>AAA, status=>83, indexed=>f, line=>918, disabled=>t, date=>CBA, coauthors=>ACC
+wait=>AB, title=>BA, status=>33, line=>919, disabled=>f
+wait=>ACB, cleaned=>f, line=>920, abstract=>AA, coauthors=>BCB
+wait=>ABB, org=>40, world=>BC, subtitle=>CA, user=>AAC, status=>14, indexed=>t, line=>921, pos=>66
+auth=>BA, org=>22, wait=>BAB, bad=>t, user=>ACC, status=>32, line=>922
+world=>BA, query=>CAB, status=>0, line=>923
+org=>84, bad=>t, line=>924, coauthors=>BAB
+auth=>ACC, subtitle=>AAA, query=>CCA, cleaned=>f, line=>925, pos=>60, space=>BC
+wait=>BC, subtitle=>CCC, bad=>f, cleaned=>f, indexed=>f, line=>926, public=>f, coauthors=>AC
+auth=>CA, state=>91, org=>6, world=>AA, wait=>ABB, query=>AAC, line=>927, date=>CA, node=>BAC
+world=>BCA, query=>AA, user=>BBC, line=>928, disabled=>f
+world=>CBC, user=>CBC, line=>929, date=>CAC
+world=>BCB, bad=>f, user=>BB, line=>930
+auth=>CA, world=>AA, query=>ABA, user=>AA, indexed=>t, line=>931, coauthors=>BBC
+auth=>BAA, bad=>t, line=>932, disabled=>f, pos=>93, abstract=>CCA, date=>BBA, coauthors=>AA
+line=>933, space=>CAB, node=>AB
+status=>60, cleaned=>t, indexed=>t, line=>935, pos=>35, space=>CAB, node=>BBB
+wait=>AAA, bad=>t, status=>26, line=>936, abstract=>ACB, space=>BBA, coauthors=>CCC
+title=>BA, bad=>t, line=>937, date=>BBA, public=>t
+query=>BA, user=>BA, line=>939, disabled=>t
+line=>940, date=>CC
+wait=>CAB, query=>BCA, user=>BC, line=>941, pos=>8, coauthors=>ACC
+line=>942, space=>BA
+auth=>CA, org=>11, line=>943, pos=>99
+org=>83, line=>944, disabled=>f, date=>BBA, space=>AC, node=>AC
+world=>CCA, line=>945, node=>BC
+org=>95, title=>CA, world=>BA, line=>946, pos=>36, coauthors=>CA
+state=>93, line=>947
+cleaned=>f, status=>5, line=>948, abstract=>BB, public=>f, coauthors=>ABC
+world=>CA, org=>61, bad=>f, query=>CC, cleaned=>t, line=>949, pos=>14, space=>CC
+state=>91, line=>950, abstract=>BA, date=>AB
+auth=>BBC, line=>951, date=>BB
+auth=>BAB, line=>952, disabled=>t, node=>AAA
+auth=>CAA, subtitle=>ABA, bad=>t, line=>953
+auth=>CA, wait=>BB, org=>12, user=>BCC, cleaned=>f, line=>954, public=>f, coauthors=>AA
+org=>93, cleaned=>t, line=>955, disabled=>t, public=>t, node=>ACA
+line=>956, pos=>10
+org=>74, world=>CCC, subtitle=>AB, user=>AAA, cleaned=>t, line=>957, pos=>70, public=>t, node=>CC
+state=>51, line=>958
+world=>CCA, title=>BCB, user=>AB, indexed=>t, line=>959, disabled=>t, pos=>21, date=>CBC
+org=>86, wait=>BC, query=>BB, user=>AA, indexed=>t, line=>960, pos=>58, date=>AB
+line=>961, node=>CC
+auth=>BCB, world=>ACC, subtitle=>CA, bad=>t, user=>BA, indexed=>f, line=>962, public=>f
+status=>37, line=>964
+state=>70, status=>76, indexed=>f, line=>965, disabled=>t, space=>BB
+state=>67, world=>CA, title=>AA, line=>967, abstract=>BA, space=>BAA
+auth=>CA, world=>AA, bad=>t, query=>BC, status=>53, indexed=>f, line=>968, date=>AB, node=>BAA
+query=>AC, cleaned=>t, line=>969, abstract=>BC, space=>CAB, coauthors=>BAA
+wait=>BCA, world=>CB, title=>BC, indexed=>f, line=>970, disabled=>t, pos=>70, date=>AB
+subtitle=>BC, query=>AA, line=>972
+line=>973, public=>t
+org=>75, world=>AAB, subtitle=>BB, user=>CC, line=>974, space=>CA
+auth=>BCB, cleaned=>t, line=>975
+title=>BAC, user=>CB, line=>976, public=>f
+subtitle=>BAC, indexed=>f, cleaned=>f, line=>977, disabled=>f, abstract=>ABC, space=>ABA
+state=>63, bad=>f, line=>978, pos=>93, node=>AAC
+cleaned=>f, line=>980, abstract=>CCB
+state=>40, title=>ABA, subtitle=>CAB, query=>BC, line=>981, date=>CA, coauthors=>AB
+auth=>ABA, subtitle=>ACC, user=>AA, query=>AC, cleaned=>t, line=>983, date=>ACB, node=>CB
+state=>32, title=>ABC, org=>58, status=>95, line=>984, disabled=>t, pos=>6, space=>CBB
+title=>BCC, subtitle=>CCC, user=>BBC, line=>985, public=>f, coauthors=>CCB, node=>AA
+subtitle=>ACA, query=>BCC, status=>43, cleaned=>t, indexed=>t, line=>986, abstract=>CAC
+world=>CAB, org=>21, indexed=>t, line=>988, abstract=>ABC
+title=>CBC, status=>66, line=>989
+line=>991, abstract=>BA, node=>BBB
+line=>992, disabled=>t, pos=>29, public=>f
+state=>53, wait=>CB, subtitle=>CCC, line=>993, date=>CAC, public=>f, coauthors=>BB
+wait=>CBA, title=>CA, subtitle=>BB, user=>BAA, line=>994, disabled=>t, date=>BB, coauthors=>CCC, node=>CC
+title=>BB, user=>AA, query=>CAA, status=>43, line=>995, pos=>6, abstract=>CC, public=>t
+wait=>AC, query=>BA, line=>996, coauthors=>BB, node=>CCC
+auth=>BC, title=>CAC, subtitle=>BA, line=>997, date=>BAA
+wait=>AB, user=>ABC, line=>998, pos=>41, node=>CAC
+state=>4, title=>AC, bad=>t, status=>59, line=>999, disabled=>t
+user=>BC, line=>1000
+wait=>NULL, line=>1000
--- /dev/null
+set escape_string_warning=off;
+select ''::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>b'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select ' a=>b'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select 'a =>b'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>b '::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select 'a=> b'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select '"a"=>"b"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select ' "a"=>"b"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select '"a" =>"b"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select '"a"=>"b" '::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select '"a"=> "b"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>bb'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select ' aa=>bb'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa =>bb'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>bb '::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=> bb'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select '"aa"=>"bb"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select ' "aa"=>"bb"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select '"aa" =>"bb"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select '"aa"=>"bb" '::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select '"aa"=> "bb"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>bb, cc=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>bb , cc=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>bb ,cc=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>bb, "cc"=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>bb , "cc"=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>bb ,"cc"=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>"bb", cc=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>"bb" , cc=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>"bb" ,cc=>dd'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"bb", "cc"=>"dd"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>null'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>NuLl'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>"NuLl"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"NuLl"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>nul'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"nul"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>NuL'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"NuL"
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>"NuL"'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>"NuL"
+(1 row)
+select e'\\=a=>q=w'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "=a"=>"q=w"
+(1 row)
+select e'"=a"=>q\\=w'::hstore;
+ hstore
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+(1 row)
+select e'"\\"a"=>q>w'::hstore;
+ hstore
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+(1 row)
+select e'\\"a=>q"w'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "\"a"=>"q\"w"
+(1 row)
+select ''::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+select ' '::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+-- -> operator
+select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'c';
+ ?column?
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+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'b';
+ ?column?
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+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa';
+ ?column?
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+(1 row)
+select ('aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'gg') is null;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select ('aa=>NULL, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa') is null;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select ('aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa') is null;
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+-- -> array operator
+select 'aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['aa','c'];
+ ?column?
+ {"NULL",d}
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['c','aa'];
+ ?column?
+ {d,"NULL"}
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>NULL, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['aa','c',null];
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1, c=>3, b=>2, d=>4'::hstore -> ARRAY[['b','d'],['aa','c']];
+ ?column?
+ {{2,4},{1,3}}
+(1 row)
+-- exists/defined
+select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'a');
+ exist
+ t
+(1 row)
+select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'b');
+ exist
+ t
+(1 row)
+select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'c');
+ exist
+ f
+(1 row)
+select exist('a=>"NULL", b=>qq', 'a');
+ exist
+ t
+(1 row)
+select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'a');
+ defined
+ f
+(1 row)
+select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'b');
+ defined
+ t
+(1 row)
+select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'c');
+ defined
+ f
+(1 row)
+select defined('a=>"NULL", b=>qq', 'a');
+ defined
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'a';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'b';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'c';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>"NULL", b=>qq' ? 'a';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['a','b'];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['b','a'];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['c','a'];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['c','d'];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| '{}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['a','b'];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['b','a'];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['c','a'];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['c','d'];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& '{}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- delete
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'a');
+ delete
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select delete('a=>null , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'a');
+ delete
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'b');
+ delete
+ "a"=>1, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'c');
+ delete
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2
+(1 row)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'd');
+ delete
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>null , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'c'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'd'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b'::text)
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- delete (array)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['d','e']);
+ delete
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['d','b']);
+ delete
+ "a"=>1, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['a','c']);
+ delete
+ "b"=>2
+(1 row)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY[['b'],['c'],['a']]);
+ delete
+(1 row)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, '{}'::text[]);
+ delete
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['d','e'];
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['d','b'];
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['a','c'];
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY[['b'],['c'],['a']];
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - '{}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['a','c'])
+ = pg_column_size('b=>2'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - '{}'::text[])
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- delete (hstore)
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>4, b=>2'::hstore);
+ delete
+ "c"=>3, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>NULL, c=>3'::hstore);
+ delete
+ "b"=>2, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+ delete
+(1 row)
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'b=>2'::hstore);
+ delete
+ "c"=>3, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ''::hstore);
+ delete
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>4, b=>2'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "c"=>3, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>NULL, c=>3'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b=>2'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "c"=>3, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ''::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b=>2'::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, c=>3'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ''::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- ||
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f';
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>"g", "aa"=>1, "cq"=>"l", "fg"=>f
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'aq=>l';
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "aa"=>1, "aq"=>"l", "cq"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'aa=>l';
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "aa"=>"l", "cq"=>3
+(1 row)
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || '';
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "aa"=>1, "cq"=>3
+(1 row)
+select ''::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f';
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>"g", "cq"=>"l", "fg"=>f
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size(''::hstore || ''::hstore) = pg_column_size(''::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size('aa=>1'::hstore || 'b=>2'::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore || ''::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size(''::hstore || 'aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- hstore(text,text)
+select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('asd', 'gf');
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"c", "asd"=>"gf"
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'gf');
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"gf"
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'NULL');
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"NULL"
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', NULL);
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+select ('a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore(NULL, 'b')) is null;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size(hstore('b', 'gf'))
+ = pg_column_size('b=>gf'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'gf'))
+ = pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>gf'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- slice()
+select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+ slice
+(1 row)
+select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b']);
+ slice
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['aa','b']);
+ slice
+ "b"=>2, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b','aa']);
+ slice
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3, "aa"=>1
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size(slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b']))
+ = pg_column_size('b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size(slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b','aa']))
+ = pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- array input
+select '{}'::text[]::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+select ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd']::hstore;
+ERROR: array must have even number of elements
+select ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd','i']::hstore;
+ array
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"h", "asd"=>"i"
+(1 row)
+select ARRAY[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]::hstore;
+ array
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"h", "asd"=>"i"
+(1 row)
+select ARRAY[['a','g','b'],['h','asd','i']]::hstore;
+ERROR: array must have two columns
+select ARRAY[[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]]::hstore;
+ERROR: wrong number of array subscripts
+select hstore('{}'::text[]);
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+select hstore(ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd']);
+ERROR: array must have even number of elements
+select hstore(ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd','i']);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"h", "asd"=>"i"
+(1 row)
+select hstore(ARRAY[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"h", "asd"=>"i"
+(1 row)
+select hstore(ARRAY[['a','g','b'],['h','asd','i']]);
+ERROR: array must have two columns
+select hstore(ARRAY[[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]]);
+ERROR: wrong number of array subscripts
+select hstore('[0:5]={a,g,b,h,asd,i}'::text[]);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"h", "asd"=>"i"
+(1 row)
+select hstore('[0:2][1:2]={{a,g},{b,h},{asd,i}}'::text[]);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"h", "asd"=>"i"
+(1 row)
+-- pairs of arrays
+select hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"h", "asd"=>"i"
+(1 row)
+select hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h',NULL]);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"g", "b"=>"h", "asd"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+select hstore(ARRAY['z','y','x'], ARRAY['1','2','3']);
+ hstore
+ "x"=>"3", "y"=>"2", "z"=>"1"
+(1 row)
+select hstore(ARRAY['aaa','bb','c','d'], ARRAY[null::text,null,null,null]);
+ hstore
+ "c"=>NULL, "d"=>NULL, "bb"=>NULL, "aaa"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+select hstore(ARRAY['aaa','bb','c','d'], null);
+ hstore
+ "c"=>NULL, "d"=>NULL, "bb"=>NULL, "aaa"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+select quote_literal(hstore('{}'::text[], '{}'::text[]));
+ quote_literal
+ ''
+(1 row)
+select quote_literal(hstore('{}'::text[], null));
+ quote_literal
+ ''
+(1 row)
+select hstore(ARRAY['a'], '{}'::text[]); -- error
+ERROR: arrays must have same bounds
+select hstore('{}'::text[], ARRAY['a']); -- error
+ERROR: arrays must have same bounds
+select pg_column_size(hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h','i']))
+ = pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>h, asd=>i'::hstore);
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- records
+select hstore(v) from (values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8)) v(a,b,c,d);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>"foo", "c"=>1.2, "d"=>3
+(1 row)
+create domain hstestdom1 as integer not null default 0;
+create table testhstore0 (a integer, b text, c numeric, d float8);
+create table testhstore1 (a integer, b text, c numeric, d float8, e hstestdom1);
+insert into testhstore0 values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8);
+insert into testhstore1 values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8);
+select hstore(v) from testhstore1 v;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>"foo", "c"=>1.2, "d"=>3, "e"=>0
+(1 row)
+select hstore(null::testhstore0);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>NULL, "b"=>NULL, "c"=>NULL, "d"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+select hstore(null::testhstore1);
+ hstore
+ "a"=>NULL, "b"=>NULL, "c"=>NULL, "d"=>NULL, "e"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+select pg_column_size(hstore(v))
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>"foo", c=>1.2, d=>3, e=>0'::hstore)
+ from testhstore1 v;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(v, hstore('c', '3.45')) from testhstore1 v;
+ populate_record
+ (1,foo,3.45,3,0)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(v, hstore('d', '3.45')) from testhstore1 v;
+ populate_record
+ (1,foo,1.2,3.45,0)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(v, hstore('e', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
+ populate_record
+ (1,foo,1.2,3,123)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(v, hstore('e', null)) from testhstore1 v;
+ERROR: domain hstestdom1 does not allow null values
+select populate_record(v, hstore('c', null)) from testhstore1 v;
+ populate_record
+ (1,foo,,3,0)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('a', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
+ populate_record
+ (123,foo,1.2,3,0)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', null)) from testhstore0 v;
+ populate_record
+ (1,foo,1.2,3)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', null)) from testhstore1 v;
+ERROR: domain hstestdom1 does not allow null values
+select populate_record(v, '') from testhstore0 v;
+ populate_record
+ (1,foo,1.2,3)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(v, '') from testhstore1 v;
+ populate_record
+ (1,foo,1.2,3,0)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(null::testhstore1, hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('a', '123'));
+ERROR: domain hstestdom1 does not allow null values
+select populate_record(null::testhstore1, hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('e', '123'));
+ populate_record
+ (,,3.45,,123)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(null::testhstore0, '');
+ populate_record
+ (,,,)
+(1 row)
+select populate_record(null::testhstore1, '');
+ERROR: domain hstestdom1 does not allow null values
+select v #= hstore('c', '3.45') from testhstore1 v;
+ ?column?
+ (1,foo,3.45,3,0)
+(1 row)
+select v #= hstore('d', '3.45') from testhstore1 v;
+ ?column?
+ (1,foo,1.2,3.45,0)
+(1 row)
+select v #= hstore('e', '123') from testhstore1 v;
+ ?column?
+ (1,foo,1.2,3,123)
+(1 row)
+select v #= hstore('c', null) from testhstore1 v;
+ ?column?
+ (1,foo,,3,0)
+(1 row)
+select v #= hstore('e', null) from testhstore0 v;
+ ?column?
+ (1,foo,1.2,3)
+(1 row)
+select v #= hstore('e', null) from testhstore1 v;
+ERROR: domain hstestdom1 does not allow null values
+select v #= (hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('a', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
+ ?column?
+ (123,foo,1.2,3,0)
+(1 row)
+select v #= (hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
+ ?column?
+ (1,foo,1.2,3,123)
+(1 row)
+select v #= hstore '' from testhstore0 v;
+ ?column?
+ (1,foo,1.2,3)
+(1 row)
+select v #= hstore '' from testhstore1 v;
+ ?column?
+ (1,foo,1.2,3,0)
+(1 row)
+select null::testhstore1 #= (hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('a', '123'));
+ERROR: domain hstestdom1 does not allow null values
+select null::testhstore1 #= (hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('e', '123'));
+ ?column?
+ (,,3.45,,123)
+(1 row)
+select null::testhstore0 #= hstore '';
+ ?column?
+ (,,,)
+(1 row)
+select null::testhstore1 #= hstore '';
+ERROR: domain hstestdom1 does not allow null values
+select v #= h from testhstore1 v, (values (hstore 'a=>123',1),('b=>foo,c=>3.21',2),('a=>null',3),('e=>123',4),('f=>blah',5)) x(h,i) order by i;
+ ?column?
+ (123,foo,1.2,3,0)
+ (1,foo,3.21,3,0)
+ (,foo,1.2,3,0)
+ (1,foo,1.2,3,123)
+ (1,foo,1.2,3,0)
+(5 rows)
+-- keys/values
+select akeys('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
+ akeys
+ {b,aa,cq,fg}
+(1 row)
+select akeys('""=>1');
+ akeys
+ {""}
+(1 row)
+select akeys('');
+ akeys
+ {}
+(1 row)
+select avals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
+ avals
+ {g,1,l,f}
+(1 row)
+select avals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL');
+ avals
+ {g,1,l,NULL}
+(1 row)
+select avals('""=>1');
+ avals
+ {1}
+(1 row)
+select avals('');
+ avals
+ {}
+(1 row)
+select hstore_to_array('aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL'::hstore);
+ hstore_to_array
+ {b,g,aa,1,cq,l,fg,NULL}
+(1 row)
+select %% 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL';
+ ?column?
+ {b,g,aa,1,cq,l,fg,NULL}
+(1 row)
+select hstore_to_matrix('aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL'::hstore);
+ hstore_to_matrix
+ {{b,g},{aa,1},{cq,l},{fg,NULL}}
+(1 row)
+select %# 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL';
+ ?column?
+ {{b,g},{aa,1},{cq,l},{fg,NULL}}
+(1 row)
+select * from skeys('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
+ skeys
+ b
+ aa
+ cq
+ fg
+(4 rows)
+select * from skeys('""=>1');
+ skeys
+(1 row)
+select * from skeys('');
+ skeys
+(0 rows)
+select * from svals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
+ svals
+ g
+ 1
+ l
+ f
+(4 rows)
+select *, svals is null from svals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL');
+ svals | ?column?
+ g | f
+ 1 | f
+ l | f
+ | t
+(4 rows)
+select * from svals('""=>1');
+ svals
+ 1
+(1 row)
+select * from svals('');
+ svals
+(0 rows)
+select * from each('aaa=>bq, b=>NULL, ""=>1 ');
+ key | value
+ | 1
+ b |
+ aaa | bq
+(3 rows)
+-- @>
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, c=>NULL';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, g=>NULL';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'g=>NULL';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>c';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, c=>q';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+CREATE TABLE testhstore (h hstore);
+\copy testhstore from 'data/hstore.data'
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
+ count
+ 1
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
+ count
+ 15
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25.0';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>+25.00';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
+ count
+ 194
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+ count
+ 337
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+ count
+ 42
+(1 row)
+create index hidx on testhstore using gist(h);
+set enable_seqscan=off;
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
+ count
+ 1
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
+ count
+ 15
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25.0';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>+25.00';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
+ count
+ 194
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+ count
+ 337
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+ count
+ 42
+(1 row)
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+drop index hidx;
+create index hidx on testhstore using gin (h);
+set enable_seqscan=off;
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
+ count
+ 1
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
+ count
+ 15
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25.0';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>+25.00';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
+ count
+ 194
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+ count
+ 337
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+ count
+ 42
+(1 row)
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+select count(*) from (select (each(h)).key from testhstore) as wow ;
+ count
+ 4783
+(1 row)
+select key, count(*) from (select (each(h)).key from testhstore) as wow group by key order by count desc, key;
+ key | count
+ line | 884
+ query | 207
+ pos | 203
+ node | 202
+ space | 197
+ status | 195
+ public | 194
+ title | 190
+ wait | 190
+ org | 189
+ user | 189
+ coauthors | 188
+ disabled | 185
+ indexed | 184
+ cleaned | 180
+ bad | 179
+ date | 179
+ world | 176
+ state | 172
+ subtitle | 169
+ auth | 168
+ abstract | 161
+ age | 2
+(23 rows)
+-- sort/hash
+select count(distinct h) from testhstore;
+ count
+ 886
+(1 row)
+set enable_hashagg = false;
+select count(*) from (select h from (select * from testhstore union all select * from testhstore) hs group by h) hs2;
+ count
+ 886
+(1 row)
+set enable_hashagg = true;
+set enable_sort = false;
+select count(*) from (select h from (select * from testhstore union all select * from testhstore) hs group by h) hs2;
+ count
+ 886
+(1 row)
+select distinct * from (values (hstore '' || ''),('')) v(h);
+ h
+(1 row)
+set enable_sort = true;
+RESET enable_hashagg;
+RESET enable_sort;
+-- btree
+drop index hidx;
+create index hidx on testhstore using btree (h);
+set enable_seqscan=off;
+select count(*) from testhstore where h #># 'p=>1';
+ count
+ 886
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h = 'pos=>98, line=>371, node=>CBA, indexed=>t';
+ count
+ 1
+(1 row)
+--gin hash
+drop index hidx;
+create index hidx on testhstore using gin (h gin_hstore_hash_ops);
+set enable_seqscan=off;
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
+ count
+ 1
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
+ count
+ 15
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25.0';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>+25.00';
+ count
+ 2
+(1 row)
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+drop index hidx;
+-- json
+select hstore_to_json('"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4');
+ hstore_to_json
+ {"b": true, "c": null, "d": 12345, "e": 12345, "f": 1.234, "g": 23450, "a key": 1}
+(1 row)
+select cast( hstore '"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4' as json);
+ json
+ {"b": true, "c": null, "d": 12345, "e": 12345, "f": 1.234, "g": 23450, "a key": 1}
+(1 row)
+select hstore_to_json_loose('"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4');
+ hstore_to_json_loose
+ {"b": true, "c": null, "d": 12345, "e": 12345, "f": 1.234, "g": 23450, "a key": 1}
+(1 row)
+create table test_json_agg (f1 text, f2 hstore);
+insert into test_json_agg values ('rec1','"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4'),
+ ('rec2','"a key" =>2, b => f, c => "null", d=> -12345, e => 012345.6, f=> -1.234, g=> 0.345e-4');
+select json_agg(q) from test_json_agg q;
+ json_agg
+ [{"f1":"rec1","f2":{"b": true, "c": null, "d": 12345, "e": 12345, "f": 1.234, "g": 23450, "a key": 1}}, +
+ {"f1":"rec2","f2":{"b": false, "c": "null", "d": -12345, "e": 12345.6, "f": -1.234, "g": 0.0000345, "a key": 2}}]
+(1 row)
+select json_agg(q) from (select f1, hstore_to_json_loose(f2) as f2 from test_json_agg) q;
+ json_agg
+ [{"f1":"rec1","f2":{"b": true, "c": null, "d": 12345, "e": 12345, "f": 1.234, "g": 23450, "a key": 1}}, +
+ {"f1":"rec2","f2":{"b": false, "c": "null", "d": -12345, "e": 12345.6, "f": -1.234, "g": 0.0000345, "a key": 2}}]
+(1 row)
--- /dev/null
+SELECT 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "ff"=>{"a"=>12, "b"=>16}
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "ff"=>{"a"=>12, "b"=>16}, "qq"=>123
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'aa => {a,aaa}, qq=>{ a=>12, b=>16 , c=> { c1, c2}, d=>{d1=>d1, d2=>d2, d1=>d3} }'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>["a", "aaa"], "qq"=>{"a"=>12, "b"=>16, "c"=>["c1", "c2"], "d"=>{"d1"=>"d3", "d2"=>"d2"}}
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"aa"=>{a,aaa}, "qq"=>{"a"=>"12", "b"=>"16", "c"=>{c1,c2}, "d"=>{"d1"=>"d1", "d2"=>"d2"}}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>["a", "aaa"], "qq"=>{"a"=>"12", "b"=>"16", "c"=>["c1", "c2"], "d"=>{"d1"=>"d1", "d2"=>"d2"}}
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"aa"=>{a,aaa}, "qq"=>{"a"=>"12", "b"=>"16", "c"=>{c1,c2,{c3},{c4=>4}}, "d"=>{"d1"=>"d1", "d2"=>"d2"}}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "aa"=>["a", "aaa"], "qq"=>{"a"=>"12", "b"=>"16", "c"=>["c1", "c2", ["c3"], {"c4"=>4}], "d"=>{"d1"=>"d1", "d2"=>"d2"}}
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'ff => {a,aaa}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "ff"=>["a", "aaa"]
+(1 row)
+select 'null'::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+select '{null}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ [NULL]
+(1 row)
+select ''::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+select '{}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+--test optional outer braces
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a=>1}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a,b}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ ["a", "b"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a,{b}}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ ["a", ["b"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{{a},b}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ [["a"], "b"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a,{b},{c}}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ ["a", ["b"], ["c"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{{a},{b},c}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ [["a"], ["b"], "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{{a},b,{c}}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ [["a"], "b", ["c"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a,{b=>1}}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ ["a", {"b"=>1}]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{{a},{b=>1}}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ [["a"], {"b"=>1}]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ ["a"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT ''::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{}'::hstore;
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+--nested json
+SELECT hstore_to_json('a=>1');
+ hstore_to_json
+ {"a": 1}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a=>1}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ {"a": 1}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a,b}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ ["a", "b"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a,{b}}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ ["a", ["b"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},b}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ [["a"], "b"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a,{b},{c}}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ ["a", ["b"], ["c"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},{b},c}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ [["a"], ["b"], "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},b,{c}}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ [["a"], "b", ["c"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a,{b=>1}}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ ["a", {"b": 1}]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},{b=>1}}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ [["a"], {"b": 1}]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},{b=>1},{c}}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ [["a"], {"b": 1}, ["c"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('a');
+ hstore_to_json
+ "a"
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ ["a"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('');
+ hstore_to_json
+ {}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{}');
+ hstore_to_json
+ {}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('"aa"=>{a,aaa}, "qq"=>{"a"=>"12", "b"=>"16", "c"=>{c1,c2,{c3},{c4=>4}}, "d"=>{"d1"=>"d1", "d2"=>"d2"}}'::hstore);
+ hstore_to_json
+ {"aa": ["a", "aaa"], "qq": {"a": "12", "b": "16", "c": ["c1", "c2", ["c3"], {"c4": 4}], "d": {"d1": "d1", "d2": "d2"}}}
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123, x=>{1,2}, Y=>NULL'::hstore -> 'ff',
+ 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123, x=>{1,2}, Y=>NULL'::hstore -> 'qq',
+ ('ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123, x=>{1,2}, Y=>NULL'::hstore -> 'Y') IS NULL AS t,
+ 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123, x=>{1,2}, Y=>NULL'::hstore -> 'x';
+ ?column? | ?column? | t | ?column?
+ "a"=>12, "b"=>16 | 123 | t | [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[ a, b, c, d]'::hstore -> 'a';
+ ?column?
+ a
+(1 row)
+CREATE TABLE testtype (i int, h hstore, a int[], j json);
+INSERT INTO testtype VALUES (1, 'a=>1', '{1,2,3}', '{"x": 2}');
+SELECT populate_record(v, 'i=>2'::hstore) FROM testtype v;
+ populate_record
+ (2,"""a""=>1","{1,2,3}","{""x"": 2}")
+(1 row)
+SELECT populate_record(v, 'i=>2, a=>{7,8,9}'::hstore) FROM testtype v;
+ populate_record
+ (2,"""a""=>1","{7,8,9}","{""x"": 2}")
+(1 row)
+SELECT populate_record(v, 'i=>2, h=>{b=>3}, a=>{7,8,9}'::hstore) FROM testtype v;
+ populate_record
+ (2,"""b""=>3","{7,8,9}","{""x"": 2}")
+(1 row)
+SELECT populate_record(v, 'i=>2, h=>{b=>3}, a=>{7,8,9}, j=>{a=>{1,2,3}}'::hstore) FROM testtype v;
+ populate_record
+ (2,"""b""=>3","{7,8,9}","{""a"": [1, 2, 3]}")
+(1 row)
+--complex delete
+SELECT 'b=>{a,c}'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>["a", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'b=>{a,c}, a=>1'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>["a", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'b=>{a,c}, a=>[2,3]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>["a", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'b=>{a,c}, a=>[2,3]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>["a", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[2,3,a]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+ [2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,2,3,a]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+ [2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,a]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT ''::hstore - 'a'::text;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a, 1 , b,2, c,3}'::hstore - ARRAY['d','b'];
+ ?column?
+ ["a", 1, 2, "c", 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a=>{1,2}, v=>23, b=>c}'::hstore - 'v'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>[1, 2], "b"=>"c"
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a=>{1,2}, v=>23, b=>c}'::hstore - 'v=>23'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>[1, 2], "b"=>"c"
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a=>{1,2}, v=>23, b=>c}'::hstore - 'v=>{1,2}'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>[1, 2], "b"=>"c", "v"=>23
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a=>{1,2}, v=>23, b=>c}'::hstore - 'a=>{1,2}'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>"c", "v"=>23
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a, {1,2}, v, 23, b, c}'::hstore - 'v'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", [1, 2], 23, "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a, {1,2}, v, 23, b, c}'::hstore - 'v=>23'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", [1, 2], "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a, {1,2}, v, 23, b, c}'::hstore - '[v,23]'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", [1, 2], "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a, {1,2}, v, 23, b, c}'::hstore - '[v,{1,2}]'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", 23, "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || '{cq,l, b,g, fg,f, 1,2}'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>2, "b"=>"g", "aa"=>1, "cq"=>"l", "fg"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{aa,1 , b,2, cq,3}'::hstore || '{cq,l, b,g, fg,f, 1,2}'::hstore;
+ ?column?
+ ["aa", 1, "b", 2, "cq", 3, "cq", "l", "b", "g", "fg", f, 1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'x'::hstore || 'a=>"1"':: hstore;
+ ?column?
+ ["x", "a", "1"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice_array(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+ slice_array
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice_array(hstore '{aa,1, b,2, c,3}', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+ slice_array
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice_array(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['b','c']);
+ slice_array
+ {2,3}
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice_array(hstore '{aa,1, b,2, c,3}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+ slice_array
+ {b,c}
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice_array(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>{2=>1}, c=>{1,2}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+ slice_array
+ {"\"2\"=>1","[1, 2]"}
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3}', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+ slice
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa,1, b,2, c,3}', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+ slice
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+ slice
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa,1, b,2, c,3}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+ slice
+ ["b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa=>1, b=>{2=>1}, c=>{1,2}}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+ slice
+ "b"=>{"2"=>1}, "c"=>[1, 2]
+(1 row)
+--to array
+SELECT %% 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>{a,n}, fg=>NULL';
+ ?column?
+ {b,"[\"a\", \"n\"]",aa,1,cq,l,fg,NULL}
+(1 row)
+SELECT %% '{aa,1, cq,l, b,g, fg,NULL}';
+ ?column?
+ {aa,1,cq,l,b,g,fg,NULL}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_matrix( 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>{a,n}, fg=>NULL');
+ hstore_to_matrix
+ {{b,"[\"a\", \"n\"]"},{aa,1},{cq,l},{fg,NULL}}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_matrix( '{aa,1, cq,l, b,g, fg,NULL}');
+ hstore_to_matrix
+ {{aa,1},{cq,l},{b,g},{fg,NULL}}
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>b, c=>b';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>b';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1,2}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{2,1}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1,2}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1=>2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1,2}';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{2=>1}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1,2}';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1=>2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1=>2}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{2=>1}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1=>2}';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a,b}'::hstore @> '{a,b, c,b}';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a,b, c,b}'::hstore @> '{a,b}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a,b, c,{1,2}}'::hstore @> '{a,{1,2}}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '{a,b, c,{1,2}}'::hstore @> '{b,{1,2}}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{2}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{3}';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2,{c=>3, x=>4}}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{{c=>3}}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2,{c=>3, x=>4}}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{{x=>4}}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2,{c=>3, x=>4}}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{{x=>4},3}';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2,{c=>3, x=>4}}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{{x=>4},1}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+-- %>
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'n';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'a';
+ ?column?
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'b';
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'c';
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'd';
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>[2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'd' %> '1';
+ ?column?
+ [2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[1,2,3,{a,b}]'::hstore %> '1';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '["1",2,3,{a,b}]'::hstore %> '1';
+ ?column?
+ "1"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 5;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 4;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 3;
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>[2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 2;
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 1;
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 0;
+ ?column?
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 5;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 4;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 3;
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 2;
+ ?column?
+ "c"
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 1;
+ ?column?
+ "b"
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 0;
+ ?column?
+ "a"
+(1 row)
+-- ->
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 5;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 4;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 3;
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>[2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 2;
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 1;
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 0;
+ ?column?
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 5;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 4;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 3;
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 2;
+ ?column?
+ c
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 1;
+ ?column?
+ b
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 0;
+ ?column?
+ a
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -6;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -5;
+ ?column?
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -4;
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -3;
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -2;
+ ?column?
+ "1"=>[2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -1;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -6;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -5;
+ ?column?
+ a
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -4;
+ ?column?
+ b
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -3;
+ ?column?
+ c
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -2;
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -1;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+-- #>
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{0}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{a}';
+ ?column?
+ b
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c}';
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, 0}';
+ ?column?
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, 1}';
+ ?column?
+ 2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, 2}';
+ ?column?
+ 3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, 3}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, -1}';
+ ?column?
+ 3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, -2}';
+ ?column?
+ 2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, -3}';
+ ?column?
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, -4}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #> '{0}';
+ ?column?
+ 0
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #> '{3}';
+ ?column?
+ [3, 4]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #> '{4}';
+ ?column?
+ "5"=>"five"
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #> '{4,5}';
+ ?column?
+ five
+(1 row)
+-- #%>
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{0}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{a}';
+ ?column?
+ "b"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c}';
+ ?column?
+ [1, 2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, 0}';
+ ?column?
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, 1}';
+ ?column?
+ 2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, 2}';
+ ?column?
+ 3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, 3}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, -1}';
+ ?column?
+ 3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, -2}';
+ ?column?
+ 2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, -3}';
+ ?column?
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, -4}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #%> '{0}';
+ ?column?
+ 0
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #%> '{3}';
+ ?column?
+ [3, 4]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #%> '{4}';
+ ?column?
+ "5"=>"five"
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #%> '{4,5}';
+ ?column?
+ "five"
+(1 row)
+-- ?
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 5;
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 4;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 3;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 2;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 1;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 0;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 5;
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 4;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 3;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 2;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 1;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 0;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -6;
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -5;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -4;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -3;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -2;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -1;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -6;
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -5;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -4;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -3;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -2;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -1;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{0}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{a}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{b}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, 0}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, 1}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, 2}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, 3}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -1}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -2}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -3}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -4}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -5}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #? '{0}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #? '{3}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #? '{4}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #? '{4,5}'::text[];
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+--deep delete
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{x}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{a}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{NULL}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{x}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{a}';
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{b}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{c}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{x,1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{a,1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{NULL,1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{x,1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{a,1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{b,1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{c,1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{2}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{1}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{0}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{-1}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{-2}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{3}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{2}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{1}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{0}';
+ ?column?
+ ["b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{-1}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{-2}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{-3}';
+ ?column?
+ ["b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{-4}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{0,0}';
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{x}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{a}';
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{b}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{c}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{b, 0}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{b, -1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{b, -1}' #- '{b, -1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>NULL, "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{c, 1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>NULL, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{c, 2}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, -2}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, 1}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, 0}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, 0}' #- '{d, 1, 0}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>NULL}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, 0}' #- '{d, 1, 0}' #- '{d, 1, 0}';
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>NULL}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+-- delete(int)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - 3;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - 2;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - 1;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - 0;
+ ?column?
+ ["b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - -1;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - -2;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - -3;
+ ?column?
+ ["b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - -4;
+ ?column?
+ ["a", "b", "c"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 3;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 2;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 1;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 0;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - -1;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - -2;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - -3;
+ ?column?
+ "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - -4;
+ ?column?
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT replace('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{n}', '{1,2,3}');
+ replace
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>[1, 2, 3]
+(1 row)
+SELECT replace('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{b,-1}', '{1,2,3}');
+ replace
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, [1, 2, 3]], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT replace('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d,1,0}', '{1,2,3}');
+ replace
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[[1, 2, 3], 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT replace('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d,NULL,0}', '{1,2,3}');
+ replace
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+--deep concat
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{}', 'n=>not_null');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>"not_null"
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{n}', 'n=>not_null');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>{"n"=>"not_null"}
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{n}', 'not_null');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>"not_null"
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{n}', '{not_null}');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>["not_null"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{}', 'b=>{3,4}');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[3, 4], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{b}', '{3,4}');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2, 3, 4], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d,1}', '{4,5}');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3, 4, 5]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d,1}', '4=>5');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3, "4", 5]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d}', '2=>{4,5}');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3], "2"=>[4, 5]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{NULL,1}', '4=>5');
+ concat_path
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>{"1"=>2}, "d"=>{"1"=>[2, 3]}, "n"=>NULL
+(1 row)
+SELECT concat_path('x'::hstore, '{}'::text[], 'a=>"1"':: hstore);
+ concat_path
+ ["x", "a", "1"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT ('{"f2":{"f3":1},"f4":{"f5":99,"f6":"stringy"}}'::text)::hstore AS err;
+ERROR: bad hstore representation
+DETAIL: syntax error, unexpected STRING_P, expecting '}' or ',' at end of input
+SELECT ('{"f2":{"f3":1},"f4":{"f5":99,"f6":"stringy"}}'::json)::hstore AS ok;
+ ok
+ "f2"=>{"f3"=>1}, "f4"=>{"f5"=>99, "f6"=>"stringy"}
+(1 row)
+SELECT q->'tags' FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore) AS q;
+ ?column?
+ 1
+ 3
+(2 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{}') AS q;
+ q
+ [{"sh"=>2, "tags"=>1}, {"sh"=>4, "tags"=>3}]
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-3}') AS q;
+ q
+(0 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-2}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>2, "tags"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-1}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>4, "tags"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{0}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>2, "tags"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{1}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>4, "tags"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{2}') AS q;
+ q
+(0 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{NULL}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>2, "tags"=>1
+ "sh"=>4, "tags"=>3
+(2 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-3,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+(0 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-2,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-1,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 3
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{0,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{1,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 3
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{2,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+(0 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{NULL,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 1
+ 3
+(2 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{}') AS q;
+ q
+ "1"=>"first", "a"=>{"b"=>"c", "c"=>"b"}, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>"cc"
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{1}') AS q;
+ q
+ "first"
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{a}') AS q;
+ q
+ "b"=>"c", "c"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{b}') AS q;
+ q
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{c}') AS q;
+ q
+ "cc"
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL}') AS q;
+ q
+ "first"
+ "b"=>"c", "c"=>"b"
+ [1, 2]
+ "cc"
+(4 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{a,c}') AS q;
+ q
+ "b"
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,c}') AS q;
+ q
+ "b"
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{b,NULL}') AS q;
+ q
+ 1
+ 2
+(2 rows)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,1}') AS q;
+ q
+ 2
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b, 1=>first}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,1}') AS q;
+ q
+ "first"
+ 2
+(2 rows)
+--svals path
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{}') AS q;
+ q
+ [{"sh"=>2, "tags"=>1}, {"sh"=>4, "tags"=>3}]
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-3}') AS q;
+ q
+(0 rows)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-2}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>2, "tags"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-1}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>4, "tags"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{0}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>2, "tags"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{1}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>4, "tags"=>3
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{2}') AS q;
+ q
+(0 rows)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{NULL}') AS q;
+ q
+ "sh"=>2, "tags"=>1
+ "sh"=>4, "tags"=>3
+(2 rows)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-3,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+(0 rows)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-2,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-1,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 3
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{0,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 1
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{1,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 3
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{2,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+(0 rows)
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{NULL,tags}') AS q;
+ q
+ 1
+ 3
+(2 rows)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{}') AS q;
+ q
+ "1"=>"first", "a"=>{"b"=>"c", "c"=>"b"}, "b"=>[1, 2], "c"=>"cc"
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{1}') AS q;
+ q
+ first
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{a}') AS q;
+ q
+ "b"=>"c", "c"=>"b"
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{b}') AS q;
+ q
+ [1, 2]
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{c}') AS q;
+ q
+ cc
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL}') AS q;
+ q
+ first
+ "b"=>"c", "c"=>"b"
+ [1, 2]
+ cc
+(4 rows)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{a,c}') AS q;
+ q
+ b
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,c}') AS q;
+ q
+ b
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{b,NULL}') AS q;
+ q
+ 1
+ 2
+(2 rows)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,1}') AS q;
+ q
+ 2
+(1 row)
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b, 1=>first}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,1}') AS q;
+ q
+ first
+ 2
+(2 rows)
+SELECT * FROM each('a=>b, c=>cc'::hstore) AS q;
+ key | value
+ a | b
+ c | cc
+(2 rows)
+SELECT * FROM each('[a, b, c, cc]'::hstore) AS q;
+ key | value
+ | a
+ | b
+ | c
+ | cc
+(4 rows)
+SELECT * FROM each('a=>{b=>c, c=>b, 1=>first}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first, n=>null'::hstore) AS q;
+ key | value
+ 1 | first
+ a | "1"=>"first", "b"=>"c", "c"=>"b"
+ b | [1, 2]
+ c | cc
+ n |
+(5 rows)
+SELECT * FROM each_hstore('a=>b, c=>cc'::hstore) AS q;
+ key | value
+ a | "b"
+ c | "cc"
+(2 rows)
+SELECT * FROM each_hstore('[a, b, c, cc]'::hstore) AS q;
+ key | value
+ | "a"
+ | "b"
+ | "c"
+ | "cc"
+(4 rows)
+SELECT * FROM each_hstore('a=>{b=>c, c=>b, 1=>first}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first, n=>null'::hstore) AS q;
+ key | value
+ 1 | "first"
+ a | "1"=>"first", "b"=>"c", "c"=>"b"
+ b | [1, 2]
+ c | "cc"
+ n |
+(5 rows)
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>{c=>3}, d=>[4,[5]]'::hstore AS h, '[a, {b=>c}, [c, d, e]]'::hstore AS a;
+ h | a
+ "a"=>1, "b"=>{"c"=>3}, "d"=>[4, [5]] | ["a", {"b"=>"c"}, ["c", "d", "e"]]
+(1 row)
+SET hstore.pretty_print = true;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>{c=>3}, d=>[4,[5]], e=>[1,2,3,4], f=>g, g=>j'::hstore AS h,
+ '[a, {b=>c, c=>d}, [c, d, e, [1,2], h, {f=>g, g=>f}]]'::hstore AS a;
+ h | a
+ "a"=>1, +| [ +
+ "b"=> +| "a", +
+ { +| { +
+ "c"=>3+| "b"=>"c", +
+ }, +| "c"=>"d" +
+ "d"=> +| }, +
+ [ +| [ +
+ 4, +| "c", +
+ [ +| "d", +
+ 5 +| "e", +
+ ] +| [ +
+ ], +| 1, +
+ "e"=> +| 2 +
+ [ +| ], +
+ 1, +| "h", +
+ 2, +| { +
+ 3, +| "f"=>"g", +
+ 4 +| "g"=>f +
+ ], +| } +
+ "f"=>"g", +| ] +
+ "g"=>"j" | ]
+(1 row)
+RESET hstore.pretty_print;
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore);
+ hstore_print
+ "a"=>t, "f"=>t, "t"=>"f", "123"=>"string", "arr"=>[1, 2, 3, "3", "x"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, loose := true );
+ hstore_print
+ "a"=>t, "f"=>t, "t"=>f, "123"=>"string", "arr"=>[1, 2, 3, 3, "x"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, root_hash_decorated := true );
+ hstore_print
+ {"a"=>t, "f"=>t, "t"=>"f", "123"=>"string", "arr"=>[1, 2, 3, "3", "x"]}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, array_curly_braces := true );
+ hstore_print
+ "a"=>t, "f"=>t, "t"=>"f", "123"=>"string", "arr"=>{1, 2, 3, "3", "x"}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, json := true );
+ hstore_print
+ "a": true, "f": true, "t": "f", "123": "string", "arr": [1, 2, 3, "3", "x"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, json := true, loose := true );
+ hstore_print
+ "a": true, "f": true, "t": false, "123": "string", "arr": [1, 2, 3, 3, "x"]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, json := true, root_hash_decorated := true );
+ hstore_print
+ {"a": true, "f": true, "t": "f", "123": "string", "arr": [1, 2, 3, "3", "x"]}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, json := true, array_curly_braces := true );
+ hstore_print
+ "a": true, "f": true, "t": "f", "123": "string", "arr": {1, 2, 3, "3", "x"}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, loose := true, root_hash_decorated := true );
+ hstore_print
+ {"a"=>t, "f"=>t, "t"=>f, "123"=>"string", "arr"=>[1, 2, 3, 3, "x"]}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, loose := true, array_curly_braces := true );
+ hstore_print
+ "a"=>t, "f"=>t, "t"=>f, "123"=>"string", "arr"=>{1, 2, 3, 3, "x"}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, root_hash_decorated := true, array_curly_braces := true );
+ hstore_print
+ {"a"=>t, "f"=>t, "t"=>"f", "123"=>"string", "arr"=>{1, 2, 3, "3", "x"}}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, root_hash_decorated := true, array_curly_braces := true, loose := true);
+ hstore_print
+ {"a"=>t, "f"=>t, "t"=>f, "123"=>"string", "arr"=>{1, 2, 3, 3, "x"}}
+(1 row)
--- /dev/null
+SELECT '"foo"=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"true"=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "true"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'true=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "true"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"t"=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "t"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 't=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "t"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"false"=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "false"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'false=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "false"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"f"=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "f"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'f=>true'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "f"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"foo"=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"false"=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "false"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'false=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "false"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"t"=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "t"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 't=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "t"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"false"=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "false"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'false=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "false"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"f"=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "f"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'f=>false'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "f"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '"1"=>x'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "1"=>"x"
+(1 row)
+SELECT '1=>x'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "1"=>"x"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1.'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1.0'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1.0
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1.01
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01e'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>"1.01e"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01e1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>10.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01e+1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>10.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01e-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>0.101
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>.1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>0.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>.1e'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>".1e"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>.1e1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>.1e+1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>.1e-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>0.01
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>0.1e-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>0.01
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>00.1e-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>0.01
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.0'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1.0
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1.01
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01e'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>"+1.01e"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01e1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>10.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01e+1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>10.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01e-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>0.101
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>0.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1e'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>"+.1e"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1e1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1e+1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1e-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>0.01
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.0'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-1.0
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-1.01
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01e'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>"-1.01e"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01e1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-10.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01e+1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-10.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01e-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-0.101
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-0.1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1e'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>"-.1e"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1e1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1e+1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-1
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1e-1'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>-0.01
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1e2000'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "foo"=>"1e2000"
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1e12, bar=>x'::hstore ^> 'foo';
+ ?column?
+ 1000000000000
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1e12, bar=>x'::hstore ^> 'bar';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1e12, bar=>x'::hstore ^> 0;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>1e12, bar=>x'::hstore ^> 1;
+ ?column?
+ 1000000000000
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, 1e12, bar, x]'::hstore ^> 'foo';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, 1e12, bar, x]'::hstore ^> 'bar';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, 1e12, bar, x]'::hstore ^> 0;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, 1e12, bar, x]'::hstore ^> 1;
+ ?column?
+ 1000000000000
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, 1e-12}'::hstore #^> '{foo, 0}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, 1e-12}'::hstore #^> '{foo, 1}';
+ ?column?
+ 0.000000000001
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>t, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 'foo';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>t, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 'bar';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>t, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 0;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>t, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 1;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, t, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 'foo';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, t, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 'bar';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, t, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 0;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, t, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 1;
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, t}'::hstore #?> '{foo, 0}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, t}'::hstore #?> '{foo, 1}';
+ ?column?
+ t
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>f, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 'foo';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>f, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 'bar';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>f, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 0;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>f, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 1;
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, f, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 'foo';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, f, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 'bar';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, f, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 0;
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT '[foo, f, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 1;
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, f}'::hstore #?> '{foo, 0}';
+ ?column?
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, f}'::hstore #?> '{foo, 1}';
+ ?column?
+ f
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('a=>b') AS hash;
+ hash
+ hash
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('{a=>b}') AS hash;
+ hash
+ hash
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('{a, b}') AS array;
+ array
+ array
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('{{a=>b}}') AS array;
+ array
+ array
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('[a, b]') AS array;
+ array
+ array
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('') AS "NULL";
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('NULL') AS "null";
+ null
+ null
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('1.0') AS numeric;
+ numeric
+ numeric
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('t') AS bool;
+ bool
+ bool
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_typeof('f') AS bool;
+ bool
+ bool
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 't'::bool);
+ hstore
+ "xxx"=>t
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 'f'::bool);
+ hstore
+ "xxx"=>f
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 3.14);
+ hstore
+ "xxx"=>3.14
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 3.14::numeric);
+ hstore
+ "xxx"=>3.14
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('xxx', '3.14'::numeric);
+ hstore
+ "xxx"=>3.14
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore(NULL);
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('NULL');
+ hstore
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('t'::bool) AS "true", hstore('f'::bool) AS "false";
+ true | false
+ t | f
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore(3.14), hstore(3.14::numeric), hstore('3.14'::numeric);
+ hstore | hstore | hstore
+ 3.14 | 3.14 | 3.14
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 'foo=>t, bar=>3.14, zzz=>xxx'::hstore);
+ hstore
+ "xxx"=>{"bar"=>3.14, "foo"=>t, "zzz"=>"xxx"}
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::int2[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [[1, 1, 4], [23, 3, 5]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::int4[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [[1, 1, 4], [23, 3, 5]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::int8[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [[1, 1, 4], [23, 3, 5]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::float4[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [[1, 1, 4], [23, 3, 5]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::float8[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [[1, 1, 4], [23, 3, 5]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,f},{f,t,NULL}}'::bool[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [[t, t, f], [f, t, NULL]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::text[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [["1", "1", "4"], ["23", "3", "5"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::varchar[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [["1", "1", "4"], ["23", "3", "5"]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{{1,11},{1,1},{4,41}},{{23,231},{3,31},{5,51}}}'::int4[]);
+ array_to_hstore
+ [[[1, 11], [1, 1], [4, 41], [23, 231]], [[3, 31], [5, 51]]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore('array', array_to_hstore('{{{1,11},{1,1},{4,41}},{{23,231},{3,31},{5,51}}}'::int4[]));
+ hstore
+ "array"=>[[[1, 11], [1, 1], [4, 41], [23, 231]], [[3, 31], [5, 51]]]
+(1 row)
+SELECT 'a=>"00012333", b=>"12233", c=>00012333, d=>12233'::hstore;
+ hstore
+ "a"=>"00012333", "b"=>"12233", "c"=>12333, "d"=>12233
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json('a=>"00012333", b=>"12233", c=>00012333, d=>12233'::hstore);
+ hstore_to_json
+ {"a": "00012333", "b": "12233", "c": 12333, "d": 12233}
+(1 row)
+SELECT hstore_to_json_loose('a=>"00012333", b=>"12233", c=>00012333, d=>12233'::hstore);
+ hstore_to_json_loose
+ {"a": "00012333", "b": 12233, "c": 12333, "d": 12233}
+(1 row)
--- /dev/null
+/* contrib/hstore/hstore--1.0--1.1.sql */
+-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via ALTER EXTENSION
+\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION hstore UPDATE TO '1.1'" to load this file. \quit
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore DROP OPERATOR => (text, text);
+DROP OPERATOR => (text, text);
--- /dev/null
+/* contrib/hstore/hstore--1.1--1.2.sql */
+-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via ALTER EXTENSION
+\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION hstore UPDATE TO '1.2'" to load this file. \quit
+-- A version of 1.1 was shipped with these objects mistakenly in 9.3.0.
+-- Therefore we only add them if we detect that they aren't already there and
+-- dependent on the extension.
+DO LANGUAGE plpgsql
+ FROM pg_proc p
+ JOIN pg_depend d
+ ON p.proname = 'hstore_to_json_loose'
+ AND d.classid = 'pg_proc'::regclass
+ AND d.objid = p.oid
+ AND d.refclassid = 'pg_extension'::regclass
+ JOIN pg_extension x
+ ON d.refobjid = x.oid
+ AND x.extname = 'hstore';
+ CREATE FUNCTION hstore_to_json(hstore)
+ RETURNS json
+ AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_to_json'
+ CREATE CAST (hstore AS json)
+ WITH FUNCTION hstore_to_json(hstore);
+ CREATE FUNCTION hstore_to_json_loose(hstore)
+ RETURNS json
+ AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_to_json_loose'
--- /dev/null
+/* contrib/hstore/hstore--1.2--1.3.sql */
+-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
+\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION hstore UPDATE TO '1.2'" to load this file. \quit
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_numeric(hstore,text)
+RETURNS numeric
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_numeric'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_numeric
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_boolean(hstore,text)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_boolean'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_boolean
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval(hstore,int)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_n'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_numeric(hstore,int)
+RETURNS numeric
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_n_numeric'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_numeric
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_boolean(hstore,int)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_n_boolean'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_boolean
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval(hstore,text[])
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_path'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_numeric(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS numeric
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_path_numeric'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_numeric
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_boolean(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_path_boolean'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_boolean
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_hstore(hstore,text)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_hstore'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_hstore
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_hstore(hstore,int)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_n_hstore'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_hstore
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_hstore(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_path_hstore'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_hstore
+CREATE FUNCTION json_to_hstore(json)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','json_to_hstore'
+CREATE CAST (json AS hstore)
+WITH FUNCTION json_to_hstore(json);
+CREATE FUNCTION isexists(hstore,int)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_idx'
+CREATE FUNCTION exist(hstore,int)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_idx'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = exist,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+CREATE FUNCTION isexists(hstore,text[])
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_path'
+CREATE FUNCTION exist(hstore,text[])
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_path'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = exist,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+CREATE FUNCTION delete_path(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_delete_path'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = delete_path
+CREATE FUNCTION delete(hstore,int)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_delete_idx'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = delete
+CREATE FUNCTION replace(hstore,text[],hstore)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_replace'
+CREATE FUNCTION svals(hstore, text[])
+RETURNS setof text
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_svals_path'
+CREATE FUNCTION hvals(hstore)
+RETURNS setof hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_hvals'
+CREATE FUNCTION hvals(hstore, text[])
+RETURNS setof hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_hvals_path'
+CREATE FUNCTION concat_path(hstore,text[],hstore)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_deep_concat'
+CREATE FUNCTION each_hstore(IN hs hstore,
+ OUT key text,
+ OUT value hstore)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_each_hstore'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_typeof(hstore)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_typeof'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text,bool)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_from_bool'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text,numeric)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_from_numeric'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_scalar_from_text'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(bool)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_scalar_from_bool'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(numeric)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_scalar_from_numeric'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+-- GIN support: hash based opclass
+FUNCTION gin_extract_hstore_hash(internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION gin_extract_hstore_hash_query(internal, internal, int2, internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION gin_consistent_hstore_hash(internal, int2, internal, int4, internal, internal)
+CREATE OPERATOR CLASS gin_hstore_hash_ops
+FOR TYPE hstore USING gin
+ OPERATOR 7 @>,
+ FUNCTION 1 btint4cmp(int4,int4),
+ FUNCTION 2 gin_extract_hstore_hash(internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 3 gin_extract_hstore_hash_query(internal, internal, int2, internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 4 gin_consistent_hstore_hash(internal, int2, internal, int4, internal, internal),
+STORAGE int4;
+CREATE FUNCTION array_to_hstore(anyarray)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','array_to_hstore'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_pretty_print()
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_array_curly_braces()
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_json()
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_root_hash_decorated()
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_loose()
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_print(hstore,
+ pretty_print bool DEFAULT false,
+ array_curly_braces bool DEFAULT false,
+ root_hash_decorated bool DEFAULT false,
+ json bool DEFAULT false,
+ loose bool DEFAULT false)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_print'
--- /dev/null
+/* contrib/hstore/hstore--1.3.sql */
+-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
+\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION hstore" to load this file. \quit
+CREATE TYPE hstore;
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_in(cstring)
+RETURNS hstore
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_out(hstore)
+RETURNS cstring
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_recv(internal)
+RETURNS hstore
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_send(hstore)
+RETURNS bytea
+CREATE TYPE hstore (
+ INPUT = hstore_in,
+ OUTPUT = hstore_out,
+ RECEIVE = hstore_recv,
+ SEND = hstore_send,
+ STORAGE = extended
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_version_diag(hstore)
+RETURNS integer
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_version_diag'
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval(hstore,text)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_numeric(hstore,text)
+RETURNS numeric
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_numeric'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_numeric
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_boolean(hstore,text)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_boolean'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_boolean
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval(hstore,int)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_n'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_numeric(hstore,int)
+RETURNS numeric
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_n_numeric'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_numeric
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_boolean(hstore,int)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_n_boolean'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_boolean
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval(hstore,text[])
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_path'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_numeric(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS numeric
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_path_numeric'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_numeric
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_boolean(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_path_boolean'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_boolean
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_hstore(hstore,text)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_hstore'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_hstore
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_hstore(hstore,int)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_n_hstore'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_hstore
+CREATE FUNCTION fetchval_hstore(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_fetchval_path_hstore'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = fetchval_hstore
+CREATE FUNCTION slice_array(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS text[]
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_slice_to_array'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = slice_array
+CREATE FUNCTION slice(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_slice_to_hstore'
+CREATE FUNCTION isexists(hstore,text)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists'
+CREATE FUNCTION exist(hstore,text)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = exist,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+CREATE FUNCTION isexists(hstore,int)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_idx'
+CREATE FUNCTION exist(hstore,int)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_idx'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = exist,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+CREATE FUNCTION isexists(hstore,text[])
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_path'
+CREATE FUNCTION exist(hstore,text[])
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_path'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = exist,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+CREATE FUNCTION exists_any(hstore,text[])
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_any'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = exists_any,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+CREATE FUNCTION exists_all(hstore,text[])
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_exists_all'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = exists_all,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+CREATE FUNCTION isdefined(hstore,text)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_defined'
+CREATE FUNCTION defined(hstore,text)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_defined'
+CREATE FUNCTION delete(hstore,text)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_delete'
+CREATE FUNCTION delete(hstore,int)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_delete_idx'
+CREATE FUNCTION delete(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_delete_array'
+CREATE FUNCTION delete(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_delete_hstore'
+CREATE FUNCTION delete_path(hstore,text[])
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_delete_path'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text,
+ PROCEDURE = delete
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = int,
+ PROCEDURE = delete
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = delete
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = delete
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = text[],
+ PROCEDURE = delete_path
+CREATE FUNCTION replace(hstore,text[],hstore)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_replace'
+CREATE FUNCTION hs_concat(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_concat'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hs_concat
+CREATE FUNCTION concat_path(hstore,text[],hstore)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_deep_concat'
+CREATE FUNCTION hs_contains(hstore,hstore)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_contains'
+CREATE FUNCTION hs_contained(hstore,hstore)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_contained'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hs_contains,
+ COMMUTATOR = '<@',
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hs_contained,
+ COMMUTATOR = '@>',
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+-- obsolete:
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hs_contains,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hs_contained,
+ RESTRICT = contsel,
+ JOIN = contjoinsel
+CREATE FUNCTION tconvert(text,text)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_from_text'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text,text)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_from_text'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text,bool)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_from_bool'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text,numeric)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_from_numeric'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text,hstore)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_from_th'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_scalar_from_text'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(bool)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_scalar_from_bool'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(numeric)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_scalar_from_numeric'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; needs to allow (key,NULL)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text[],text[])
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_from_arrays'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; allows (keys,null)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(text[])
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_from_array'
+CREATE CAST (text[] AS hstore)
+ WITH FUNCTION hstore(text[]);
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_to_json(hstore)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_to_json'
+CREATE CAST (hstore AS json)
+ WITH FUNCTION hstore_to_json(hstore);
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_to_json_loose(hstore)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_to_json_loose'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore(record)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_from_record'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; allows (null::recordtype)
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_to_array(hstore)
+RETURNS text[]
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_to_array'
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hstore_to_array
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_to_matrix(hstore)
+RETURNS text[]
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_to_matrix'
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hstore_to_matrix
+CREATE FUNCTION akeys(hstore)
+RETURNS text[]
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_akeys'
+CREATE FUNCTION avals(hstore)
+RETURNS text[]
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_avals'
+CREATE FUNCTION skeys(hstore)
+RETURNS setof text
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_skeys'
+CREATE FUNCTION svals(hstore)
+RETURNS setof text
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_svals'
+CREATE FUNCTION svals(hstore, text[])
+RETURNS setof text
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_svals_path'
+CREATE FUNCTION hvals(hstore)
+RETURNS setof hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_hvals'
+CREATE FUNCTION hvals(hstore, text[])
+RETURNS setof hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_hvals_path'
+CREATE FUNCTION each(IN hs hstore,
+ OUT key text,
+ OUT value text)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_each'
+CREATE FUNCTION each_hstore(IN hs hstore,
+ OUT key text,
+ OUT value hstore)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_each_hstore'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_typeof(hstore)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_typeof'
+CREATE FUNCTION populate_record(anyelement,hstore)
+RETURNS anyelement
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_populate_record'
+LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE; -- not STRICT; allows (null::rectype,hstore)
+ LEFTARG = anyelement,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = populate_record
+CREATE FUNCTION json_to_hstore(json)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','json_to_hstore'
+CREATE CAST (json AS hstore)
+WITH FUNCTION json_to_hstore(json);
+CREATE FUNCTION array_to_hstore(anyarray)
+RETURNS hstore
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','array_to_hstore'
+-- btree support
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_eq(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_eq'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_ne(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_ne'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_gt(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_gt'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_ge(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_ge'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_lt(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_lt'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_le(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS boolean
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_le'
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_cmp(hstore,hstore)
+RETURNS integer
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_cmp'
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hstore_eq,
+ NEGATOR = <>,
+ RESTRICT = eqsel,
+ JOIN = eqjoinsel,
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hstore_ne,
+ NEGATOR = =,
+ RESTRICT = neqsel,
+ JOIN = neqjoinsel
+-- the comparison operators have funky names (and are undocumented)
+-- in an attempt to discourage anyone from actually using them. they
+-- only exist to support the btree opclass
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hstore_lt,
+ NEGATOR = #>=#,
+ RESTRICT = scalarltsel,
+ JOIN = scalarltjoinsel
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hstore_le,
+ COMMUTATOR = #>=#,
+ NEGATOR = #>#,
+ RESTRICT = scalarltsel,
+ JOIN = scalarltjoinsel
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hstore_gt,
+ NEGATOR = #<=#,
+ RESTRICT = scalargtsel,
+ JOIN = scalargtjoinsel
+ LEFTARG = hstore,
+ RIGHTARG = hstore,
+ PROCEDURE = hstore_ge,
+ COMMUTATOR = #<=#,
+ NEGATOR = #<#,
+ RESTRICT = scalargtsel,
+ JOIN = scalargtjoinsel
+CREATE OPERATOR CLASS btree_hstore_ops
+ OPERATOR 1 #<# ,
+ OPERATOR 2 #<=# ,
+ OPERATOR 3 = ,
+ OPERATOR 4 #>=# ,
+ OPERATOR 5 #># ,
+ FUNCTION 1 hstore_cmp(hstore,hstore);
+-- hash support
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_hash(hstore)
+RETURNS integer
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME','hstore_hash'
+CREATE OPERATOR CLASS hash_hstore_ops
+ OPERATOR 1 = ,
+ FUNCTION 1 hstore_hash(hstore);
+-- GiST support
+CREATE TYPE ghstore;
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_in(cstring)
+RETURNS ghstore
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_out(ghstore)
+RETURNS cstring
+CREATE TYPE ghstore (
+ INPUT = ghstore_in,
+ OUTPUT = ghstore_out
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_compress(internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_decompress(internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_penalty(internal,internal,internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_picksplit(internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_union(internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_same(internal, internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION ghstore_consistent(internal,internal,int,oid,internal)
+CREATE OPERATOR CLASS gist_hstore_ops
+ OPERATOR 7 @> ,
+ OPERATOR 9 ?(hstore,text) ,
+ OPERATOR 10 ?|(hstore,text[]) ,
+ OPERATOR 11 ?&(hstore,text[]) ,
+ --OPERATOR 8 <@ ,
+ OPERATOR 13 @ ,
+ --OPERATOR 14 ~ ,
+ FUNCTION 1 ghstore_consistent (internal, internal, int, oid, internal),
+ FUNCTION 2 ghstore_union (internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 3 ghstore_compress (internal),
+ FUNCTION 4 ghstore_decompress (internal),
+ FUNCTION 5 ghstore_penalty (internal, internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 6 ghstore_picksplit (internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 7 ghstore_same (internal, internal, internal),
+ STORAGE ghstore;
+-- GIN support: default opclass
+CREATE FUNCTION gin_extract_hstore(internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION gin_extract_hstore_query(internal, internal, int2, internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION gin_consistent_hstore(internal, int2, internal, int4, internal, internal)
+ OPERATOR 7 @>,
+ OPERATOR 9 ?(hstore,text),
+ OPERATOR 10 ?|(hstore,text[]),
+ OPERATOR 11 ?&(hstore,text[]),
+ FUNCTION 1 bttextcmp(text,text),
+ FUNCTION 2 gin_extract_hstore(internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 3 gin_extract_hstore_query(internal, internal, int2, internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 4 gin_consistent_hstore(internal, int2, internal, int4, internal, internal),
+ STORAGE text;
+-- GIN support: hash based opclass
+CREATE FUNCTION gin_extract_hstore_hash(internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION gin_extract_hstore_hash_query(internal, internal, int2, internal, internal)
+RETURNS internal
+CREATE FUNCTION gin_consistent_hstore_hash(internal, int2, internal, int4, internal, internal)
+CREATE OPERATOR CLASS gin_hstore_hash_ops
+FOR TYPE hstore USING gin
+ OPERATOR 7 @>,
+ FUNCTION 1 btint4cmp(int4,int4),
+ FUNCTION 2 gin_extract_hstore_hash(internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 3 gin_extract_hstore_hash_query(internal, internal, int2, internal, internal),
+ FUNCTION 4 gin_consistent_hstore_hash(internal, int2, internal, int4, internal, internal),
+ STORAGE int4;
+-- output
+CREATE FUNCTION hstore_print(hstore,
+ pretty_print bool DEFAULT false,
+ array_curly_braces bool DEFAULT false,
+ root_hash_decorated bool DEFAULT false,
+ json bool DEFAULT false,
+ loose bool DEFAULT false)
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'hstore_print'
--- /dev/null
+/* contrib/hstore/hstore--unpackaged--1.0.sql */
+-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
+\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION hstore" to load this file. \quit
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD type hstore;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_in(cstring);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_out(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_recv(internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_send(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_version_diag(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function fetchval(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ->(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function slice_array(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ->(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function slice(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function isexists(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function exist(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ?(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function exists_any(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ?|(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function exists_all(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ?&(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function isdefined(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function defined(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function delete(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function delete(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function delete(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator -(hstore,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator -(hstore,text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator -(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hs_concat(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ||(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hs_contains(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hs_contained(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator <@(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator @>(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator ~(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator @(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function tconvert(text,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore(text,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator =>(text,text);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore(text[],text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore(text[]);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD cast (text[] as hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore(record);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_to_array(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator %%(NONE,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_to_matrix(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator %#(NONE,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function akeys(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function avals(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function skeys(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function svals(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function each(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function populate_record(anyelement,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #=(anyelement,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_eq(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_ne(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_gt(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_ge(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_lt(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_le(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_cmp(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator <>(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator =(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #>#(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #>=#(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #<#(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator #<=#(hstore,hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator family btree_hstore_ops using btree;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator class btree_hstore_ops using btree;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function hstore_hash(hstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator family hash_hstore_ops using hash;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator class hash_hstore_ops using hash;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD type ghstore;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_in(cstring);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_out(ghstore);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_compress(internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_decompress(internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_penalty(internal,internal,internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_picksplit(internal,internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_union(internal,internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_same(internal,internal,internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function ghstore_consistent(internal,internal,integer,oid,internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator family gist_hstore_ops using gist;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator class gist_hstore_ops using gist;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function gin_extract_hstore(internal,internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function gin_extract_hstore_query(internal,internal,smallint,internal,internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD function gin_consistent_hstore(internal,smallint,internal,integer,internal,internal);
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator family gin_hstore_ops using gin;
+ALTER EXTENSION hstore ADD operator class gin_hstore_ops using gin;
--- /dev/null
+# hstore extension
+comment = 'data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs'
+default_version = '1.3'
+module_pathname = '$libdir/hstore'
+relocatable = true
--- /dev/null
+ * contrib/hstore/hstore.h
+ */
+#ifndef __HSTORE_H__
+#define __HSTORE_H__
+#include "fmgr.h"
+#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
+#include "utils/array.h"
+#include "utils/numeric.h"
+ * HEntry: there is one of these for each key _and_ value in an hstore
+ *
+ * the position offset points to the _end_ so that we can get the length
+ * by subtraction from the previous entry. the ISFIRST flag lets us tell
+ * whether there is a previous entry.
+ */
+typedef struct
+ uint32 entry;
+} HEntry;
+#define HENTRY_ISFIRST 0x80000000
+#define HENTRY_ISSTRING (0x00000000) /* keep binary compatibility */
+#define HENTRY_ISNUMERIC (0x10000000)
+#define HENTRY_ISNEST (0x20000000)
+#define HENTRY_ISNULL (0x40000000) /* keep binary compatibility */
+#define HENTRY_ISBOOL (0x10000000 | 0x20000000)
+#define HENTRY_ISTRUE (0x10000000 | 0x20000000 | 0x40000000)
+/* HENTRY_ISHASH, HENTRY_ISARRAY and HENTRY_ISSCALAR is only used in send/recv */
+#define HENTRY_ISHASH (0x20000000)
+#define HENTRY_ISARRAY (0x20000000 | 0x40000000)
+#define HENTRY_ISSCALAR (0x10000000 | 0x40000000)
+/* note possible multiple evaluations, also access to prior array element */
+#define HSE_ISFIRST(he_) (((he_).entry & HENTRY_ISFIRST) != 0)
+#define HSE_ISSTRING(he_) (((he_).entry & HENTRY_TYPEMASK) == \
+#define HSE_ISNUMERIC(he_) (((he_).entry & HENTRY_TYPEMASK) == \
+#define HSE_ISNEST(he_) (((he_).entry & HENTRY_TYPEMASK) == \
+#define HSE_ISNULL(he_) (((he_).entry & HENTRY_TYPEMASK) == \
+#define HSE_ISBOOL(he_) (((he_).entry & HENTRY_ISBOOL) == \
+#define HSE_ISBOOL_TRUE(he_) (((he_).entry & HENTRY_TYPEMASK) == \
+#define HSE_ISBOOL_FALSE(he_) (HSE_ISBOOL(he_) && !HSE_ISBOOL_TRUE(he_))
+#define HSE_ENDPOS(he_) ((he_).entry & HENTRY_POSMASK)
+#define HSE_OFF(he_) (HSE_ISFIRST(he_) ? 0 : HSE_ENDPOS((&(he_))[-1]))
+#define HSE_LEN(he_) (HSE_ISFIRST(he_) \
+ ? HSE_ENDPOS(he_) \
+ : HSE_ENDPOS(he_) - HSE_ENDPOS((&(he_))[-1]))
+ * determined by the size of "endpos" (ie HENTRY_POSMASK)
+ */
+typedef struct
+ int32 vl_len_; /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
+ /* header of hash or array hstore type */
+ /* array of HEntry follows */
+} HStore;
+ * It's not possible to get more than 2^28 items into an hstore, so we reserve
+ * the top few bits of the size field. See hstore_compat.c for one reason
+ * why. Some bits are left for future use here. MaxAllocSize makes the
+ * practical count limit slightly more than 2^28 / 3, or INT_MAX / 24, the
+ * limit for an hstore full of 4-byte keys and null values. Therefore, we
+ * don't explicitly check the format-imposed limit.
+ */
+#define HS_FLAG_NEWVERSION 0x80000000
+#define HS_FLAG_ARRAY 0x40000000
+#define HS_FLAG_HSTORE 0x20000000
+#define HS_FLAG_SCALAR 0x10000000
+#define HS_ISEMPTY(hsp_) (VARSIZE(hsp_) <= VARHDRSZ)
+#define HS_ROOT_COUNT(hsp_) (HS_ISEMPTY(hsp_) ? 0 : \
+ ( *(uint32*)VARDATA(hsp_) & HS_COUNT_MASK))
+#define HS_ROOT_IS_HASH(hsp_) (HS_ISEMPTY(hsp_) ? 0 : \
+ ( *(uint32*)VARDATA(hsp_) & HS_FLAG_HSTORE))
+#define HS_ROOT_IS_ARRAY(hsp_) (HS_ISEMPTY(hsp_) ? 0 : \
+ ( *(uint32*)VARDATA(hsp_) & HS_FLAG_ARRAY))
+#define HS_ROOT_IS_SCALAR(hsp_) (HS_ISEMPTY(hsp_) ? 0 : \
+ ( *(uint32*)VARDATA(hsp_) & HS_FLAG_SCALAR))
+/* DatumGetHStoreP includes support for reading old-format hstore values */
+extern HStore *hstoreUpgrade(Datum orig);
+#define DatumGetHStoreP(d) hstoreUpgrade(d)
+#define PG_GETARG_HS(x) DatumGetHStoreP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(x))
+typedef struct HStorePair HStorePair;
+typedef struct HStoreValue HStoreValue;
+struct HStoreValue {
+ enum {
+ hsvNull,
+ hsvString,
+ hsvNumeric,
+ hsvBool,
+ hsvArray,
+ hsvHash,
+ hsvBinary /* binary form of hsvArray/hsvHash */
+ } type;
+ uint32 size; /* estimation size of node (including subnodes) */
+ union {
+ Numeric numeric;
+ bool boolean;
+ struct {
+ uint32 len;
+ char *val; /* could be not null-terminated */
+ } string;
+ struct {
+ int nelems;
+ HStoreValue *elems;
+ /*
+ * scalar actually shares representation with array
+ */
+ bool scalar;
+ } array;
+ struct {
+ int npairs;
+ HStorePair *pairs;
+ } hash;
+ struct {
+ uint32 len;
+ char *data;
+ } binary;
+ };
+struct HStorePair {
+ HStoreValue key;
+ HStoreValue value;
+ uint32 order; /* to keep order of pairs with equal key */
+extern HStoreValue* parseHStore(const char *str, int len, bool json);
+ * hstore support functios
+ */
+#define WHS_KEY (0x001)
+#define WHS_VALUE (0x002)
+#define WHS_ELEM (0x004)
+#define WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY (0x008)
+#define WHS_END_ARRAY (0x010)
+#define WHS_BEGIN_HASH (0x020)
+#define WHS_END_HASH (0x040)
+typedef void (*walk_hstore_cb)(void* /*arg*/, HStoreValue* /* value */,
+ uint32 /* flags */, uint32 /* level */);
+extern void walkUncompressedHStore(HStoreValue *v,
+ walk_hstore_cb cb, void *cb_arg);
+extern int compareHStoreStringValue(const void *a, const void *b, void *arg);
+extern int compareHStorePair(const void *a, const void *b, void *arg);
+extern int compareHStoreBinaryValue(char *a, char *b);
+extern int compareHStoreValue(HStoreValue *a, HStoreValue *b);
+extern HStoreValue* findUncompressedHStoreValueByValue(char *buffer,
+ uint32 flags,
+ uint32 *lowbound,
+ HStoreValue* key);
+extern HStoreValue* findUncompressedHStoreValue(char *buffer, uint32 flags,
+ uint32 *lowbound,
+ char *key, uint32 keylen);
+extern HStoreValue* getHStoreValue(char *buffer, uint32 flags, int32 i);
+extern bool stringIsNumber(char *string, int len, bool jsonNumber);
+typedef enum HStoreOutputKind {
+ JsonOutput = 0x01,
+ LooseOutput = 0x02,
+ ArrayCurlyBraces = 0x04,
+ RootHashDecorated = 0x08,
+ PrettyPrint = 0x10
+} HStoreOutputKind;
+extern char* hstoreToCString(StringInfo out, char *in,
+ int len /* just estimation */,
+ HStoreOutputKind kind);
+extern text* HStoreValueToText(HStoreValue *v);
+typedef struct ToHStoreState
+ HStoreValue v;
+ uint32 size;
+ struct ToHStoreState *next;
+} ToHStoreState;
+extern HStoreValue* pushHStoreValue(ToHStoreState **state,
+ int r /* WHS_* */, HStoreValue *v);
+extern void uniqueHStoreValue(HStoreValue *v);
+extern uint32 compressHStore(HStoreValue *v, char *buffer);
+typedef struct HStoreIterator
+ uint32 type;
+ uint32 nelems;
+ HEntry *array;
+ bool isScalar;
+ char *data;
+ char *buffer; /* unparsed buffer */
+ int i;
+ /*
+ * enum members should be freely OR'ed with HS_FLAG_ARRAY/HS_FLAG_HSTORE
+ * with possiblity of decoding. See optimization in HStoreIteratorGet()
+ */
+ enum {
+ hsi_start = 0x00,
+ hsi_key = 0x01,
+ hsi_value = 0x02,
+ hsi_elem = 0x04
+ } state;
+ struct HStoreIterator *next;
+} HStoreIterator;
+extern HStoreIterator* HStoreIteratorInit(char *buffer);
+extern int /* WHS_* */ HStoreIteratorGet(HStoreIterator **it, HStoreValue *v,
+ bool skipNested);
+#define HStoreContainsStrategyNumber 7
+#define HStoreExistsStrategyNumber 9
+#define HStoreExistsAnyStrategyNumber 10
+#define HStoreExistsAllStrategyNumber 11
+#define HStoreOldContainsStrategyNumber 13 /* backwards compatibility */
+ * defining HSTORE_POLLUTE_NAMESPACE=0 will prevent use of old function names;
+ * for now, we default to on for the benefit of people restoring old dumps
+ */
+#define HSTORE_POLLUTE(newname_,oldname_) \
+ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(oldname_); \
+ Datum oldname_(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); \
+ Datum newname_(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS); \
+ Datum oldname_(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { return newname_(fcinfo); } \
+ extern int no_such_variable
+#define HSTORE_POLLUTE(newname_,oldname_) \
+ extern int no_such_variable
+ * When using a GIN/GiST index for hstore, we choose to index both keys and values.
+ * The storage format is "text" values, with K, V, E or N prepended to the string
+ * to indicate key, value, element or null values. (As of 9.1 it might be better to
+ * store null values as nulls, but we'll keep it this way for on-disk
+ * compatibility.) Before nested hstore GIN indexes used KV notation, so there is
+ * no problem with upgrade, but GiST indexes should be rebuilded.
+ */
+#define ELEMFLAG 'E'
+#define KEYFLAG 'K'
+#define VALFLAG 'V'
+#define NULLFLAG 'N'
+#endif /* __HSTORE_H__ */
--- /dev/null
+ * contrib/hstore/hstore_compat.c
+Current nested hstore layout (see historical notes below):
+Hstore consists of varlena header, 4 bits (special flags), 28 bits for
+nelems/npairs, array of hentries and element array. Special flags are
+starts from 4 special bits: 1st bit (ISFIRST) is set if there is no previous
+entry, next 3 bits are used to indicate type of hstore value (ISSTRING,
+ISNUMERIC, ISNEST, ISNULL, ISBOOL). Other 28 bits are ending position of
+hentry value relative to the beginning of element array.
+Hash key-value accessed as follow:
+first key starts from zero and ends at Hentry[0],i-th key starts from
+Hentry[i*2-1] and ends at Hentry[i*2], i-th value starts from
+align(HEntry[i*2]) and ends at HEntry[i*2 + 1]. Key-Value pairs are
+lexicographically ordered by keys.
+Array's first element starts from zero and ends at Hentry[0], and
+i-th element starts from align(HEntry[i - 1]) and ends at HEntry[i]. Elements
+are not ordered.
+Scalar stored as a single-element array.
+Number of elements in array: 2^28
+Number of pairs in hash: 2^28
+Length of string: 2^28 bytes
+Length of nested hash or array: 2^28 bytes
+ *
+ * Notes on old/new hstore format disambiguation.
+ *
+ * There are three formats to consider:
+ * 1) old contrib/hstore (referred to as hstore-old)
+ * 2) prerelease pgfoundry hstore
+ * 3) new contrib/hstore (v2)
+ * 4) nested contrib/hstore (v3)
+ *
+ * (3) and (4) are upward binary compatible.
+ * (2) and (3) are identical except for the HS_FLAG_NEWVERSION
+ * bit, which is set in (3) but not (2).
+ *
+ * Values that are already in format (3), or which are
+ * unambiguously in format (2), are handled by the first
+ * "return immediately" test in hstoreUpgrade().
+ *
+ * To stress a point: we ONLY get here with possibly-ambiguous
+ * values if we're doing some sort of in-place migration from an
+ * old prerelease pgfoundry hstore-new; and we explicitly don't
+ * support that without fixing up any potentially padded values
+ * first. Most of the code here is serious overkill, but the
+ * performance penalty isn't serious (especially compared to the
+ * palloc() that we have to do anyway) and the belt-and-braces
+ * validity checks provide some reassurance. (If for some reason
+ * we get a value that would have worked on the old code, but
+ * which would be botched by the conversion code, the validity
+ * checks will fail it first so we get an error rather than bad
+ * data.)
+ *
+ * Note also that empty hstores are the same in (2) and (3), so
+ * there are some special-case paths for them.
+ *
+ * We tell the difference between formats (2) and (3) as follows (but
+ * note that there are some edge cases where we can't tell; see
+ * comments in hstoreUpgrade):
+ *
+ * First, since there must be at least one entry, we look at
+ * how the bits line up. The new format looks like:
+ *
+ * 10kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (k..k = keylen)
+ * 0nvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv (v..v = keylen+vallen)
+ *
+ * The old format looks like one of these, depending on endianness
+ * and bitfield layout: (k..k = keylen, v..v = vallen, p..p = pos,
+ * n = isnull)
+ *
+ * kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+ * nppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
+ *
+ * kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
+ * pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppn
+ *
+ * vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
+ * nppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
+ *
+ * vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
+ * pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppn (usual i386 format)
+ *
+ * If the entry is in old format, for the first entry "pos" must be 0.
+ * We can obviously see that either keylen or vallen must be >32768
+ * for there to be any ambiguity (which is why lengths less than that
+ * are fasttracked in hstore.h) Since "pos"==0, the "v" field in the
+ * new-format interpretation can only be 0 or 1, which constrains all
+ * but three bits of the old-format's k and v fields. But in addition
+ * to all of this, the data length implied by the keylen and vallen
+ * must fit in the varlena size. So the only ambiguous edge case for
+ * hstores with only one entry occurs between a new-format entry with
+ * an excess (~32k) of padding, and an old-format entry. But we know
+ * which format to use in that case based on how we were compiled, so
+ * no actual data corruption can occur.
+ *
+ * If there is more than one entry, the requirement that keys do not
+ * decrease in length, and that positions increase contiguously, and
+ * that the end of the data not be beyond the end of the varlena
+ * itself, disambiguates in almost all other cases. There is a small
+ * set of ambiguous cases which could occur if the old-format value
+ * has a large excess of padding and just the right pattern of key
+ * sizes, but these are also handled based on how we were compiled.
+ *
+ * The otherwise undocumented function hstore_version_diag is provided
+ * for testing purposes.
+ */
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "hstore.h"
+ * This is the structure used for entries in the old contrib/hstore
+ * implementation. Notice that this is the same size as the new entry
+ * (two 32-bit words per key/value pair) and that the header is the
+ * same, so the old and new versions of ARRPTR, STRPTR, CALCDATASIZE
+ * etc. are compatible.
+ *
+ * If the above statement isn't true on some bizarre platform, we're
+ * a bit hosed (see StaticAssertStmt in hstoreValidOldFormat).
+ */
+typedef struct
+ uint16 keylen;
+ uint16 vallen;
+ uint32
+ valisnull:1,
+ pos:31;
+} HOldEntry;
+ * New Old version (new not-nested version of hstore, v2 version)
+ * V2 and v3 (nested) are upward binary compatible. But
+ * framework was fully changed. Keep here old definitions (v2)
+ */
+typedef struct
+ int32 vl_len_; /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
+ uint32 size_; /* flags and number of items in hstore */
+ /* array of HEntry follows */
+} HStoreV2;
+static int hstoreValidNewFormat(HStoreV2 *hs);
+static int hstoreValidOldFormat(HStoreV2 *hs);
+#define HS_COUNT(hsp_) (HS_ISEMPTY(hsp_) ? 0 : ((hsp_)->size_ & HS_COUNT_MASK))
+#define HS_SETCOUNT(hsp_,c_) ((hsp_)->size_ = (c_) | HS_FLAG_NEWVERSION | ((hsp_)->size_ & ~HS_COUNT_MASK))
+ * "x" comes from an existing HS_COUNT() (as discussed, <= INT_MAX/24) or a
+ * Pairs array length (due to MaxAllocSize, <= INT_MAX/40). "lenstr" is no
+ * more than INT_MAX, that extreme case arising in hstore_from_arrays().
+ * Therefore, this calculation is limited to about INT_MAX / 5 + INT_MAX.
+ */
+#define HSHRDSIZE (sizeof(HStoreV2))
+#define CALCDATASIZE(x, lenstr) ( (x) * 2 * sizeof(HEntry) + HSHRDSIZE + (lenstr) )
+/* note multiple evaluations of x */
+#define ARRPTR(x) ( (HEntry*) ( (HStoreV2*)(x) + 1 ) )
+#define STRPTR(x) ( (char*)(ARRPTR(x) + HS_ROOT_COUNT((HStoreV2*)(x)) * 2) )
+/* note multiple/non evaluations */
+#define HS_KEYLEN(arr_,i_) (HSE_LEN((arr_)[2*(i_)]))
+/* ensure the varlena size of an existing hstore is correct */
+#define HS_FIXSIZE(hsp_,count_) \
+ do { \
+ int bl = (count_) ? HSE_ENDPOS(ARRPTR(hsp_)[2*(count_)-1]) : 0; \
+ SET_VARSIZE((hsp_), CALCDATASIZE((count_),bl)); \
+ } while (0)
+ * Validity test for a new-format hstore.
+ * 0 = not valid
+ * 1 = valid but with "slop" in the length
+ * 2 = exactly valid
+ */
+static int
+hstoreValidNewFormat(HStoreV2 *hs)
+ int count = HS_COUNT(hs);
+ HEntry *entries = ARRPTR(hs);
+ int buflen = (count) ? HSE_ENDPOS(entries[2 * (count) - 1]) : 0;
+ int vsize = CALCDATASIZE(count, buflen);
+ int i;
+ if (hs->size_ & HS_FLAG_NEWVERSION)
+ return 2;
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 2;
+ if (!HSE_ISFIRST(entries[0]))
+ return 0;
+ if (vsize > VARSIZE(hs))
+ return 0;
+ /* entry position must be nondecreasing */
+ for (i = 1; i < 2 * count; ++i)
+ {
+ if (HSE_ISFIRST(entries[i])
+ || (HSE_ENDPOS(entries[i]) < HSE_ENDPOS(entries[i - 1])))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* key length must be nondecreasing and keys must not be null */
+ for (i = 1; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ if (HS_KEYLEN(entries, i) < HS_KEYLEN(entries, i - 1))
+ return 0;
+ if (HSE_ISNULL(entries[2 * i]))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (vsize != VARSIZE(hs))
+ return 1;
+ return 2;
+ * Validity test for an old-format hstore.
+ * 0 = not valid
+ * 1 = valid but with "slop" in the length
+ * 2 = exactly valid
+ */
+static int
+hstoreValidOldFormat(HStoreV2 *hs)
+ int count = hs->size_;
+ HOldEntry *entries = (HOldEntry *) ARRPTR(hs);
+ int vsize;
+ int lastpos = 0;
+ int i;
+ if (hs->size_ & HS_FLAG_NEWVERSION)
+ return 0;
+ /* New format uses an HEntry for key and another for value */
+ StaticAssertStmt(sizeof(HOldEntry) == 2 * sizeof(HEntry),
+ "old hstore format is not upward-compatible");
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 2;
+ if (count > 0xFFFFFFF)
+ return 0;
+ if (CALCDATASIZE(count, 0) > VARSIZE(hs))
+ return 0;
+ if (entries[0].pos != 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* key length must be nondecreasing */
+ for (i = 1; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ if (entries[i].keylen < entries[i - 1].keylen)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * entry position must be strictly increasing, except for the first entry
+ * (which can be ""=>"" and thus zero-length); and all entries must be
+ * properly contiguous
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ if (entries[i].pos != lastpos)
+ return 0;
+ lastpos += (entries[i].keylen
+ + ((entries[i].valisnull) ? 0 : entries[i].vallen));
+ }
+ vsize = CALCDATASIZE(count, lastpos);
+ if (vsize > VARSIZE(hs))
+ return 0;
+ if (vsize != VARSIZE(hs))
+ return 1;
+ return 2;
+ * hstoreUpgrade: PG_DETOAST_DATUM plus support for conversion of old hstores
+ */
+HStore *
+hstoreUpgrade(Datum orig)
+ HStoreV2 *hs = (HStoreV2 *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(orig);
+ int valid_new;
+ int valid_old;
+ bool writable;
+ /* Return immediately if no conversion needed */
+ if (VARSIZE_ANY(hs) <= VARHDRSZ ||
+ (hs->size_ & HS_FLAG_NEWVERSION) ||
+ hs->size_ == 0 ||
+ (VARSIZE(hs) < 32768 && HSE_ISFIRST((ARRPTR(hs)[0]))))
+ {
+ if (VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(hs) == sizeof(hs->size_))
+ {
+ /* 'new' format but not nested. And empty */
+ hs = palloc(sizeof(VARHDRSZ));
+ }
+ return (HStore*)hs;
+ }
+ valid_new = hstoreValidNewFormat(hs);
+ valid_old = hstoreValidOldFormat(hs);
+ /* Do we have a writable copy? */
+ writable = ((void *) hs != (void *) DatumGetPointer(orig));
+ if (!valid_old || hs->size_ == 0)
+ {
+ if (valid_new)
+ {
+ /*
+ * force the "new version" flag and the correct varlena length,
+ * but only if we have a writable copy already (which we almost
+ * always will, since short new-format values won't come through
+ * here)
+ */
+ if (writable)
+ {
+ }
+ return (HStore*)hs;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "invalid hstore value found");
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * this is the tricky edge case. It is only possible in some quite extreme
+ * cases (the hstore must have had a lot of wasted padding space at the
+ * end). But the only way a "new" hstore value could get here is if we're
+ * upgrading in place from a pre-release version of hstore-new (NOT
+ * contrib/hstore), so we work off the following assumptions: 1. If you're
+ * moving from old contrib/hstore to hstore-new, you're required to fix up
+ * any potential conflicts first, e.g. by running ALTER TABLE ... USING
+ * col::text::hstore; on all hstore columns before upgrading. 2. If you're
+ * moving from old contrib/hstore to new contrib/hstore, then "new" values
+ * are impossible here 3. If you're moving from pre-release hstore-new to
+ * hstore-new, then "old" values are impossible here 4. If you're moving
+ * from pre-release hstore-new to new contrib/hstore, you're not doing so
+ * as an in-place upgrade, so there is no issue So the upshot of all this
+ * is that we can treat all the edge cases as "new" if we're being built
+ * as hstore-new, and "old" if we're being built as contrib/hstore.
+ *
+ * XXX the WARNING can probably be downgraded to DEBUG1 once this has been
+ * beta-tested. But for now, it would be very useful to know if anyone can
+ * actually reach this case in a non-contrived setting.
+ */
+ if (valid_new)
+ {
+ elog(WARNING, "ambiguous hstore value resolved as hstore-new");
+ /*
+ * force the "new version" flag and the correct varlena length, but
+ * only if we have a writable copy already (which we almost always
+ * will, since short new-format values won't come through here)
+ */
+ if (writable)
+ {
+ }
+ return hs;
+ elog(WARNING, "ambiguous hstore value resolved as hstore-old");
+ }
+ /*
+ * must have an old-style value. Overwrite it in place as a new-style one,
+ * making sure we have a writable copy first.
+ */
+ if (!writable)
+ hs = (HStoreV2 *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(orig);
+ {
+ int count = hs->size_;
+ HEntry *new_entries = ARRPTR(hs);
+ HOldEntry *old_entries = (HOldEntry *) ARRPTR(hs);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ uint32 pos = old_entries[i].pos;
+ uint32 keylen = old_entries[i].keylen;
+ uint32 vallen = old_entries[i].vallen;
+ bool isnull = old_entries[i].valisnull;
+ if (isnull)
+ vallen = 0;
+ new_entries[2 * i].entry = (pos + keylen) & HENTRY_POSMASK;
+ new_entries[2 * i + 1].entry = (((pos + keylen + vallen) & HENTRY_POSMASK)
+ | ((isnull) ? HENTRY_ISNULL : 0));
+ }
+ if (count)
+ new_entries[0].entry |= HENTRY_ISFIRST;
+ HS_SETCOUNT(hs, count);
+ HS_FIXSIZE(hs, count);
+ }
+ return (HStore*)hs;
+Datum hstore_version_diag(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStoreV2 *hs = (HStoreV2 *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(PG_GETARG_DATUM(0));
+ int valid_new = hstoreValidNewFormat(hs);
+ int valid_old = hstoreValidOldFormat(hs);
+ PG_RETURN_INT32(valid_old * 10 + valid_new);
--- /dev/null
+ * contrib/hstore/hstore_gin.c
+ */
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "access/gin.h"
+#include "access/skey.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "hstore.h"
+Datum gin_extract_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+/* Build an indexable text value */
+static text *
+makeitem(char *str, int len, char flag)
+ text *item;
+ item = (text *) palloc(VARHDRSZ + len + 1);
+ SET_VARSIZE(item, VARHDRSZ + len + 1);
+ *VARDATA(item) = flag;
+ if (str && len > 0)
+ memcpy(VARDATA(item) + 1, str, len);
+ return item;
+static text *
+makeitemFromValue(HStoreValue *v, char flag)
+ text *item;
+ char *cstr;
+ switch(v->type)
+ {
+ case hsvNull:
+ item = makeitem(NULL, 0, NULLFLAG);
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ item = makeitem((v->boolean) ? " t" : " f", 2, flag);
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ /*
+ * It's needed to get some text representaion of
+ * numeric independed from locale setting and
+ * preciosion. We use hashed value - it's safe
+ * because recheck flag will be set anyway
+ */
+ cstr = palloc(8 /* hex numbers */ + 1 /* \0 */);
+ snprintf(cstr, 9, "%08x", DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall1(hash_numeric,
+ NumericGetDatum(v->numeric))));
+ item = makeitem(cstr, 8, flag);
+ pfree(cstr);
+ break;
+ case hsvString:
+ item = makeitem(v->string.val, v->string.len, flag);
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(ERROR, "Wrong hstore type");
+ }
+ return item;
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int32 *nentries = (int32 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+ Datum *entries = NULL;
+ int total = 2 * HS_ROOT_COUNT(hs);
+ int i = 0, r;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ if (total == 0)
+ {
+ *nentries = 0;
+ }
+ entries = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * total);
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs));
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (i >= total)
+ {
+ total *= 2;
+ entries = (Datum *) repalloc(entries, sizeof(Datum) * total);
+ }
+ switch(r)
+ {
+ case WHS_KEY:
+ entries[i++] = PointerGetDatum(makeitemFromValue(&v, KEYFLAG));
+ break;
+ case WHS_VALUE:
+ entries[i++] = PointerGetDatum(makeitemFromValue(&v, VALFLAG));
+ break;
+ case WHS_ELEM:
+ entries[i++] = PointerGetDatum(makeitemFromValue(&v, ELEMFLAG));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *nentries = i;
+Datum gin_extract_hstore_query(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ int32 *nentries = (int32 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+ StrategyNumber strategy = PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
+ int32 *searchMode = (int32 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(6);
+ Datum *entries;
+ if (strategy == HStoreContainsStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ /* Query is an hstore, so just apply gin_extract_hstore... */
+ entries = (Datum *)
+ DatumGetPointer(DirectFunctionCall2(gin_extract_hstore,
+ PointerGetDatum(nentries)));
+ /* ... except that "contains {}" requires a full index scan */
+ if (entries == NULL)
+ *searchMode = GIN_SEARCH_MODE_ALL;
+ }
+ else if (strategy == HStoreExistsStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ text *query = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ text *item;
+ *nentries = 1;
+ entries = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum));
+ item = makeitem(VARDATA_ANY(query), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(query), KEYFLAG);
+ entries[0] = PointerGetDatum(item);
+ }
+ else if (strategy == HStoreExistsAnyStrategyNumber ||
+ strategy == HStoreExistsAllStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ ArrayType *query = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
+ Datum *key_datums;
+ bool *key_nulls;
+ int key_count;
+ int i,
+ j;
+ text *item;
+ deconstruct_array(query,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &key_datums, &key_nulls, &key_count);
+ entries = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * key_count);
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < key_count; ++i)
+ {
+ /* Nulls in the array are ignored, cf hstoreArrayToPairs */
+ if (key_nulls[i])
+ continue;
+ item = makeitem(VARDATA(key_datums[i]),
+ VARSIZE(key_datums[i]) - VARHDRSZ, KEYFLAG);
+ entries[j++] = PointerGetDatum(item);
+ }
+ *nentries = j;
+ /* ExistsAll with no keys should match everything */
+ if (j == 0 && strategy == HStoreExistsAllStrategyNumber)
+ *searchMode = GIN_SEARCH_MODE_ALL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy);
+ entries = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */
+ }
+Datum gin_consistent_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ bool *check = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ StrategyNumber strategy = PG_GETARG_UINT16(1);
+ /* HStore *query = PG_GETARG_HS(2); */
+ int32 nkeys = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
+ /* Pointer *extra_data = (Pointer *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); */
+ bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(5);
+ bool res = true;
+ int32 i;
+ if (strategy == HStoreContainsStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Index doesn't have information about correspondence of keys and
+ * values, so we need recheck. However, if not all the keys are
+ * present, we can fail at once.
+ */
+ *recheck = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
+ {
+ if (!check[i])
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strategy == HStoreExistsStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ /* Existence of key is guaranteed in default search mode */
+ *recheck = false;
+ res = true;
+ }
+ else if (strategy == HStoreExistsAnyStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ /* Existence of key is guaranteed in default search mode */
+ *recheck = false;
+ res = true;
+ }
+ else if (strategy == HStoreExistsAllStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ /* Testing for all the keys being present gives an exact result */
+ *recheck = false;
+ for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
+ {
+ if (!check[i])
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy);
+Datum gin_consistent_hstore_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ bool *check = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ StrategyNumber strategy = PG_GETARG_UINT16(1);
+ /* HStore *query = PG_GETARG_HS(2); */
+ int32 nkeys = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
+ /* Pointer *extra_data = (Pointer *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); */
+ bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(5);
+ bool res = true;
+ int32 i;
+ if (strategy == HStoreContainsStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Index doesn't have information about correspondence of keys and
+ * values, so we need recheck. However, if not all the keys are
+ * present, we can fail at once.
+ */
+ *recheck = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
+ {
+ if (!check[i])
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy);
+Datum gin_extract_hstore_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+typedef struct PathHashStack
+ pg_crc32 hash_state;
+ struct PathHashStack *next;
+} PathHashStack;
+#define PATH_SEPARATOR ("\0")
+static void
+hash_value(HStoreValue *v, PathHashStack *stack)
+ switch(v->type)
+ {
+ case hsvNull:
+ COMP_CRC32(stack->hash_state, "NULL", 5 /* include trailing \0 */);
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ COMP_CRC32(stack->hash_state, (v->boolean) ? " t" : " f", 2 /* include trailing \0 */);
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ stack->hash_state ^= DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall1(hash_numeric,
+ NumericGetDatum(v->numeric)));
+ break;
+ case hsvString:
+ COMP_CRC32(stack->hash_state, v->string.val, v->string.len);
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(ERROR, "Shouldn't take hash of array");
+ break;
+ }
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int32 *nentries = (int32 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+ Datum *entries = NULL;
+ int total = 2 * HS_ROOT_COUNT(hs);
+ int i = 0, r;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ PathHashStack tail;
+ PathHashStack *stack, *tmp;
+ pg_crc32 path_crc32;
+ if (total == 0)
+ {
+ *nentries = 0;
+ }
+ entries = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * total);
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs));
+ tail.next = NULL;
+ INIT_CRC32(tail.hash_state);
+ stack = &tail;
+ /*
+ * Calculate hashes of all key_1.key_2. ... .key_n.value paths as entries.
+ * Order of array elements doesn't matter so array keys are empty in path.
+ * For faster calculation of hashes use stack for precalculated hashes
+ * of prefixes.
+ */
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (i >= total)
+ {
+ total *= 2;
+ entries = (Datum *) repalloc(entries, sizeof(Datum) * total);
+ }
+ switch(r)
+ {
+ tmp = stack;
+ stack = (PathHashStack *)palloc(sizeof(PathHashStack));
+ stack->next = tmp;
+ stack->hash_state = tmp->hash_state;
+ COMP_CRC32(stack->hash_state, PATH_SEPARATOR, 1);
+ break;
+ /* Preserve stack item for key */
+ tmp = stack;
+ stack = (PathHashStack *)palloc(sizeof(PathHashStack));
+ stack->next = tmp;
+ break;
+ case WHS_KEY:
+ /* Calc hash of key and separated into preserved stack item */
+ stack->hash_state = stack->next->hash_state;
+ hash_value(&v, stack);
+ COMP_CRC32(stack->hash_state, PATH_SEPARATOR, 1);
+ break;
+ case WHS_VALUE:
+ case WHS_ELEM:
+ path_crc32 = stack->hash_state;
+ hash_value(&v, stack);
+ FIN_CRC32(path_crc32);
+ entries[i++] = path_crc32;
+ break;
+ case WHS_END_HASH:
+ /* Pop stack item */
+ tmp = stack->next;
+ pfree(stack);
+ stack = tmp;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *nentries = i;
+Datum gin_extract_hstore_hash_query(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ int32 *nentries = (int32 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+ StrategyNumber strategy = PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
+ int32 *searchMode = (int32 *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(6);
+ Datum *entries;
+ if (strategy == HStoreContainsStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ /* Query is an hstore, so just apply gin_extract_hstore... */
+ entries = (Datum *)
+ DatumGetPointer(DirectFunctionCall2(gin_extract_hstore_hash,
+ PointerGetDatum(nentries)));
+ /* ... except that "contains {}" requires a full index scan */
+ if (entries == NULL)
+ *searchMode = GIN_SEARCH_MODE_ALL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy);
+ entries = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * contrib/hstore/hstore_gist.c
+ */
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "access/gist.h"
+#include "access/skey.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "utils/pg_crc.h"
+#include "hstore.h"
+/* bigint defines */
+#define BITBYTE 8
+#define SIGLENINT 4 /* >122 => key will toast, so very slow!!! */
+#define SIGLEN ( sizeof(int)*SIGLENINT )
+typedef char BITVEC[SIGLEN];
+typedef char *BITVECP;
+#define SIGPTR(x) ( (BITVECP) ARR_DATA_PTR(x) )
+#define LOOPBYTE \
+ for(i=0;i<SIGLEN;i++)
+#define LOOPBIT \
+ for(i=0;i<SIGLENBIT;i++)
+/* beware of multiple evaluation of arguments to these macros! */
+#define GETBYTE(x,i) ( *( (BITVECP)(x) + (int)( (i) / BITBYTE ) ) )
+#define GETBITBYTE(x,i) ( (*((char*)(x)) >> (i)) & 0x01 )
+#define CLRBIT(x,i) GETBYTE(x,i) &= ~( 0x01 << ( (i) % BITBYTE ) )
+#define SETBIT(x,i) GETBYTE(x,i) |= ( 0x01 << ( (i) % BITBYTE ) )
+#define GETBIT(x,i) ( (GETBYTE(x,i) >> ( (i) % BITBYTE )) & 0x01 )
+#define HASHVAL(val) (((unsigned int)(val)) % SIGLENBIT)
+#define HASH(sign, val) SETBIT((sign), HASHVAL(val))
+typedef struct
+ int32 vl_len_; /* varlena header (do not touch directly!) */
+ int32 flag;
+ char data[1];
+#define ALLISTRUE 0x04
+#define ISALLTRUE(x) ( ((GISTTYPE*)x)->flag & ALLISTRUE )
+#define GTHDRSIZE (VARHDRSZ + sizeof(int32))
+#define CALCGTSIZE(flag) ( GTHDRSIZE+(((flag) & ALLISTRUE) ? 0 : SIGLEN) )
+#define GETSIGN(x) ( (BITVECP)( (char*)x+GTHDRSIZE ) )
+#define SUMBIT(val) ( \
+ GETBITBYTE((val),0) + \
+ GETBITBYTE((val),1) + \
+ GETBITBYTE((val),2) + \
+ GETBITBYTE((val),3) + \
+ GETBITBYTE((val),4) + \
+ GETBITBYTE((val),5) + \
+ GETBITBYTE((val),6) + \
+ GETBITBYTE((val),7) \
+#define GETENTRY(vec,pos) ((GISTTYPE *) DatumGetPointer((vec)->vector[(pos)].key))
+#define WISH_F(a,b,c) (double)( -(double)(((a)-(b))*((a)-(b))*((a)-(b)))*(c) )
+Datum ghstore_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum ghstore_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ elog(ERROR, "Not implemented");
+ elog(ERROR, "Not implemented");
+Datum ghstore_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum ghstore_compress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum ghstore_decompress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum ghstore_penalty(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum ghstore_picksplit(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum ghstore_union(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+Datum ghstore_same(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+static int
+crc32_HStoreValue(HStoreValue *v, uint32 r)
+ int crc;
+ char flag = '\0';
+ INIT_CRC32(crc);
+ switch(r)
+ {
+ case WHS_KEY:
+ flag = KEYFLAG;
+ break;
+ case WHS_VALUE:
+ flag = VALFLAG;
+ break;
+ case WHS_ELEM:
+ flag = ELEMFLAG;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, &flag, 1);
+ switch(v->type)
+ {
+ case hsvString:
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, v->string.val, v->string.len);
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ flag = (v->boolean) ? 't' : 'f';
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, &flag, 1);
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ crc = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall1(hash_numeric,
+ NumericGetDatum(v->numeric)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "impossible value %d", v->type);
+ }
+ FIN_CRC32(crc);
+ return crc;
+static int
+crc32_Key(char *buf, int sz)
+ int crc;
+ char flag = KEYFLAG;
+ INIT_CRC32(crc);
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, &flag, 1);
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, buf, sz);
+ FIN_CRC32(crc);
+ return crc;
+ GISTENTRY *retval = entry;
+ if (entry->leafkey)
+ {
+ GISTTYPE *res = (GISTTYPE *) palloc0(CALCGTSIZE(0));
+ HStore *val = DatumGetHStoreP(entry->key);
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(val))
+ {
+ int r;
+ HStoreIterator *it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(val));
+ HStoreValue v;
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false)) != 0)
+ {
+ if ((r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_KEY || r == WHS_VALUE) &&
+ v.type != hsvNull)
+ {
+ int h = crc32_HStoreValue(&v, r);
+ HASH(GETSIGN(res), h);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ retval = (GISTENTRY *) palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));
+ gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(res),
+ entry->rel, entry->page,
+ entry->offset,
+ }
+ else if (!ISALLTRUE(DatumGetPointer(entry->key)))
+ {
+ int32 i;
+ GISTTYPE *res;
+ BITVECP sign = GETSIGN(DatumGetPointer(entry->key));
+ {
+ if ((sign[i] & 0xff) != 0xff)
+ }
+ res->flag = ALLISTRUE;
+ retval = (GISTENTRY *) palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));
+ gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(res),
+ entry->rel, entry->page,
+ entry->offset,
+ }
+ * Since type ghstore isn't toastable (and doesn't need to be),
+ * this function can be a no-op.
+ */
+ bool *result = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
+ *result = true;
+ else if (ISALLTRUE(a))
+ *result = false;
+ else if (ISALLTRUE(b))
+ *result = false;
+ else
+ {
+ int32 i;
+ sb = GETSIGN(b);
+ *result = true;
+ {
+ if (sa[i] != sb[i])
+ {
+ *result = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static int32
+sizebitvec(BITVECP sign)
+ int32 size = 0,
+ i;
+ {
+ size += SUMBIT(sign);
+ sign = (BITVECP) (((char *) sign) + 1);
+ }
+ return size;
+static int
+hemdistsign(BITVECP a, BITVECP b)
+ int i,
+ dist = 0;
+ {
+ if (GETBIT(a, i) != GETBIT(b, i))
+ dist++;
+ }
+ return dist;
+static int
+hemdist(GISTTYPE *a, GISTTYPE *b)
+ if (ISALLTRUE(a))
+ {
+ if (ISALLTRUE(b))
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return SIGLENBIT - sizebitvec(GETSIGN(b));
+ }
+ else if (ISALLTRUE(b))
+ return SIGLENBIT - sizebitvec(GETSIGN(a));
+ return hemdistsign(GETSIGN(a), GETSIGN(b));
+static int32
+unionkey(BITVECP sbase, GISTTYPE *add)
+ int32 i;
+ BITVECP sadd = GETSIGN(add);
+ if (ISALLTRUE(add))
+ return 1;
+ sbase[i] |= sadd[i];
+ return 0;
+ GistEntryVector *entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ int32 len = entryvec->n;
+ int *size = (int *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
+ BITVEC base;
+ int32 i;
+ int32 flag = 0;
+ GISTTYPE *result;
+ MemSet((void *) base, 0, sizeof(BITVEC));
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ if (unionkey(base, GETENTRY(entryvec, i)))
+ {
+ flag = ALLISTRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ len = CALCGTSIZE(flag);
+ result = (GISTTYPE *) palloc(len);
+ SET_VARSIZE(result, len);
+ result->flag = flag;
+ if (!ISALLTRUE(result))
+ memcpy((void *) GETSIGN(result), (void *) base, sizeof(BITVEC));
+ *size = len;
+ float *penalty = (float *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
+ GISTTYPE *origval = (GISTTYPE *) DatumGetPointer(origentry->key);
+ GISTTYPE *newval = (GISTTYPE *) DatumGetPointer(newentry->key);
+ *penalty = hemdist(origval, newval);
+typedef struct
+ OffsetNumber pos;
+ int32 cost;
+static int
+comparecost(const void *a, const void *b)
+ return ((const SPLITCOST *) a)->cost - ((const SPLITCOST *) b)->cost;
+ GistEntryVector *entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ OffsetNumber maxoff = entryvec->n - 2;
+ OffsetNumber k,
+ j;
+ GISTTYPE *datum_l,
+ *datum_r;
+ BITVECP union_l,
+ union_r;
+ int32 size_alpha,
+ size_beta;
+ int32 size_waste,
+ waste = -1;
+ int32 nbytes;
+ OffsetNumber seed_1 = 0,
+ seed_2 = 0;
+ OffsetNumber *left,
+ *right;
+ BITVECP ptr;
+ int i;
+ SPLITCOST *costvector;
+ *_j;
+ nbytes = (maxoff + 2) * sizeof(OffsetNumber);
+ v->spl_left = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
+ v->spl_right = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
+ for (k = FirstOffsetNumber; k < maxoff; k = OffsetNumberNext(k))
+ {
+ _k = GETENTRY(entryvec, k);
+ for (j = OffsetNumberNext(k); j <= maxoff; j = OffsetNumberNext(j))
+ {
+ size_waste = hemdist(_k, GETENTRY(entryvec, j));
+ if (size_waste > waste)
+ {
+ waste = size_waste;
+ seed_1 = k;
+ seed_2 = j;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ left = v->spl_left;
+ v->spl_nleft = 0;
+ right = v->spl_right;
+ v->spl_nright = 0;
+ if (seed_1 == 0 || seed_2 == 0)
+ {
+ seed_1 = 1;
+ seed_2 = 2;
+ }
+ /* form initial .. */
+ if (ISALLTRUE(GETENTRY(entryvec, seed_1)))
+ {
+ datum_l = (GISTTYPE *) palloc(GTHDRSIZE);
+ datum_l->flag = ALLISTRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ datum_l = (GISTTYPE *) palloc(GTHDRSIZE + SIGLEN);
+ datum_l->flag = 0;
+ memcpy((void *) GETSIGN(datum_l),
+ (void *) GETSIGN(GETENTRY(entryvec, seed_1)), sizeof(BITVEC))
+ ;
+ }
+ if (ISALLTRUE(GETENTRY(entryvec, seed_2)))
+ {
+ datum_r = (GISTTYPE *) palloc(GTHDRSIZE);
+ datum_r->flag = ALLISTRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ datum_r = (GISTTYPE *) palloc(GTHDRSIZE + SIGLEN);
+ datum_r->flag = 0;
+ memcpy((void *) GETSIGN(datum_r),
+ (void *) GETSIGN(GETENTRY(entryvec, seed_2)), sizeof(BITVEC));
+ }
+ maxoff = OffsetNumberNext(maxoff);
+ /* sort before ... */
+ costvector = (SPLITCOST *) palloc(sizeof(SPLITCOST) * maxoff);
+ for (j = FirstOffsetNumber; j <= maxoff; j = OffsetNumberNext(j))
+ {
+ costvector[j - 1].pos = j;
+ _j = GETENTRY(entryvec, j);
+ size_alpha = hemdist(datum_l, _j);
+ size_beta = hemdist(datum_r, _j);
+ costvector[j - 1].cost = abs(size_alpha - size_beta);
+ }
+ qsort((void *) costvector, maxoff, sizeof(SPLITCOST), comparecost);
+ union_l = GETSIGN(datum_l);
+ union_r = GETSIGN(datum_r);
+ for (k = 0; k < maxoff; k++)
+ {
+ j = costvector[k].pos;
+ if (j == seed_1)
+ {
+ *left++ = j;
+ v->spl_nleft++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (j == seed_2)
+ {
+ *right++ = j;
+ v->spl_nright++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ _j = GETENTRY(entryvec, j);
+ size_alpha = hemdist(datum_l, _j);
+ size_beta = hemdist(datum_r, _j);
+ if (size_alpha < size_beta + WISH_F(v->spl_nleft, v->spl_nright, 0.0001))
+ {
+ if (ISALLTRUE(datum_l) || ISALLTRUE(_j))
+ {
+ if (!ISALLTRUE(datum_l))
+ MemSet((void *) union_l, 0xff, sizeof(BITVEC));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptr = GETSIGN(_j);
+ union_l[i] |= ptr[i];
+ }
+ *left++ = j;
+ v->spl_nleft++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ISALLTRUE(datum_r) || ISALLTRUE(_j))
+ {
+ if (!ISALLTRUE(datum_r))
+ MemSet((void *) union_r, 0xff, sizeof(BITVEC));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ptr = GETSIGN(_j);
+ union_r[i] |= ptr[i];
+ }
+ *right++ = j;
+ v->spl_nright++;
+ }
+ }
+ *right = *left = FirstOffsetNumber;
+ v->spl_ldatum = PointerGetDatum(datum_l);
+ v->spl_rdatum = PointerGetDatum(datum_r);
+ GISTTYPE *entry = (GISTTYPE *) DatumGetPointer(((GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0))->key);
+ StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2);
+ /* Oid subtype = PG_GETARG_OID(3); */
+ bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4);
+ bool res = true;
+ BITVECP sign;
+ /* All cases served by this function are inexact */
+ *recheck = true;
+ if (ISALLTRUE(entry))
+ sign = GETSIGN(entry);
+ if (strategy == HStoreContainsStrategyNumber ||
+ strategy == HStoreOldContainsStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ int i;
+ qe = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+ if (qe == NULL)
+ {
+ HStore *query = PG_GETARG_HS(1);
+ qe = MemoryContextAlloc(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt, sizeof(BITVEC));
+ memset(qe, 0, sizeof(BITVEC));
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(query))
+ {
+ int r;
+ HStoreIterator *it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(query));
+ HStoreValue v;
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false)) != 0)
+ {
+ if ((r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_KEY || r == WHS_VALUE) && v.type != hsvNull)
+ {
+ int crc = crc32_HStoreValue(&v, r);
+ HASH(qe, crc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = qe;
+ }
+ {
+ if ((sign[i] & qe[i]) != qe[i])
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strategy == HStoreExistsStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ int *qval;
+ qval = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+ if (qval == NULL)
+ {
+ text *query = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ int crc = crc32_Key(VARDATA_ANY(query), VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(query));
+ qval = MemoryContextAlloc(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt, sizeof(*qval));
+ *qval = HASHVAL(crc);
+ fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = qval;
+ }
+ res = (GETBIT(sign, *qval)) ? true : false;
+ }
+ else if (strategy == HStoreExistsAllStrategyNumber ||
+ strategy == HStoreExistsAnyStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ BITVECP arrentry;
+ int i;
+ arrentry = fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+ if (arrentry == NULL)
+ {
+ ArrayType *query = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ Datum *key_datums;
+ bool *key_nulls;
+ int key_count;
+ arrentry = MemoryContextAlloc(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt,
+ sizeof(BITVEC));
+ memset(arrentry, 0, sizeof(BITVEC));
+ deconstruct_array(query,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &key_datums, &key_nulls, &key_count);
+ for (i = 0; i < key_count; ++i)
+ {
+ int crc;
+ if (key_nulls[i])
+ continue;
+ crc = crc32_Key(VARDATA(key_datums[i]),
+ VARSIZE(key_datums[i]) - VARHDRSZ);
+ HASH(arrentry, crc);
+ }
+ fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = arrentry;
+ }
+ if (strategy == HStoreExistsAllStrategyNumber)
+ {
+ {
+ if ((sign[i] & arrentry[i]) != arrentry[i])
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else /* HStoreExistsAnyStrategyNumber */
+ {
+ res = false;
+ {
+ if (sign[i] & arrentry[i])
+ {
+ res = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ elog(ERROR, "Unsupported strategy number: %d", strategy);
--- /dev/null
+#define YYPARSE_PARAM result /* need this to pass a pointer (void *) to yyparse */
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "fmgr.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "hstore.h"
+ * Bison doesn't allocate anything that needs to live across parser calls,
+ * so we can easily have it use palloc instead of malloc. This prevents
+ * memory leaks if we error out during parsing. Note this only works with
+ * bison >= 2.0. However, in bison 1.875 the default is to use alloca()
+ * if possible, so there's not really much problem anyhow, at least if
+ * you're building with gcc.
+ */
+#define YYMALLOC palloc
+#define YYFREE pfree
+/* Avoid exit() on fatal scanner errors (a bit ugly -- see yy_fatal_error) */
+#undef fprintf
+#define fprintf(file, fmt, msg) fprintf_to_ereport(fmt, msg)
+static void
+fprintf_to_ereport(const char *fmt, const char *msg)
+ ereport(ERROR, (errmsg_internal("%s", msg)));
+/* struct string is shared between scan and gram */
+typedef struct string {
+ char *val;
+ int len;
+ int total;
+} string;
+#include <hstore_gram.h>
+/* flex 2.5.4 doesn't bother with a decl for this */
+int hstore_yylex(YYSTYPE * yylval_param);
+int hstore_yyparse(void *result);
+void hstore_yyerror(const char *message);
+static HStoreValue*
+makeHStoreValueString(HStoreValue* v, string *s)
+ if (v == NULL)
+ v = palloc(sizeof(*v));
+ if (s == NULL)
+ {
+ v->type = hsvNull;
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else if (s->len > HENTRY_POSMASK)
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "string is too long");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v->type = hsvString;
+ v->string.val = s->val;
+ v->string.len = s->len;
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry) + s->len;
+ }
+ return v;
+static HStoreValue*
+makeHStoreValueNumeric(string *s)
+ Numeric n = NULL;
+ HStoreValue *v;
+ MemoryContext ccxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
+ /*
+ * test stringIsNumber could be not agree with numeric_in
+ */
+ PG_TRY();
+ {
+ n = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall3(numeric_in, CStringGetDatum(s->val), 0, -1));
+ }
+ {
+ ErrorData *errdata;
+ MemoryContext ecxt;
+ ecxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo(ccxt);
+ errdata = CopyErrorData();
+ if (errdata->sqlerrcode == ERRCODE_INVALID_TEXT_REPRESENTATION)
+ {
+ FlushErrorState();
+ n = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MemoryContextSwitchTo(ecxt);
+ }
+ }
+ if (n != NULL)
+ {
+ v = palloc(sizeof(*v));
+ v->type = hsvNumeric;
+ v->numeric = n;
+ v->size = 2*sizeof(HEntry) + VARSIZE_ANY(n);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v = makeHStoreValueString(NULL, s);
+ }
+ return v;
+static HStoreValue*
+makeHStoreValueBool(bool val) {
+ HStoreValue *v = palloc(sizeof(*v));
+ v->type = hsvBool;
+ v->boolean = val;
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ return v;
+static HStoreValue*
+makeHStoreValueArray(List *list)
+ HStoreValue *v = palloc(sizeof(*v));
+ v->type = hsvArray;
+ v->array.scalar = false;
+ v->array.nelems = list_length(list);
+ v->size = sizeof(uint32) /* header */ + sizeof(HEntry) /* parent's entry */ + sizeof(HEntry) - 1 /*alignment*/;
+ if (v->array.nelems > 0)
+ {
+ ListCell *cell;
+ int i = 0;
+ v->array.elems = palloc(sizeof(HStoreValue) * v->array.nelems);
+ foreach(cell, list)
+ {
+ HStoreValue *s = (HStoreValue*)lfirst(cell);
+ v->size += s->size;
+ v->array.elems[i++] = *s;
+ if (v->size > HENTRY_POSMASK)
+ elog(ERROR, "array is too long");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v->array.elems = NULL;
+ }
+ return v;
+static HStoreValue*
+makeHStoreValuePairs(List *list)
+ HStoreValue *v = palloc(sizeof(*v));
+ v->type = hsvHash;
+ v->hash.npairs = list_length(list);
+ v->size = sizeof(uint32) /* header */ + sizeof(HEntry) /* parent's entry */ + sizeof(HEntry) - 1 /*alignment*/;
+ if (v->hash.npairs > 0)
+ {
+ ListCell *cell;
+ int i = 0;
+ v->hash.pairs = palloc(sizeof(HStorePair) * v->hash.npairs);
+ foreach(cell, list)
+ {
+ HStorePair *s = (HStorePair*)lfirst(cell);
+ v->size += s->key.size + s->value.size;
+ v->hash.pairs[i].order = i;
+ v->hash.pairs[i++] = *s;
+ if (v->size > HENTRY_POSMASK)
+ elog(ERROR, "hstore is too long");
+ }
+ uniqueHStoreValue(v);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v->hash.pairs = NULL;
+ }
+ return v;
+static HStorePair*
+makeHStorePair(string *key, HStoreValue *value) {
+ HStorePair *v = palloc(sizeof(*v));
+ makeHStoreValueString(&v->key, key);
+ v->value = *value;
+ return v;
+/* BISON Declarations */
+%expect 0
+%union {
+ string str;
+ Numeric numeric;
+ List *elems; /* list of HStoreValue */
+ List *pairs; /* list of HStorePair */
+ HStoreValue *hvalue;
+ HStorePair *pair;
+%type <hvalue> result hstore value scalar_value
+%type <str> key
+%type <pair> pair
+%type <elems> value_list
+%type <pairs> pair_list
+/* Grammar follows */
+ pair_list { *((HStoreValue**)result) = makeHStoreValuePairs($1); }
+ | hstore {
+ if ($1->type == hsvNull)
+ *((HStoreValue**)result) = NULL;
+ else
+ *((HStoreValue**)result) = $1;
+ }
+ | scalar_value {
+ *((HStoreValue**)result) = makeHStoreValueArray(lappend(NIL, $1));
+ (*((HStoreValue**)result))->array.scalar = true;
+ }
+ | /* EMPTY */ { *((HStoreValue**)result) = NULL; }
+ ;
+ '{' pair_list '}' { $$ = makeHStoreValuePairs($2); }
+ | '{' value_list '}' { $$ = makeHStoreValueArray($2); }
+ | '[' value_list ']' { $$ = makeHStoreValueArray($2); }
+ | '{' value '}' { $$ = makeHStoreValueArray(lappend(NIL, $2)); }
+ | '[' value ']' { $$ = makeHStoreValueArray(lappend(NIL, $2)); }
+ | '{' '}' { $$ = makeHStoreValueString(NULL, NULL); }
+ | '[' ']' { $$ = makeHStoreValueString(NULL, NULL); }
+ ;
+ NULL_P { $$ = makeHStoreValueString(NULL, NULL); }
+ | STRING_P { $$ = makeHStoreValueString(NULL, &$1); }
+ | TRUE_P { $$ = makeHStoreValueBool(true); }
+ | FALSE_P { $$ = makeHStoreValueBool(false); }
+ | NUMERIC_P { $$ = makeHStoreValueNumeric(&$1); }
+ ;
+ scalar_value { $$ = $1; }
+ | hstore { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ value ',' value { $$ = lappend(lappend(NIL, $1), $3); }
+ | value_list ',' value { $$ = lappend($1, $3); }
+ ;
+ * key is always a string, not a bool or numeric
+ */
+ STRING_P { $$ = $1; }
+ | TRUE_P { $$ = $1; }
+ | FALSE_P { $$ = $1; }
+ | NUMERIC_P { $$ = $1; }
+ | NULL_P { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
+ key DELIMITER_P value { $$ = makeHStorePair(&$1, $3); }
+ ;
+ pair { $$ = lappend(NIL, $1); }
+ | pair_list ',' pair { $$ = lappend($1, $3); }
+ ;
+#include "hstore_scan.c"
--- /dev/null
+ * contrib/hstore/hstore_io.c
+ */
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "access/htup_details.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_cast.h"
+#include "funcapi.h"
+#include "libpq/pqformat.h"
+#include "miscadmin.h"
+#include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
+#include "utils/json.h"
+#include "utils/guc.h"
+#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
+#include "utils/memutils.h"
+#include "utils/syscache.h"
+#include "utils/typcache.h"
+#include "hstore.h"
+/* old names for C functions */
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_from_text, tconvert);
+/* GUC variables */
+static bool pretty_print_var = false;
+#define SET_PRETTY_PRINT_VAR(x) ((pretty_print_var) ? \
+ ((x) | PrettyPrint) : (x))
+static void recvHStore(StringInfo buf, HStoreValue *v, uint32 level,
+ uint32 header);
+static Oid searchCast(Oid src, Oid dst, CoercionMethod *method);
+static size_t
+hstoreCheckKeyLen(size_t len)
+ if (len > HSTORE_MAX_KEY_LEN)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("string too long for hstore key")));
+ return len;
+static size_t
+hstoreCheckValLen(size_t len)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("string too long for hstore value")));
+ return len;
+static HStore*
+hstoreDump(HStoreValue *p)
+ uint32 buflen;
+ HStore *out;
+ if (p == NULL || (p->type == hsvArray && p->array.nelems == 0) ||
+ (p->type == hsvHash && p->hash.npairs == 0))
+ {
+ buflen = 0;
+ out = palloc(VARHDRSZ);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buflen = VARHDRSZ + p->size;
+ out = palloc(buflen);
+ SET_VARSIZE(out, buflen);
+ buflen = compressHStore(p, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+ SET_VARSIZE(out, buflen + VARHDRSZ);
+ return out;
+Datum hstore_in(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(parseHStore(PG_GETARG_CSTRING(0), -1, false)));
+static void
+recvHStoreValue(StringInfo buf, HStoreValue *v, uint32 level, int c)
+ uint32 hentry = c & HENTRY_TYPEMASK;
+ check_stack_depth();
+ if (c == -1 /* compatibility */ || hentry == HENTRY_ISNULL)
+ {
+ v->type = hsvNull;
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else if (hentry == HENTRY_ISHASH || hentry == HENTRY_ISARRAY ||
+ hentry == HENTRY_ISSCALAR)
+ {
+ recvHStore(buf, v, level + 1, (uint32)c);
+ }
+ else if (hentry == HENTRY_ISFALSE || hentry == HENTRY_ISTRUE)
+ {
+ v->type = hsvBool;
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ v->boolean = (hentry == HENTRY_ISFALSE) ? false : true;
+ }
+ else if (hentry == HENTRY_ISNUMERIC)
+ {
+ v->type = hsvNumeric;
+ v->numeric = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall3(numeric_recv,
+ PointerGetDatum(buf),
+ Int32GetDatum(0),
+ Int32GetDatum(-1)));
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry) * 2 + VARSIZE_ANY(v->numeric);
+ }
+ else if (hentry == HENTRY_ISSTRING)
+ {
+ v->type = hsvString;
+ v->string.val = pq_getmsgtext(buf, c & ~HENTRY_TYPEMASK, &c);
+ v->string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(c);
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry) + v->string.len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("unknown hstore value")));
+ }
+static void
+recvHStore(StringInfo buf, HStoreValue *v, uint32 level, uint32 header)
+ uint32 hentry;
+ uint32 i;
+ hentry = header & HENTRY_TYPEMASK;
+ if (level == 0 && hentry == 0)
+ hentry = HENTRY_ISHASH; /* old version */
+ check_stack_depth();
+ v->size = 3 * sizeof(HEntry);
+ if (hentry == HENTRY_ISHASH)
+ {
+ v->type = hsvHash;
+ v->hash.npairs = header & HS_COUNT_MASK;
+ if (v->hash.npairs > (buf->len - buf->cursor) / (2 * sizeof(uint32)) ||
+ v->hash.npairs > MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HStorePair))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("too much elements in hstore hash")));
+ if (v->hash.npairs > 0)
+ {
+ v->hash.pairs = palloc(sizeof(*v->hash.pairs) * v->hash.npairs);
+ for(i=0; i<v->hash.npairs; i++)
+ {
+ recvHStoreValue(buf, &v->hash.pairs[i].key, level,
+ pq_getmsgint(buf, 4));
+ if (v->hash.pairs[i].key.type != hsvString)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("hstore's key could be only a string")));
+ recvHStoreValue(buf, &v->hash.pairs[i].value, level,
+ pq_getmsgint(buf, 4));
+ v->size += v->hash.pairs[i].key.size +
+ v->hash.pairs[i].value.size;
+ }
+ uniqueHStoreValue(v);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (hentry == HENTRY_ISARRAY || hentry == HENTRY_ISSCALAR)
+ {
+ v->type = hsvArray;
+ v->array.nelems = header & HS_COUNT_MASK;
+ v->array.scalar = (hentry == HENTRY_ISSCALAR) ? true : false;
+ if (v->array.nelems > (buf->len - buf->cursor) / sizeof(uint32) ||
+ v->array.nelems > MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HStoreValue))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("too much elements in hstore array")));
+ if (v->array.scalar && v->array.nelems != 1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong scalar representation")));
+ if (v->array.nelems > 0)
+ {
+ v->array.elems = palloc(sizeof(*v->array.elems) * v->array.nelems);
+ for(i=0; i<v->array.nelems; i++)
+ {
+ recvHStoreValue(buf, v->array.elems + i, level,
+ pq_getmsgint(buf, 4));
+ v->size += v->array.elems[i].size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("unknown hstore element")));
+ }
+Datum hstore_recv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ StringInfo buf = (StringInfo) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
+ HStoreValue v;
+ recvHStore(buf, &v, 0, pq_getmsgint(buf, 4));
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&v));
+Datum hstore_from_text(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ text *key;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ HStorePair pair;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ pair.key.type = hsvString;
+ pair.key.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(key);
+ pair.key.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(key));
+ pair.key.size = pair.key.string.len + sizeof(HEntry);
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
+ {
+ pair.value.type = hsvNull;
+ pair.value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ text *val = NULL;
+ val = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ pair.value.type = hsvString;
+ pair.value.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(val);
+ pair.value.string.len = hstoreCheckValLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(val));
+ pair.value.size = pair.value.string.len + sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ v.type = hsvHash;
+ v.size = sizeof(HEntry) + pair.key.size + pair.value.size;
+ v.hash.npairs = 1;
+ v.hash.pairs = &pair;
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&v));
+Datum hstore_from_bool(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ text *key;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ HStorePair pair;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ pair.key.type = hsvString;
+ pair.key.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(key);
+ pair.key.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(key));
+ pair.key.size = pair.key.string.len + sizeof(HEntry);
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
+ {
+ pair.value.type = hsvNull;
+ pair.value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pair.value.type = hsvBool;
+ pair.value.boolean = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1);
+ pair.value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ v.type = hsvHash;
+ v.size = sizeof(HEntry) + pair.key.size + pair.value.size;
+ v.hash.npairs = 1;
+ v.hash.pairs = &pair;
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&v));
+Datum hstore_from_numeric(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ text *key;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ HStorePair pair;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ pair.key.type = hsvString;
+ pair.key.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(key);
+ pair.key.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(key));
+ pair.key.size = pair.key.string.len + sizeof(HEntry);
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
+ {
+ pair.value.type = hsvNull;
+ pair.value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pair.value.type = hsvNumeric;
+ pair.value.numeric = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(1);
+ pair.value.size = sizeof(HEntry) + sizeof(HEntry) +
+ VARSIZE_ANY(pair.value.numeric);
+ }
+ v.type = hsvHash;
+ v.size = sizeof(HEntry) + pair.key.size + pair.value.size;
+ v.hash.npairs = 1;
+ v.hash.pairs = &pair;
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&v));
+Datum hstore_from_th(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ text *key;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ HStorePair pair;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ pair.key.type = hsvString;
+ pair.key.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(key);
+ pair.key.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(key));
+ pair.key.size = pair.key.string.len + sizeof(HEntry);
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
+ {
+ pair.value.type = hsvNull;
+ pair.value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HStore *val = NULL;
+ val = PG_GETARG_HS(1);
+ pair.value.type = hsvBinary;
+ pair.value.binary.data = VARDATA_ANY(val);
+ pair.value.binary.len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(val);
+ pair.value.size = pair.value.binary.len + sizeof(HEntry) * 2;
+ }
+ v.type = hsvHash;
+ v.size = sizeof(HEntry) + pair.key.size + pair.value.size;
+ v.hash.npairs = 1;
+ v.hash.pairs = &pair;
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&v));
+Datum hstore_scalar_from_text(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStoreValue a, v;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ {
+ v.type = hsvNull;
+ v.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ text *scalar;
+ scalar = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ v.type = hsvString;
+ v.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(scalar);
+ v.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(scalar));
+ v.size = v.string.len + sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ a.type = hsvArray;
+ a.size = sizeof(HEntry) + v.size;
+ a.array.nelems = 1;
+ a.array.elems = &v;
+ a.array.scalar = true;
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&a));
+Datum hstore_scalar_from_bool(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStoreValue a, v;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ {
+ v.type = hsvNull;
+ v.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.type = hsvBool;
+ v.boolean = PG_GETARG_BOOL(0);
+ v.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ a.type = hsvArray;
+ a.size = sizeof(HEntry) + v.size;
+ a.array.nelems = 1;
+ a.array.elems = &v;
+ a.array.scalar = true;
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&a));
+Datum hstore_scalar_from_numeric(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStoreValue a, v;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ {
+ v.type = hsvNull;
+ v.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.type = hsvNumeric;
+ v.numeric = PG_GETARG_NUMERIC(0);
+ v.size = VARSIZE_ANY(v.numeric) + 2*sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ a.type = hsvArray;
+ a.size = sizeof(HEntry) + v.size;
+ a.array.nelems = 1;
+ a.array.elems = &v;
+ a.array.scalar = true;
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&a));
+Datum hstore_from_arrays(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStoreValue v;
+ Datum *key_datums;
+ bool *key_nulls;
+ int key_count;
+ Datum *value_datums;
+ bool *value_nulls;
+ int value_count;
+ ArrayType *key_array;
+ ArrayType *value_array;
+ int i;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ key_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
+ Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(key_array) == TEXTOID);
+ /*
+ * must check >1 rather than != 1 because empty arrays have 0 dimensions,
+ * not 1
+ */
+ if (ARR_NDIM(key_array) > 1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong number of array subscripts")));
+ deconstruct_array(key_array,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &key_datums, &key_nulls, &key_count);
+ /* see discussion in arrayToHStoreSortedArray() */
+ if (key_count > MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HStorePair))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("number of pairs (%d) exceeds the maximum allowed (%d)",
+ key_count, (int) (MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HStorePair)))));
+ /* value_array might be NULL */
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
+ {
+ value_array = NULL;
+ value_count = key_count;
+ value_datums = NULL;
+ value_nulls = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(value_array) == TEXTOID);
+ if (ARR_NDIM(value_array) > 1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong number of array subscripts")));
+ if ((ARR_NDIM(key_array) > 0 || ARR_NDIM(value_array) > 0) &&
+ (ARR_NDIM(key_array) != ARR_NDIM(value_array) ||
+ ARR_DIMS(key_array)[0] != ARR_DIMS(value_array)[0] ||
+ ARR_LBOUND(key_array)[0] != ARR_LBOUND(value_array)[0]))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("arrays must have same bounds")));
+ deconstruct_array(value_array,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &value_datums, &value_nulls, &value_count);
+ Assert(key_count == value_count);
+ }
+ v.type = hsvHash;
+ v.size = 2 * sizeof(HEntry);
+ v.hash.pairs = palloc(key_count * sizeof(*v.hash.pairs));
+ v.hash.npairs = key_count;
+ for (i = 0; i < key_count; ++i)
+ {
+ if (key_nulls[i])
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("null value not allowed for hstore key")));
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.type = hsvString;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(key_datums[i]);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(key_datums[i]));
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.size = sizeof(HEntry) +
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.len;
+ if (!value_nulls || value_nulls[i])
+ {
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.type = hsvNull;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.type = hsvString;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(value_datums[i]);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(value_datums[i]));
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry) +
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.len;
+ }
+ v.size += v.hash.pairs[i].key.size + v.hash.pairs[i].value.size;
+ }
+ uniqueHStoreValue(&v);
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&v));
+Datum hstore_from_array(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ ArrayType *in_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
+ int ndims = ARR_NDIM(in_array);
+ int count;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ Datum *in_datums;
+ bool *in_nulls;
+ int in_count;
+ int i;
+ Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(in_array) == TEXTOID);
+ switch (ndims)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ if ((ARR_DIMS(in_array)[0]) % 2)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("array must have even number of elements")));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if ((ARR_DIMS(in_array)[1]) != 2)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("array must have two columns")));
+ break;
+ default:
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong number of array subscripts")));
+ }
+ deconstruct_array(in_array,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &in_datums, &in_nulls, &in_count);
+ count = in_count / 2;
+ /* see discussion in arrayToHStoreSortedArray() */
+ if (count > MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HStorePair))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("number of pairs (%d) exceeds the maximum allowed (%d)",
+ count, (int) (MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HStorePair)))));
+ v.type = hsvHash;
+ v.size = 2*sizeof(HEntry);
+ v.hash.npairs = count;
+ v.hash.pairs = palloc(count * sizeof(HStorePair));
+ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ {
+ if (in_nulls[i * 2])
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("null value not allowed for hstore key")));
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.type = hsvString;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(in_datums[i * 2]);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in_datums[i * 2]));
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.size = sizeof(HEntry) +
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.len;
+ if (in_nulls[i * 2 + 1])
+ {
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.type = hsvNull;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.type = hsvString;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(in_datums[i * 2 + 1]);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in_datums[i * 2 + 1]));
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry) +
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.len;
+ }
+ v.size += v.hash.pairs[i].key.size + v.hash.pairs[i].value.size;
+ }
+ uniqueHStoreValue(&v);
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(&v));
+/* most of hstore_from_record is shamelessly swiped from record_out */
+ * structure to cache metadata needed for record I/O
+ */
+typedef struct ColumnIOData
+ Oid column_type;
+ Oid typiofunc;
+ Oid typioparam;
+ FmgrInfo proc;
+} ColumnIOData;
+typedef struct RecordIOData
+ Oid record_type;
+ int32 record_typmod;
+ int ncolumns;
+ ColumnIOData columns[1]; /* VARIABLE LENGTH ARRAY */
+} RecordIOData;
+Datum hstore_from_record(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HeapTupleHeader rec;
+ HStore *out;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ Oid tupType;
+ int32 tupTypmod;
+ TupleDesc tupdesc;
+ HeapTupleData tuple;
+ RecordIOData *my_extra;
+ int ncolumns;
+ int i;
+ Datum *values;
+ bool *nulls;
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ {
+ Oid argtype = get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 0);
+ /*
+ * have no tuple to look at, so the only source of type info is the
+ * argtype. The lookup_rowtype_tupdesc call below will error out if we
+ * don't have a known composite type oid here.
+ */
+ tupType = argtype;
+ tupTypmod = -1;
+ rec = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Extract type info from the tuple itself */
+ tupType = HeapTupleHeaderGetTypeId(rec);
+ tupTypmod = HeapTupleHeaderGetTypMod(rec);
+ }
+ tupdesc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(tupType, tupTypmod);
+ ncolumns = tupdesc->natts;
+ /*
+ * We arrange to look up the needed I/O info just once per series of
+ * calls, assuming the record type doesn't change underneath us.
+ */
+ my_extra = (RecordIOData *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+ if (my_extra == NULL ||
+ my_extra->ncolumns != ncolumns)
+ {
+ fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra =
+ MemoryContextAlloc(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt,
+ sizeof(RecordIOData) - sizeof(ColumnIOData)
+ + ncolumns * sizeof(ColumnIOData));
+ my_extra = (RecordIOData *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+ my_extra->record_type = InvalidOid;
+ my_extra->record_typmod = 0;
+ }
+ if (my_extra->record_type != tupType ||
+ my_extra->record_typmod != tupTypmod)
+ {
+ MemSet(my_extra, 0,
+ sizeof(RecordIOData) - sizeof(ColumnIOData)
+ + ncolumns * sizeof(ColumnIOData));
+ my_extra->record_type = tupType;
+ my_extra->record_typmod = tupTypmod;
+ my_extra->ncolumns = ncolumns;
+ }
+ v.type = hsvHash;
+ v.size = 2*sizeof(HEntry);
+ v.hash.npairs = ncolumns;
+ Assert(ncolumns <= MaxTupleAttributeNumber); /* thus, no overflow */
+ v.hash.pairs = palloc(ncolumns * sizeof(HStorePair));
+ if (rec)
+ {
+ /* Build a temporary HeapTuple control structure */
+ tuple.t_len = HeapTupleHeaderGetDatumLength(rec);
+ ItemPointerSetInvalid(&(tuple.t_self));
+ tuple.t_tableOid = InvalidOid;
+ tuple.t_data = rec;
+ values = (Datum *) palloc(ncolumns * sizeof(Datum));
+ nulls = (bool *) palloc(ncolumns * sizeof(bool));
+ /* Break down the tuple into fields */
+ heap_deform_tuple(&tuple, tupdesc, values, nulls);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ values = NULL;
+ nulls = NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; ++i)
+ {
+ ColumnIOData *column_info = &my_extra->columns[i];
+ Oid column_type = tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid;
+ char *value;
+ /* Ignore dropped columns in datatype */
+ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped)
+ continue;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.type = hsvString;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.val = NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.len = hstoreCheckKeyLen(strlen(v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.val));
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.size = sizeof(HEntry) +
+ v.hash.pairs[i].key.string.len;
+ if (!nulls || nulls[i])
+ {
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.type = hsvNull;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * Convert the column value to hstore's values
+ */
+ if (column_type == BOOLOID)
+ {
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.type = hsvBool;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.boolean = DatumGetBool(values[i]);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else if (TypeCategory(column_type) == TYPCATEGORY_NUMERIC)
+ {
+ Oid castOid = InvalidOid;
+ CoercionMethod method;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.type = hsvNumeric;
+ castOid = searchCast(column_type, NUMERICOID, &method);
+ if (castOid == InvalidOid)
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not cast numeric category type to numeric '%c'", (char)method);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.numeric = DatumGetNumeric(values[i]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.numeric =
+ DatumGetNumeric(OidFunctionCall1(castOid, values[i]));
+ }
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = 2*sizeof(HEntry) +
+ VARSIZE_ANY(v.hash.pairs[i].value.numeric);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (column_info->column_type != column_type)
+ {
+ bool typIsVarlena;
+ getTypeOutputInfo(column_type,
+ &column_info->typiofunc,
+ &typIsVarlena);
+ fmgr_info_cxt(column_info->typiofunc, &column_info->proc,
+ fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt);
+ column_info->column_type = column_type;
+ }
+ value = OutputFunctionCall(&column_info->proc, values[i]);
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.type = hsvString;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.val = value;
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.len = hstoreCheckValLen(strlen(value));
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.size = sizeof(HEntry) +
+ v.hash.pairs[i].value.string.len;
+ }
+ }
+ v.size += v.hash.pairs[i].key.size + v.hash.pairs[i].value.size;
+ }
+ uniqueHStoreValue(&v);
+ out = hstoreDump(&v);
+ ReleaseTupleDesc(tupdesc);
+Datum hstore_populate_record(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ Oid argtype = get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, 0);
+ HStore *hs;
+ HeapTupleHeader rec;
+ Oid tupType;
+ int32 tupTypmod;
+ TupleDesc tupdesc;
+ HeapTupleData tuple;
+ HeapTuple rettuple;
+ RecordIOData *my_extra;
+ int ncolumns;
+ int i;
+ Datum *values;
+ bool *nulls;
+ if (!type_is_rowtype(argtype))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("first argument must be a rowtype")));
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ {
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
+ rec = NULL;
+ /*
+ * have no tuple to look at, so the only source of type info is the
+ * argtype. The lookup_rowtype_tupdesc call below will error out if we
+ * don't have a known composite type oid here.
+ */
+ tupType = argtype;
+ tupTypmod = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
+ /* Extract type info from the tuple itself */
+ tupType = HeapTupleHeaderGetTypeId(rec);
+ tupTypmod = HeapTupleHeaderGetTypMod(rec);
+ }
+ hs = PG_GETARG_HS(1);
+ /*
+ * if the input hstore is empty, we can only skip the rest if we were
+ * passed in a non-null record, since otherwise there may be issues with
+ * domain nulls.
+ */
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs) && rec)
+ tupdesc = lookup_rowtype_tupdesc(tupType, tupTypmod);
+ ncolumns = tupdesc->natts;
+ if (rec)
+ {
+ /* Build a temporary HeapTuple control structure */
+ tuple.t_len = HeapTupleHeaderGetDatumLength(rec);
+ ItemPointerSetInvalid(&(tuple.t_self));
+ tuple.t_tableOid = InvalidOid;
+ tuple.t_data = rec;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We arrange to look up the needed I/O info just once per series of
+ * calls, assuming the record type doesn't change underneath us.
+ */
+ my_extra = (RecordIOData *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+ if (my_extra == NULL ||
+ my_extra->ncolumns != ncolumns)
+ {
+ fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra =
+ MemoryContextAlloc(fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt,
+ sizeof(RecordIOData) - sizeof(ColumnIOData)
+ + ncolumns * sizeof(ColumnIOData));
+ my_extra = (RecordIOData *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
+ my_extra->record_type = InvalidOid;
+ my_extra->record_typmod = 0;
+ }
+ if (my_extra->record_type != tupType ||
+ my_extra->record_typmod != tupTypmod)
+ {
+ MemSet(my_extra, 0,
+ sizeof(RecordIOData) - sizeof(ColumnIOData)
+ + ncolumns * sizeof(ColumnIOData));
+ my_extra->record_type = tupType;
+ my_extra->record_typmod = tupTypmod;
+ my_extra->ncolumns = ncolumns;
+ }
+ values = (Datum *) palloc(ncolumns * sizeof(Datum));
+ nulls = (bool *) palloc(ncolumns * sizeof(bool));
+ if (rec)
+ {
+ /* Break down the tuple into fields */
+ heap_deform_tuple(&tuple, tupdesc, values, nulls);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; ++i)
+ {
+ values[i] = (Datum) 0;
+ nulls[i] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < ncolumns; ++i)
+ {
+ ColumnIOData *column_info = &my_extra->columns[i];
+ Oid column_type = tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid;
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ /* Ignore dropped columns in datatype */
+ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped)
+ {
+ nulls[i] = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ {
+ char *key = NameStr(tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname);
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs), HS_FLAG_HSTORE, NULL, key, strlen(key));
+ }
+ /*
+ * we can't just skip here if the key wasn't found since we might have
+ * a domain to deal with. If we were passed in a non-null record
+ * datum, we assume that the existing values are valid (if they're
+ * not, then it's not our fault), but if we were passed in a null,
+ * then every field which we don't populate needs to be run through
+ * the input function just in case it's a domain type.
+ */
+ if (v == NULL && rec)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Prepare to convert the column value from text
+ */
+ if (column_info->column_type != column_type)
+ {
+ getTypeInputInfo(column_type,
+ &column_info->typiofunc,
+ &column_info->typioparam);
+ fmgr_info_cxt(column_info->typiofunc, &column_info->proc,
+ fcinfo->flinfo->fn_mcxt);
+ column_info->column_type = column_type;
+ }
+ if (v == NULL || v->type == hsvNull)
+ {
+ /*
+ * need InputFunctionCall to happen even for nulls, so that domain
+ * checks are done
+ */
+ values[i] = InputFunctionCall(&column_info->proc, NULL,
+ column_info->typioparam,
+ tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypmod);
+ nulls[i] = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *s = NULL;
+ if (v->type == hsvString)
+ s = pnstrdup(v->string.val, v->string.len);
+ else if (v->type == hsvBool)
+ s = pnstrdup((v->boolean) ? "t" : "f", 1);
+ else if (v->type == hsvNumeric)
+ s = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_out,
+ PointerGetDatum(v->numeric)));
+ else if (v->type == hsvBinary && column_type == JSONOID)
+ s = hstoreToCString(NULL, v->binary.data, v->binary.len,
+ SET_PRETTY_PRINT_VAR(JsonOutput | RootHashDecorated));
+ else if (v->type == hsvBinary && type_is_array(column_type))
+ s = hstoreToCString(NULL, v->binary.data, v->binary.len,
+ SET_PRETTY_PRINT_VAR(ArrayCurlyBraces));
+ else if (v->type == hsvBinary)
+ s = hstoreToCString(NULL, v->binary.data, v->binary.len,
+ else
+ elog(PANIC, "Wrong hstore");
+ values[i] = InputFunctionCall(&column_info->proc, s,
+ column_info->typioparam,
+ tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypmod);
+ nulls[i] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ rettuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, values, nulls);
+ ReleaseTupleDesc(tupdesc);
+ PG_RETURN_DATUM(HeapTupleGetDatum(rettuple));
+stringIsNumber(char *string, int len, bool jsonNumber) {
+ enum {
+ } sinState;
+ char *c;
+ bool r;
+ if (*string == '-' || *string == '+')
+ {
+ string++;
+ len--;
+ }
+ c = string;
+ r = true;
+ sinState = SIN_FIRSTINT;
+ while(r && c - string < len)
+ {
+ switch(sinState)
+ {
+ if (*c == '0' && jsonNumber)
+ sinState = SIN_ZEROINT;
+ else if (*c == '.')
+ sinState = SIN_SCALE;
+ else if (isdigit(*c))
+ sinState = SIN_INT;
+ else
+ r = false;
+ break;
+ if (*c == '.')
+ sinState = SIN_SCALE;
+ else
+ r = false;
+ break;
+ case SIN_INT:
+ if (*c == '.')
+ sinState = SIN_SCALE;
+ else if (*c == 'e' || *c == 'E')
+ sinState = SIN_MSIGN;
+ else if (!isdigit(*c))
+ r = false;
+ break;
+ case SIN_SCALE:
+ if (*c == 'e' || *c == 'E')
+ sinState = SIN_MSIGN;
+ else if (!isdigit(*c))
+ r = false;
+ break;
+ case SIN_MSIGN:
+ if (*c == '-' || *c == '+' || isdigit(*c))
+ sinState = SIN_MANTISSA;
+ else
+ r = false;
+ break;
+ if (!isdigit(*c))
+ r = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ c++;
+ }
+ if (sinState == SIN_MSIGN)
+ r = false;
+ return r;
+static void
+printIndent(StringInfo out, bool isRootHash, HStoreOutputKind kind, int level)
+ if (kind & PrettyPrint)
+ {
+ int i;
+ if (isRootHash && (kind & RootHashDecorated) == 0)
+ level--;
+ for(i=0; i<4*level; i++)
+ appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, ' ');
+ }
+static void
+printCR(StringInfo out, HStoreOutputKind kind)
+ if (kind & PrettyPrint)
+ appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, '\n');
+static void
+escape_hstore(StringInfo out, char *string, uint32 len)
+ char *ptr = string;
+ appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, '"');
+ while (ptr - string < len)
+ {
+ if (*ptr == '"' || *ptr == '\\')
+ appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, '\\');
+ appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, *ptr);
+ ptr++;
+ }
+ appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, '"');
+static void
+putEscapedString(StringInfo out, HStoreOutputKind kind,
+ char *string, uint32 len)
+ if (kind & LooseOutput)
+ {
+ if (len == 1 && *string == 't')
+ appendStringInfoString(out, (kind & JsonOutput) ? "true" : "t" );
+ else if (len == 1 && *string == 'f')
+ appendStringInfoString(out, (kind & JsonOutput) ? "false" : "f");
+ else if (len > 0 && stringIsNumber(string, len, true))
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out, string, len);
+ else if (kind & JsonOutput)
+ escape_json(out, pnstrdup(string, len));
+ else
+ escape_hstore(out, string, len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (kind & JsonOutput)
+ escape_json(out, pnstrdup(string, len));
+ else
+ escape_hstore(out, string, len);
+ }
+static void
+putEscapedValue(StringInfo out, HStoreOutputKind kind, HStoreValue *v)
+ switch(v->type)
+ {
+ case hsvNull:
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out,
+ (kind & JsonOutput) ? "null" : "NULL", 4);
+ break;
+ case hsvString:
+ putEscapedString(out, kind, v->string.val, v->string.len);
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ if ((kind & JsonOutput) == 0)
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out, (v->boolean) ? "t" : "f", 1);
+ else if (v->boolean)
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out, "true", 4);
+ else
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out, "false", 5);
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ appendStringInfoString(out, DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_out, PointerGetDatum(v->numeric))));
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "Unknown type");
+ }
+static bool
+needBrackets(int level, bool isArray, HStoreOutputKind kind, bool isScalar)
+ bool res;
+ if (isArray && isScalar)
+ res = false;
+ else if (level == 0)
+ res = (isArray || (kind & RootHashDecorated)) ? true : false;
+ else
+ res = true;
+ return res;
+static bool
+isArrayBrackets(HStoreOutputKind kind)
+ return ((kind & ArrayCurlyBraces) == 0) ? true : false;
+hstoreToCString(StringInfo out, char *in, int len /* just estimation */,
+ HStoreOutputKind kind)
+ bool first = true;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ int type;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ int level = 0;
+ bool isRootHash = false;
+ if (out == NULL)
+ out = makeStringInfo();
+ if (in == NULL)
+ {
+ appendStringInfoString(out, "");
+ return out->data;
+ }
+ enlargeStringInfo(out, (len >= 0) ? len : 64);
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(in);
+ while((type = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false)) != 0)
+ {
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ if (first == false)
+ {
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out, ", ", 2);
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ }
+ first = true;
+ if (needBrackets(level, true, kind, v.array.scalar))
+ {
+ printIndent(out, isRootHash, kind, level);
+ appendStringInfoChar(out, isArrayBrackets(kind) ? '[' : '{');
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ }
+ level++;
+ break;
+ if (first == false)
+ {
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out, ", ", 2);
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ }
+ first = true;
+ if (level == 0)
+ isRootHash = true;
+ if (needBrackets(level, false, kind, false))
+ {
+ printIndent(out, isRootHash, kind, level);
+ appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, '{');
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ }
+ level++;
+ break;
+ case WHS_KEY:
+ if (first == false)
+ {
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out, ", ", 2);
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ }
+ first = true;
+ printIndent(out, isRootHash, kind, level);
+ /* key should not be loose */
+ putEscapedValue(out, kind & ~LooseOutput, &v);
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out,
+ (kind & JsonOutput) ? ": " : "=>", 2);
+ type = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false);
+ if (type == WHS_VALUE)
+ {
+ first = false;
+ putEscapedValue(out, kind, &v);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(type == WHS_BEGIN_HASH || type == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY);
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ /*
+ * We need to rerun current switch() due to put
+ * in current place object which we just got
+ * from iterator.
+ */
+ goto reout;
+ }
+ break;
+ case WHS_ELEM:
+ if (first == false)
+ {
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(out, ", ", 2);
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ first = false;
+ }
+ printIndent(out, isRootHash, kind, level);
+ putEscapedValue(out, kind, &v);
+ break;
+ level--;
+ if (needBrackets(level, true, kind, v.array.scalar))
+ {
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ printIndent(out, isRootHash, kind, level);
+ appendStringInfoChar(out, isArrayBrackets(kind) ? ']' : '}');
+ }
+ first = false;
+ break;
+ case WHS_END_HASH:
+ level--;
+ if (needBrackets(level, false, kind, false))
+ {
+ printCR(out, kind);
+ printIndent(out, isRootHash, kind, level);
+ appendStringInfoCharMacro(out, '}');
+ }
+ first = false;
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "Wrong flags");
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(level == 0);
+ return out->data;
+HStoreValueToText(HStoreValue *v)
+ text *out;
+ if (v == NULL || v->type == hsvNull)
+ {
+ out = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (v->type == hsvString)
+ {
+ out = cstring_to_text_with_len(v->string.val, v->string.len);
+ }
+ else if (v->type == hsvBool)
+ {
+ out = cstring_to_text_with_len((v->boolean) ? "t" : "f", 1);
+ }
+ else if (v->type == hsvNumeric)
+ {
+ out = cstring_to_text(DatumGetCString(
+ DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_out, PointerGetDatum(v->numeric))
+ ));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ StringInfo str;
+ str = makeStringInfo();
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(str, " ", 4); /* VARHDRSZ */
+ hstoreToCString(str, v->binary.data, v->binary.len,
+ out = (text*)str->data;
+ SET_VARSIZE(out, str->len);
+ }
+ return out;
+Datum hstore_out(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ char *out;
+ out = hstoreToCString(NULL, (HS_ISEMPTY(hs)) ? NULL : VARDATA(hs),
+Datum hstore_send(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ StringInfoData buf;
+ pq_begintypsend(&buf);
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(in))
+ {
+ pq_sendint(&buf, 0, 4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ int type;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ uint32 flag;
+ bytea *nbuf;
+ enlargeStringInfo(&buf, VARSIZE_ANY(in) /* just estimation */);
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA_ANY(in));
+ while((type = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false)) != 0)
+ {
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ flag = (v.array.scalar) ? HENTRY_ISSCALAR : HENTRY_ISARRAY;
+ pq_sendint(&buf, v.array.nelems | flag, 4);
+ break;
+ pq_sendint(&buf, v.hash.npairs | HENTRY_ISHASH, 4);
+ break;
+ case WHS_KEY:
+ pq_sendint(&buf, v.string.len | HENTRY_ISSTRING, 4);
+ pq_sendtext(&buf, v.string.val, v.string.len);
+ break;
+ case WHS_ELEM:
+ case WHS_VALUE:
+ switch(v.type)
+ {
+ case hsvNull:
+ pq_sendint(&buf, HENTRY_ISNULL, 4);
+ break;
+ case hsvString:
+ pq_sendint(&buf, v.string.len | HENTRY_ISSTRING, 4);
+ pq_sendtext(&buf, v.string.val, v.string.len);
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ pq_sendint(&buf, (v.boolean) ? HENTRY_ISTRUE : HENTRY_ISFALSE, 4);
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ nbuf = DatumGetByteaP(DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_send, NumericGetDatum(v.numeric)));
+ pq_sendint(&buf, ((int)VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(nbuf)) | HENTRY_ISNUMERIC, 4);
+ pq_sendbytes(&buf, VARDATA(nbuf), (int)VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(nbuf));
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "Wrong type: %u", v.type);
+ }
+ break;
+ case WHS_END_HASH:
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "Wrong flags");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PG_RETURN_BYTEA_P(pq_endtypsend(&buf));
+ * hstore_to_json_loose
+ *
+ * This is a heuristic conversion to json which treats
+ * 't' and 'f' as booleans and strings that look like numbers as numbers,
+ * as long as they don't start with a leading zero followed by another digit
+ * (think zip codes or phone numbers starting with 0).
+ */
+Datum hstore_to_json_loose(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *out;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(in))
+ {
+ out = cstring_to_text_with_len("{}",2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ StringInfo str;
+ str = makeStringInfo();
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(str, " ", 4); /* VARHDRSZ */
+ hstoreToCString(str, VARDATA_ANY(in), VARSIZE_ANY(in),
+ SET_PRETTY_PRINT_VAR(JsonOutput | RootHashDecorated | LooseOutput));
+ out = (text*)str->data;
+ SET_VARSIZE(out, str->len);
+ }
+Datum hstore_to_json(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *out;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(in))
+ {
+ out = cstring_to_text_with_len("{}",2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ StringInfo str;
+ str = makeStringInfo();
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(str, " ", 4); /* VARHDRSZ */
+ hstoreToCString(str,
+ SET_PRETTY_PRINT_VAR(JsonOutput | RootHashDecorated));
+ out = (text*)str->data;
+ SET_VARSIZE(out, str->len);
+ }
+Datum json_to_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ text *json = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(parseHStore(VARDATA_ANY(json),
+ VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(json), true)));
+static Oid
+searchCast(Oid src, Oid dst, CoercionMethod *method)
+ Oid funcOid = InvalidOid,
+ baseSrc;
+ HeapTuple tuple;
+ if (src == dst)
+ {
+ return InvalidOid;
+ }
+ tuple = SearchSysCache2(CASTSOURCETARGET,
+ ObjectIdGetDatum(src),
+ ObjectIdGetDatum(dst));
+ *method = 0;
+ if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
+ {
+ Form_pg_cast castForm = (Form_pg_cast) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
+ if (castForm->castmethod == COERCION_METHOD_FUNCTION)
+ funcOid = castForm->castfunc;
+ *method = castForm->castmethod;
+ ReleaseSysCache(tuple);
+ }
+ else if ((baseSrc = getBaseType(src)) != src && OidIsValid(baseSrc))
+ {
+ /* domain type */
+ funcOid = searchCast(baseSrc, dst, method);
+ }
+ return funcOid;
+Datum array_to_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ ArrayType *array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
+ ArrayIterator iterator;
+ int i = 0;
+ Datum datum;
+ bool isnull;
+ int ncounters = ARR_NDIM(array),
+ *counters = palloc0(sizeof(*counters) * ncounters),
+ *dims = ARR_DIMS(array);
+ ToHStoreState *state = NULL;
+ HStoreValue value, *result;
+ Oid castOid = InvalidOid;
+ int valueType = hsvString;
+ FmgrInfo castInfo;
+ CoercionMethod method;
+ if (ArrayGetNItems(ARR_NDIM(array), ARR_DIMS(array)) == 0)
+ switch(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array))
+ {
+ case BOOLOID:
+ valueType = hsvBool;
+ break;
+ valueType = hsvNumeric;
+ break;
+ case TEXTOID:
+ valueType = hsvString;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (TypeCategory(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array)) == TYPCATEGORY_NUMERIC)
+ {
+ castOid = searchCast(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array), NUMERICOID, &method);
+ if (castOid == InvalidOid && method != COERCION_METHOD_BINARY)
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not cast array's element type to numeric");
+ valueType = hsvNumeric;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ castOid = searchCast(ARR_ELEMTYPE(array), TEXTOID, &method);
+ if (castOid == InvalidOid && method != COERCION_METHOD_BINARY)
+ elog(ERROR, "Could not cast array's element type to text");
+ valueType = hsvString;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (castOid != InvalidOid)
+ fmgr_info(castOid, &castInfo);
+ iterator = array_create_iterator(array, 0);
+ value.type = hsvArray;
+ value.array.scalar = false;
+ for(i=0; i<ncounters; i++)
+ {
+ value.array.nelems = dims[i];
+ result = pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY, &value);
+ }
+ while(array_iterate(iterator, &datum, &isnull))
+ {
+ i = ncounters - 1;
+ if (counters[i] >= dims[i])
+ {
+ while(i>=0 && counters[i] >= dims[i])
+ {
+ counters[i] = 0;
+ result = pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_END_ARRAY, NULL);
+ i--;
+ }
+ Assert(i>=0);
+ counters[i]++;
+ value.type = hsvArray;
+ value.array.scalar = false;
+ for(i = i + 1; i<ncounters; i++)
+ {
+ counters[i] = 1;
+ value.array.nelems = dims[i];
+ result = pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY, &value);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ counters[i]++;
+ }
+ if (isnull)
+ {
+ value.type = hsvNull;
+ value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value.type = valueType;
+ switch(valueType)
+ {
+ case hsvBool:
+ value.boolean = DatumGetBool(datum);
+ value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ break;
+ case hsvString:
+ if (castOid != InvalidOid)
+ datum = FunctionCall1(&castInfo, datum);
+ value.string.val = VARDATA_ANY(datum);
+ value.string.len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(datum);
+ value.size = sizeof(HEntry) + value.string.len;
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ if (castOid != InvalidOid)
+ datum = FunctionCall1(&castInfo, datum);
+ value.numeric = DatumGetNumeric(datum);
+ value.size = sizeof(HEntry)*2 + VARSIZE_ANY(value.numeric);
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(ERROR, "Impossible state: %d", valueType);
+ }
+ }
+ result = pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_ELEM, &value);
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<ncounters; i++)
+ result = pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_END_ARRAY, NULL);
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(hstoreDump(result));
+Datum hstore_print(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int flags = 0;
+ text *out;
+ StringInfo str;
+ if (PG_GETARG_BOOL(1))
+ flags |= PrettyPrint;
+ if (PG_GETARG_BOOL(2))
+ flags |= ArrayCurlyBraces;
+ if (PG_GETARG_BOOL(3))
+ flags |= RootHashDecorated;
+ if (PG_GETARG_BOOL(4))
+ flags |= JsonOutput;
+ if (PG_GETARG_BOOL(5))
+ flags |= LooseOutput;
+ str = makeStringInfo();
+ appendBinaryStringInfo(str, " ", 4); /* VARHDRSZ */
+ hstoreToCString(str, (HS_ISEMPTY(hs)) ? NULL : VARDATA(hs),
+ VARSIZE(hs), flags);
+ out = (text*)str->data;
+ SET_VARSIZE(out, str->len);
+void _PG_init(void);
+ DefineCustomBoolVariable(
+ "hstore.pretty_print",
+ "Enable pretty print",
+ "Enable pretty print of hstore type",
+ &pretty_print_var,
+ pretty_print_var,
+ );
+ EmitWarningsOnPlaceholders("hstore");
--- /dev/null
+ * contrib/hstore/hstore_op.c
+ */
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "access/hash.h"
+#include "access/htup_details.h"
+#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
+#include "funcapi.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "utils/memutils.h"
+#include "utils/pg_crc.h"
+#include "hstore.h"
+#define SRF_RETURN_NEXT_NULL(_funcctx) \
+ do { \
+ ReturnSetInfo *rsi; \
+ (_funcctx)->call_cntr++; \
+ rsi = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo; \
+ rsi->isDone = ExprMultipleResult; \
+ } while (0)
+/* old names for C functions */
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_fetchval, fetchval);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_exists, exists);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_defined, defined);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_delete, delete);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_concat, hs_concat);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_contains, hs_contains);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_contained, hs_contained);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_akeys, akeys);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_avals, avals);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_skeys, skeys);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_svals, svals);
+HSTORE_POLLUTE(hstore_each, each);
+static HStoreValue*
+arrayToHStoreSortedArray(ArrayType *a)
+ Datum *key_datums;
+ bool *key_nulls;
+ int key_count;
+ HStoreValue *v;
+ int i,
+ j;
+ bool hasNonUniq = false;
+ deconstruct_array(a,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &key_datums, &key_nulls, &key_count);
+ if (key_count == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * A text array uses at least eight bytes per element, so any overflow in
+ * "key_count * sizeof(Pairs)" is small enough for palloc() to catch.
+ * However, credible improvements to the array format could invalidate
+ * that assumption. Therefore, use an explicit check rather than relying
+ * on palloc() to complain.
+ */
+ if (key_count > MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HStorePair))
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("number of pairs (%d) exceeds the maximum allowed (%d)",
+ key_count, (int) (MaxAllocSize / sizeof(HStorePair)))));
+ v = palloc(sizeof(*v));
+ v->type = hsvArray;
+ v->array.scalar = false;
+ v->array.elems = palloc(sizeof(*v->hash.pairs) * key_count);
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < key_count; i++)
+ {
+ if (!key_nulls[i])
+ {
+ v->array.elems[j].type = hsvString;
+ v->array.elems[j].string.val = VARDATA(key_datums[i]);
+ v->array.elems[j].string.len = VARSIZE(key_datums[i]) - VARHDRSZ;
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ v->array.nelems = j;
+ if (v->array.nelems > 1)
+ qsort_arg(v->array.elems, v->array.nelems, sizeof(*v->array.elems),
+ compareHStoreStringValue, &hasNonUniq);
+ if (hasNonUniq)
+ {
+ HStoreValue *ptr = v->array.elems + 1,
+ *res = v->array.elems;
+ while (ptr - v->array.elems < v->array.nelems)
+ {
+ if (!(ptr->string.len == res->string.len &&
+ memcmp(ptr->string.val, res->string.val, ptr->string.len) == 0))
+ {
+ res++;
+ *res = *ptr;
+ }
+ ptr++;
+ }
+ v->array.nelems = res + 1 - v->array.elems;
+ }
+ return v;
+static HStoreValue*
+findInHStoreSortedArray(HStoreValue *a, uint32 *lowbound,
+ char *key, uint32 keylen)
+ HStoreValue *stopLow = a->array.elems + ((lowbound) ? *lowbound : 0),
+ *stopHigh = a->array.elems + a->array.nelems,
+ *stopMiddle;
+ while (stopLow < stopHigh)
+ {
+ int diff;
+ stopMiddle = stopLow + (stopHigh - stopLow) / 2;
+ if (keylen == stopMiddle->string.len)
+ diff = memcmp(stopMiddle->string.val, key, keylen);
+ else
+ diff = (stopMiddle->string.len > keylen) ? 1 : -1;
+ if (diff == 0)
+ {
+ if (lowbound)
+ *lowbound = (stopMiddle - a->array.elems) + 1;
+ return stopMiddle;
+ }
+ else if (diff < 0)
+ {
+ stopLow = stopMiddle + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stopHigh = stopMiddle;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lowbound)
+ *lowbound = (stopLow - a->array.elems) + 1;
+ return NULL;
+Datum hstore_fetchval(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ text *out;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs),
+ if ((out = HStoreValueToText(v)) == NULL)
+ else
+Datum hstore_fetchval_numeric(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs),
+ if (v && v->type == hsvNumeric)
+ {
+ Numeric out = palloc(VARSIZE_ANY(v->numeric));
+ memcpy(out, v->numeric, VARSIZE_ANY(v->numeric));
+ }
+Datum hstore_fetchval_boolean(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs),
+ if (v && v->type == hsvBool)
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(v->boolean);
+Datum hstore_fetchval_n(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int i = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ text *out;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = getHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs), HS_FLAG_HSTORE | HS_FLAG_ARRAY, i);
+ if ((out = HStoreValueToText(v)) == NULL)
+ else
+Datum hstore_fetchval_n_numeric(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int i = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = getHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs), HS_FLAG_HSTORE | HS_FLAG_ARRAY, i);
+ if (v && v->type == hsvNumeric)
+ {
+ Numeric out = palloc(VARSIZE_ANY(v->numeric));
+ memcpy(out, v->numeric, VARSIZE_ANY(v->numeric));
+ }
+Datum hstore_fetchval_n_boolean(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int i = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = getHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs), HS_FLAG_HSTORE | HS_FLAG_ARRAY, i);
+ if (v && v->type == hsvBool)
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(v->boolean);
+static bool
+h_atoi(char *c, int l, int *acc)
+ bool negative = false;
+ char *p = c;
+ *acc = 0;
+ while(isspace(*p) && p - c < l)
+ p++;
+ if (p - c >= l)
+ return false;
+ if (*p == '-')
+ {
+ negative = true;
+ p++;
+ }
+ else if (*p == '+')
+ {
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (p - c >= l)
+ return false;
+ while(p - c < l)
+ {
+ if (!isdigit(*p))
+ return false;
+ *acc *= 10;
+ *acc += (*p - '0');
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (negative)
+ *acc = - *acc;
+ return true;
+static HStoreValue*
+hstoreDeepFetch(HStore *in, ArrayType *path)
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ static HStoreValue init /* could be returned */;
+ Datum *path_elems;
+ bool *path_nulls;
+ int path_len, i;
+ Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(path) == TEXTOID);
+ if (ARR_NDIM(path) > 1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong number of array subscripts")));
+ if (HS_ROOT_COUNT(in) == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ deconstruct_array(path, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &path_elems, &path_nulls, &path_len);
+ init.type = hsvBinary;
+ init.size = VARSIZE(in);
+ init.binary.data = VARDATA(in);
+ init.binary.len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(in);
+ v = &init;
+ if (path_len == 0)
+ return v;
+ for(i=0; v != NULL && i<path_len; i++)
+ {
+ uint32 header;
+ if (v->type != hsvBinary || path_nulls[i])
+ return NULL;
+ header = *(uint32*)v->binary.data;
+ if (header & HS_FLAG_HSTORE)
+ {
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(v->binary.data, HS_FLAG_HSTORE,
+ VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[i]),
+ VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[i]));
+ }
+ else if (header & HS_FLAG_ARRAY)
+ {
+ int ith;
+ if (h_atoi(VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[i]),
+ VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[i]), &ith) == false)
+ return NULL;
+ if (ith < 0)
+ {
+ if (-ith > (int)(header & HS_COUNT_MASK))
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ ith = ((int)(header & HS_COUNT_MASK)) + ith;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ith >= (int)(header & HS_COUNT_MASK))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ v = getHStoreValue(v->binary.data, HS_FLAG_ARRAY, ith);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(PANIC,"wrong header type: %08x", header);
+ }
+ }
+ return v;
+Datum hstore_fetchval_path(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *path = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ text *out;
+ if ((out = HStoreValueToText(hstoreDeepFetch(hs, path))) == NULL)
+ else
+Datum hstore_fetchval_path_numeric(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *path = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = hstoreDeepFetch(hs, path);
+ if (v && v->type == hsvNumeric)
+ {
+ Numeric out = palloc(VARSIZE_ANY(v->numeric));
+ memcpy(out, v->numeric, VARSIZE_ANY(v->numeric));
+ }
+Datum hstore_fetchval_path_boolean(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *path = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = hstoreDeepFetch(hs, path);
+ if (v && v->type == hsvBool)
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(v->boolean);
+static HStore *
+HStoreValueToHStore(HStoreValue *v)
+ HStore *out;
+ if (v == NULL || v->type == hsvNull)
+ {
+ out = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (v->type == hsvString || v->type == hsvBool ||
+ v->type == hsvNumeric)
+ {
+ ToHStoreState *state = NULL;
+ HStoreValue *res;
+ int r;
+ HStoreValue scalarArray;
+ scalarArray.type = hsvArray;
+ scalarArray.array.scalar = true;
+ scalarArray.array.nelems = 1;
+ pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY, &scalarArray);
+ pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_ELEM, v);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_END_ARRAY, NULL);
+ out = palloc(VARHDRSZ + res->size);
+ SET_VARSIZE(out, VARHDRSZ + res->size);
+ r = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ Assert(r <= res->size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out = palloc(VARHDRSZ + v->size);
+ Assert(v->type == hsvBinary);
+ SET_VARSIZE(out, VARHDRSZ + v->binary.len);
+ memcpy(VARDATA(out), v->binary.data, v->binary.len);
+ }
+ return out;
+Datum hstore_fetchval_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ HStore *out;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs),
+ if ((out = HStoreValueToHStore(v)) == NULL)
+ else
+Datum hstore_fetchval_n_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int i = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ HStore *out;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = getHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs), HS_FLAG_HSTORE | HS_FLAG_ARRAY, i);
+ if ((out = HStoreValueToHStore(v)) == NULL)
+ else
+Datum hstore_fetchval_path_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *path = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ HStore *out;
+ if ((out = HStoreValueToHStore(hstoreDeepFetch(hs, path))) == NULL)
+ else
+Datum hstore_exists(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs),
+Datum hstore_exists_idx(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int ith = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = getHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs), HS_FLAG_HSTORE | HS_FLAG_ARRAY, ith);
+Datum hstore_exists_path(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *path = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(hstoreDeepFetch(hs, path) != NULL);
+Datum hstore_exists_any(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *keys = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = arrayToHStoreSortedArray(keys);
+ int i;
+ uint32 *plowbound = NULL, lowbound = 0;
+ bool res = false;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs) || v == NULL || v->hash.npairs == 0)
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(false);
+ if (HS_ROOT_IS_HASH(hs))
+ plowbound = &lowbound;
+ /*
+ * we exploit the fact that the pairs list is already sorted into strictly
+ * increasing order to narrow the findUncompressedHStoreValue search; each search can
+ * start one entry past the previous "found" entry, or at the lower bound
+ * of the last search.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < v->array.nelems; i++)
+ {
+ if (findUncompressedHStoreValueByValue(VARDATA(hs), HS_FLAG_HSTORE | HS_FLAG_ARRAY, plowbound,
+ v->array.elems + i) != NULL)
+ {
+ res = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+Datum hstore_exists_all(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *keys = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = arrayToHStoreSortedArray(keys);
+ int i;
+ uint32 *plowbound = NULL, lowbound = 0;
+ bool res = true;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs) || v == NULL || v->array.nelems == 0)
+ {
+ if (v == NULL || v->array.nelems == 0)
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(true); /* compatibility */
+ else
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(false);
+ }
+ if (HS_ROOT_IS_HASH(hs))
+ plowbound = &lowbound;
+ /*
+ * we exploit the fact that the pairs list is already sorted into strictly
+ * increasing order to narrow the findUncompressedHStoreValue search;
+ * each search can start one entry past the previous "found" entry,
+ * or at the lower bound of the last search.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < v->array.nelems; i++)
+ {
+ if (findUncompressedHStoreValueByValue(VARDATA(hs),
+ plowbound,
+ v->array.elems + i) == NULL)
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+Datum hstore_defined(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (!HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs),
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(!(v == NULL || v->type == hsvNull));
+Datum hstore_delete(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ text *key = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
+ char *keyptr = VARDATA_ANY(key);
+ int keylen = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(key);
+ HStore *out = palloc(VARSIZE(in));
+ ToHStoreState *toState = NULL;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ uint32 r;
+ HStoreValue v, *res = NULL;
+ bool skipNested = false;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(in))
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(in));
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, skipNested)) != 0)
+ {
+ skipNested = true;
+ if ((r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_KEY) &&
+ (v.type == hsvString && keylen == v.string.len &&
+ memcmp(keyptr, v.string.val, keylen) == 0))
+ {
+ if (r == WHS_KEY)
+ /* skip corresponding value */
+ HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, true);
+ continue;
+ }
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&toState, r, &v);
+ }
+ if (res == NULL || (res->type == hsvArray && res->array.nelems == 0) ||
+ (res->type == hsvHash && res->hash.npairs == 0) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+Datum hstore_delete_array(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStore *out = palloc(VARSIZE(in));
+ HStoreValue *a = arrayToHStoreSortedArray(PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1));
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ ToHStoreState *toState = NULL;
+ uint32 r, i = 0;
+ HStoreValue v, *res = NULL;
+ bool skipNested = false;
+ bool isHash = false;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(in) || a == NULL || a->array.nelems == 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(out, in, VARSIZE(in));
+ }
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(in));
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, skipNested)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (skipNested == false)
+ {
+ Assert(v.type == hsvArray || v.type == hsvHash);
+ isHash = (v.type == hsvArray) ? false : true;
+ skipNested = true;
+ }
+ if ((r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_KEY) && v.type == hsvString &&
+ i < a->array.nelems)
+ {
+ int diff;
+ if (isHash)
+ {
+ do {
+ diff = compareHStoreStringValue(&v, a->array.elems + i,
+ NULL);
+ if (diff >= 0)
+ i++;
+ } while(diff > 0 && i < a->array.nelems);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ diff = (findInHStoreSortedArray(a, NULL,
+ v.string.val,
+ v.string.len) == NULL) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ if (diff == 0)
+ {
+ if (r == WHS_KEY)
+ /* skip corresponding value */
+ HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, true);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&toState, r, &v);
+ }
+ if (res == NULL || (res->type == hsvArray && res->array.nelems == 0) ||
+ (res->type == hsvHash && res->hash.npairs == 0) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+Datum hstore_delete_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs1 = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStore *hs2 = PG_GETARG_HS(1);
+ HStore *out = palloc(VARSIZE(hs1));
+ HStoreIterator *it1, *it2;
+ ToHStoreState *toState = NULL;
+ uint32 r1, r2;
+ HStoreValue v1, v2, *res = NULL;
+ bool isHash1, isHash2;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs1) || HS_ISEMPTY(hs2))
+ {
+ memcpy(out, hs1, VARSIZE(hs1));
+ }
+ it1 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs1));
+ r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it1, &v1, false);
+ isHash1 = (v1.type == hsvArray) ? false : true;
+ it2 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs2));
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it2, &v2, false);
+ isHash2 = (v2.type == hsvArray) ? false : true;
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&toState, r1, &v1);
+ if (isHash1 == true && isHash2 == true)
+ {
+ bool fin2 = false,
+ keyIsDef = false;
+ while((r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it1, &v1, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r1 == WHS_KEY && fin2 == false)
+ {
+ int diff = 1;
+ if (keyIsDef)
+ r2 = WHS_KEY;
+ while(keyIsDef ||
+ (r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it2, &v2, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r2 != WHS_KEY)
+ continue;
+ diff = compareHStoreStringValue(&v1, &v2, NULL);
+ if (diff > 0 && keyIsDef)
+ keyIsDef = false;
+ if (diff <= 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (r2 == 0)
+ {
+ fin2 = true;
+ }
+ else if (diff == 0)
+ {
+ HStoreValue vk;
+ keyIsDef = false;
+ r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it1, &vk, true);
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it2, &v2, true);
+ Assert(r1 == WHS_VALUE && r2 == WHS_VALUE);
+ if (compareHStoreValue(&vk, &v2) != 0)
+ {
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&toState, WHS_KEY, &v1);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&toState, WHS_VALUE, &vk);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ keyIsDef = true;
+ }
+ }
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&toState, r1, &v1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while((r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it1, &v1, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r1 == WHS_ELEM || r1 == WHS_KEY)
+ {
+ int diff = 1;
+ it2 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs2));
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it2, &v2, false);
+ while(diff && (r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it2, &v2, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r2 == WHS_KEY || r2 == WHS_VALUE || r2 == WHS_ELEM)
+ diff = compareHStoreValue(&v1, &v2);
+ }
+ if (diff == 0)
+ {
+ if (r1 == WHS_KEY)
+ HStoreIteratorGet(&it1, &v1, true);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&toState, r1, &v1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (res == NULL || (res->type == hsvArray && res->array.nelems == 0) ||
+ (res->type == hsvHash && res->hash.npairs == 0) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int r = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+static HStoreValue*
+deletePathDo(HStoreIterator **it, Datum *path_elems,
+ bool *path_nulls, int path_len,
+ ToHStoreState **st, int level)
+ HStoreValue v, *res = NULL;
+ int r;
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, false);
+ if (r == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY)
+ {
+ int skipIdx, i;
+ uint32 n = v.array.nelems;
+ skipIdx = n;
+ if (level >= path_len || path_nulls[level] ||
+ h_atoi(VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[level]),
+ VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[level]), &skipIdx) == false)
+ {
+ skipIdx = n;
+ }
+ else if (skipIdx < 0)
+ {
+ if (-skipIdx > n)
+ skipIdx = n;
+ else
+ skipIdx = n + skipIdx;
+ }
+ if (skipIdx > n)
+ skipIdx = n;
+ if (skipIdx == 0 && n == 1)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_ELEM);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_ARRAY);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ for(i=0; i<skipIdx; i++) {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_ELEM);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ if (level >= path_len || skipIdx == n) {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_ARRAY);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ return res;
+ }
+ if (level == path_len - 1)
+ {
+ /* last level in path, skip all elem */
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_ELEM);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = deletePathDo(it, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len, st,
+ level + 1);
+ }
+ for(i = skipIdx + 1; i<n; i++) {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_ELEM);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_ARRAY);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ else if (r == WHS_BEGIN_HASH)
+ {
+ int i;
+ uint32 n = v.hash.npairs;
+ HStoreValue k;
+ bool done = false;
+ if (n == 1 && level == path_len - 1)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &k, false);
+ Assert(r == WHS_KEY);
+ if ( path_nulls[level] == false &&
+ k.string.len == VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[level]) &&
+ memcmp(k.string.val, VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[level]),
+ k.string.len) == 0)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_HASH);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ pushHStoreValue(st, WHS_BEGIN_HASH, &v);
+ pushHStoreValue(st, WHS_KEY, &k);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_HASH);
+ return pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ pushHStoreValue(st, WHS_BEGIN_HASH, &v);
+ if (level >= path_len || path_nulls[level])
+ done = true;
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &k, false);
+ Assert(r == WHS_KEY);
+ if (done == false &&
+ k.string.len == VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[level]) &&
+ memcmp(k.string.val, VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[level]),
+ k.string.len) == 0)
+ {
+ done = true;
+ if (level == path_len - 1)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &k);
+ res = deletePathDo(it, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len,
+ st, level + 1);
+ if (res == NULL)
+ {
+ v.type = hsvNull;
+ pushHStoreValue(st, WHS_VALUE, &v);
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &k);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_HASH);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ else if (r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_VALUE) /* just a string or null */
+ {
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ res = (void*)0x01; /* dummy value */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(PANIC, "impossible state");
+ }
+ return res;
+Datum hstore_delete_path(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStore *out = palloc(VARSIZE(in));
+ ArrayType *path = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ HStoreValue *res = NULL;
+ Datum *path_elems;
+ bool *path_nulls;
+ int path_len;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ ToHStoreState *st = NULL;
+ Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(path) == TEXTOID);
+ if (ARR_NDIM(path) > 1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong number of array subscripts")));
+ if (HS_ROOT_COUNT(in) == 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(out, in, VARSIZE(in));
+ }
+ deconstruct_array(path, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &path_elems, &path_nulls, &path_len);
+ if (path_len == 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(out, in, VARSIZE(in));
+ }
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(in));
+ res = deletePathDo(&it, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len, &st, 0);
+ if (res == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int sz;
+ sz = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+Datum hstore_delete_idx(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ int idx = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);
+ HStore *out = palloc(VARSIZE(in));
+ ToHStoreState *toState = NULL;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ uint32 r, i = 0, n;
+ HStoreValue v, *res = NULL;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(in))
+ {
+ memcpy(out, in, VARSIZE(in));
+ }
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(in));
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false);
+ if (r == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY)
+ n = v.array.nelems;
+ else
+ n = v.hash.npairs;
+ if (idx < 0)
+ {
+ if (-idx > n)
+ idx = n;
+ else
+ idx = n + idx;
+ }
+ if (idx >= n)
+ {
+ memcpy(out, in, VARSIZE(in));
+ }
+ pushHStoreValue(&toState, r, &v);
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_KEY)
+ {
+ if (i++ == idx)
+ {
+ if (r == WHS_KEY)
+ HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, true); /* skip value */
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&toState, r, &v);
+ }
+ if (res == NULL || (res->type == hsvArray && res->array.nelems == 0) ||
+ (res->type == hsvHash && res->hash.npairs == 0) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+static void
+convertScalarToString(HStoreValue *v)
+ switch(v->type) {
+ case hsvNull:
+ elog(ERROR, "key in hstore type could not be a NULL");
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ v->type = hsvString;
+ v->string.val = pnstrdup((v->boolean) ? "t" : "f", 1);
+ v->string.len = 1;
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry) + v->string.len;
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ v->type = hsvString;
+ v->string.val = DatumGetCString(
+ DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_out,
+ PointerGetDatum(v->numeric)));
+ v->string.len = strlen(v->string.val);
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry) + v->string.len;
+ break;
+ case hsvString:
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC,"Could not convert to string");
+ }
+static HStoreValue *
+IteratorConcat(HStoreIterator **it1, HStoreIterator **it2,
+ ToHStoreState **toState)
+ uint32 r1, r2, rk1, rk2;
+ HStoreValue v1, v2, *res = NULL;
+ r1 = rk1 = HStoreIteratorGet(it1, &v1, false);
+ r2 = rk2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, false);
+ if (rk1 == WHS_BEGIN_HASH && rk2 == WHS_BEGIN_HASH)
+ {
+ bool fin2 = false,
+ keyIsDef = false;
+ res = pushHStoreValue(toState, r1, &v1);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(it1, &v1, true);
+ Assert(r1 == WHS_KEY || r1 == WHS_VALUE || r1 == WHS_END_HASH);
+ if (r1 == WHS_KEY && fin2 == false)
+ {
+ int diff = 1;
+ if (keyIsDef)
+ r2 = WHS_KEY;
+ while(keyIsDef || (r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r2 != WHS_KEY)
+ continue;
+ diff = compareHStoreStringValue(&v1, &v2, NULL);
+ if (diff > 0)
+ {
+ if (keyIsDef)
+ keyIsDef = false;
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, r2, &v2);
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true);
+ Assert(r2 == WHS_VALUE);
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, r2, &v2);
+ }
+ else if (diff <= 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (r2 == 0)
+ {
+ fin2 = true;
+ }
+ else if (diff == 0)
+ {
+ keyIsDef = false;
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, r1, &v1);
+ r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(it1, &v1, true); /* ignore */
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true); /* new val */
+ Assert(r1 == WHS_VALUE && r2 == WHS_VALUE);
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, r2, &v2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ keyIsDef = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (r1 == WHS_END_HASH)
+ {
+ if (r2 != 0)
+ {
+ if (keyIsDef)
+ r2 = WHS_KEY;
+ while(keyIsDef ||
+ (r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r2 != WHS_KEY)
+ continue;
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, r2, &v2);
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true);
+ Assert(r2 == WHS_VALUE);
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, r2, &v2);
+ keyIsDef = false;
+ }
+ }
+ res = pushHStoreValue(toState, r1, &v1);
+ break;
+ }
+ res = pushHStoreValue(toState, r1, &v1);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((rk1 == WHS_BEGIN_HASH || rk1 == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY) &&
+ (rk2 == WHS_BEGIN_HASH || rk2 == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY))
+ {
+ if (rk1 == WHS_BEGIN_HASH && rk2 == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY &&
+ v2.array.nelems % 2 != 0)
+ elog(ERROR, "hstore's array must have even number of elements");
+ res = pushHStoreValue(toState, r1, &v1);
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(it1, &v1, true);
+ if (r1 == WHS_END_HASH || r1 == WHS_END_ARRAY)
+ break;
+ Assert(r1 == WHS_KEY || r1 == WHS_VALUE || r1 == WHS_ELEM);
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, r1, &v1);
+ }
+ while((r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (!(r2 == WHS_END_HASH || r2 == WHS_END_ARRAY))
+ {
+ if (rk1 == WHS_BEGIN_HASH)
+ {
+ convertScalarToString(&v2);
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, WHS_KEY, &v2);
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true);
+ Assert(r2 == WHS_ELEM);
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, WHS_VALUE, &v2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, WHS_ELEM, &v2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ res = pushHStoreValue(toState,
+ NULL/* signal to sort */);
+ }
+ else if ((rk1 & (WHS_VALUE | WHS_ELEM)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (v2.type == hsvArray && v2.array.scalar)
+ {
+ Assert(v2.array.nelems == 1);
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, false);
+ pushHStoreValue(toState, r1, &v2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = pushHStoreValue(toState, r2, &v2);
+ while((r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true)) != 0)
+ res = pushHStoreValue(toState, r2, &v2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(ERROR, "invalid concatnation of hstores");
+ }
+ return res;
+Datum hstore_concat(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs1 = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStore *hs2 = PG_GETARG_HS(1);
+ HStore *out = palloc(VARSIZE(hs1) + VARSIZE(hs2));
+ ToHStoreState *toState = NULL;
+ HStoreValue *res;
+ HStoreIterator *it1, *it2;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs1))
+ {
+ memcpy(out, hs2, VARSIZE(hs2));
+ }
+ else if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs2))
+ {
+ memcpy(out, hs1, VARSIZE(hs1));
+ }
+ it1 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs1));
+ it2 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs2));
+ res = IteratorConcat(&it1, &it2, &toState);
+ if (res == NULL || (res->type == hsvArray && res->array.nelems == 0) ||
+ (res->type == hsvHash && res->hash.npairs == 0) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 r;
+ if (res->type == hsvArray && res->array.nelems > 1)
+ res->array.scalar = false;
+ r = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+Datum hstore_slice_to_array(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *key_array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ ArrayType *aout;
+ Datum *key_datums;
+ bool *key_nulls;
+ Datum *out_datums;
+ bool *out_nulls;
+ int key_count;
+ int i;
+ deconstruct_array(key_array,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &key_datums, &key_nulls, &key_count);
+ if (key_count == 0 || HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ {
+ aout = construct_empty_array(TEXTOID);
+ }
+ out_datums = palloc(sizeof(Datum) * key_count);
+ out_nulls = palloc(sizeof(bool) * key_count);
+ for (i = 0; i < key_count; ++i)
+ {
+ text *key = (text *) DatumGetPointer(key_datums[i]);
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (key_nulls[i] == false)
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(VARDATA(hs),
+ VARDATA(key),
+ out_datums[i] = PointerGetDatum(HStoreValueToText(v));
+ out_nulls[i] = (DatumGetPointer(out_datums[i]) == NULL) ? true : false;
+ }
+ aout = construct_md_array(out_datums, out_nulls,
+ ARR_NDIM(key_array),
+ ARR_DIMS(key_array),
+ ARR_LBOUND(key_array),
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i');
+Datum hstore_slice_to_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStoreValue *a = arrayToHStoreSortedArray(PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1));
+ uint32 lowbound = 0,
+ *plowbound;
+ HStoreValue *res = NULL;
+ ToHStoreState *state = NULL;
+ text *out;
+ uint32 i;
+ out = palloc(VARSIZE(hs));
+ if (a == NULL || a->array.nelems == 0 || HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ {
+ memcpy(out, hs, VARSIZE(hs));
+ }
+ if (HS_ROOT_IS_HASH(hs))
+ {
+ plowbound = &lowbound;
+ pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_BEGIN_HASH, NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ plowbound = NULL;
+ pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY, NULL);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < a->array.nelems; ++i)
+ {
+ HStoreValue *v = findUncompressedHStoreValueByValue(VARDATA(hs),
+ plowbound,
+ a->array.elems + i);
+ if (v)
+ {
+ if (plowbound)
+ {
+ pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_KEY, a->array.elems + i);
+ pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_VALUE, v);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_ELEM, v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (plowbound)
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_END_HASH, a /* any non-null value */);
+ else
+ res = pushHStoreValue(&state, WHS_END_ARRAY, NULL);
+ if (res == NULL || (res->type == hsvArray && res->array.nelems == 0) ||
+ (res->type == hsvHash && res->hash.npairs == 0) )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int r = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+static HStoreValue*
+replacePathDo(HStoreIterator **it, Datum *path_elems,
+ bool *path_nulls, int path_len,
+ ToHStoreState **st, int level, HStoreValue *newval)
+ HStoreValue v, *res = NULL;
+ int r;
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, false);
+ if (r == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY)
+ {
+ int idx, i;
+ uint32 n = v.array.nelems;
+ idx = n;
+ if (level >= path_len || path_nulls[level] ||
+ h_atoi(VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[level]),
+ VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[level]), &idx) == false)
+ {
+ idx = n;
+ }
+ else if (idx < 0)
+ {
+ if (-idx > n)
+ idx = n;
+ else
+ idx = n + idx;
+ }
+ if (idx > n)
+ idx = n;
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == idx && level < path_len)
+ {
+ if (level == path_len - 1)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true); /* skip */
+ Assert(r == WHS_ELEM);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, newval);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = replacePathDo(it, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len,
+ st, level + 1, newval);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_ELEM);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ }
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_ARRAY);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ else if (r == WHS_BEGIN_HASH)
+ {
+ int i;
+ uint32 n = v.hash.npairs;
+ HStoreValue k;
+ bool done = false;
+ pushHStoreValue(st, WHS_BEGIN_HASH, &v);
+ if (level >= path_len || path_nulls[level])
+ done = true;
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &k, false);
+ Assert(r == WHS_KEY);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &k);
+ if (done == false &&
+ k.string.len == VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[level]) &&
+ memcmp(k.string.val, VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[level]),
+ k.string.len) == 0)
+ {
+ if (level == path_len - 1)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true); /* skip */
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, newval);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = replacePathDo(it, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len,
+ st, level + 1, newval);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ }
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_HASH);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ else if (r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_VALUE)
+ {
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ res = (void*)0x01; /* dummy value */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(PANIC, "impossible state");
+ }
+ return res;
+Datum hstore_replace(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *path = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ HStore *newval = PG_GETARG_HS(2);
+ HStore *out = palloc(VARSIZE(in) + VARSIZE(newval));
+ HStoreValue *res = NULL;
+ HStoreValue value;
+ Datum *path_elems;
+ bool *path_nulls;
+ int path_len;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ ToHStoreState *st = NULL;
+ Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(path) == TEXTOID);
+ if (ARR_NDIM(path) > 1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong number of array subscripts")));
+ if (HS_ROOT_COUNT(in) == 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(out, in, VARSIZE(in));
+ }
+ deconstruct_array(path, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &path_elems, &path_nulls, &path_len);
+ if (path_len == 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(out, in, VARSIZE(in));
+ }
+ if (HS_ROOT_COUNT(newval) == 0)
+ {
+ value.type = hsvNull;
+ value.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ value.type = hsvBinary;
+ value.binary.data = VARDATA(newval);
+ value.binary.len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(newval);
+ value.size = value.binary.len + sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(in));
+ res = replacePathDo(&it, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len, &st, 0, &value);
+ if (res == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int sz;
+ sz = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+static HStoreValue*
+concatPathDo(HStoreIterator **it, Datum *path_elems,
+ bool *path_nulls, int path_len,
+ ToHStoreState **st, int level, HStoreIterator *toConcat)
+ HStoreValue v, *res = NULL;
+ int r;
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, false);
+ if (r == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY)
+ {
+ int idx, i;
+ uint32 n = v.array.nelems;
+ idx = n;
+ if (level >= path_len || path_nulls[level] ||
+ h_atoi(VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[level]),
+ VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[level]), &idx) == false)
+ {
+ idx = n;
+ }
+ else if (idx < 0)
+ {
+ if (-idx > n)
+ idx = n;
+ else
+ idx = n + idx;
+ }
+ if (idx > n)
+ idx = n;
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ if (i == idx && level < path_len)
+ {
+ if (level == path_len - 1)
+ res = IteratorConcat(it, &toConcat, st);
+ else
+ res = concatPathDo(it, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len,
+ st, level + 1, toConcat);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_ELEM);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ }
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_ARRAY);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ else if (r == WHS_BEGIN_HASH)
+ {
+ int i;
+ uint32 n = v.hash.npairs;
+ HStoreValue k;
+ bool done = false;
+ pushHStoreValue(st, WHS_BEGIN_HASH, &v);
+ if (level >= path_len || path_nulls[level])
+ done = true;
+ for(i=0; i<n; i++)
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &k, false);
+ Assert(r == WHS_KEY);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &k);
+ if (done == false && level < path_len &&
+ k.string.len == VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[level]) &&
+ memcmp(k.string.val, VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[level]),
+ k.string.len) == 0)
+ {
+ if (level == path_len - 1)
+ res = IteratorConcat(it, &toConcat, st);
+ else
+ res = concatPathDo(it, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len,
+ st, level + 1, toConcat);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ }
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(it, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_END_HASH);
+ res = pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ }
+ else if (r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_VALUE)
+ {
+ pushHStoreValue(st, r, &v);
+ res = (void*)0x01; /* dummy value */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(PANIC, "impossible state");
+ }
+ return res;
+Datum hstore_deep_concat(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *in = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *path = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ HStore *newval = PG_GETARG_HS(2);
+ HStore *out = palloc(VARSIZE(in) + VARSIZE(newval));
+ HStoreValue *res = NULL;
+ Datum *path_elems;
+ bool *path_nulls;
+ int path_len;
+ HStoreIterator *it1, *it2;
+ ToHStoreState *st = NULL;
+ Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(path) == TEXTOID);
+ if (ARR_NDIM(path) > 1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong number of array subscripts")));
+ if (HS_ROOT_COUNT(in) == 0 || HS_ROOT_COUNT(newval) == 0)
+ {
+ memcpy(out, in, VARSIZE(in));
+ }
+ deconstruct_array(path, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &path_elems, &path_nulls, &path_len);
+ it1 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(in));
+ it2 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(newval));
+ if (path_len == 0)
+ res = IteratorConcat(&it1, &it2, &st);
+ else
+ res = concatPathDo(&it1, path_elems, path_nulls, path_len, &st, 0, it2);
+ if (res == NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int sz;
+ if (res->type == hsvArray && res->array.nelems > 1)
+ res->array.scalar = false;
+ sz = compressHStore(res, VARDATA(out));
+ }
+Datum hstore_akeys(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ Datum *d;
+ ArrayType *a;
+ int i = 0, r = 0;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ bool skipNested = false;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ {
+ a = construct_empty_array(TEXTOID);
+ }
+ d = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * HS_ROOT_COUNT(hs));
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs));
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, skipNested)) != 0)
+ {
+ skipNested = true;
+ if ((r == WHS_ELEM && v.type != hsvNull) || r == WHS_KEY)
+ d[i++] = PointerGetDatum(HStoreValueToText(&v));
+ }
+ a = construct_array(d, i,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i');
+Datum hstore_avals(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ Datum *d;
+ ArrayType *a;
+ int i = 0, r = 0;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ bool skipNested = false;
+ bool *nulls;
+ int lb = 1;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ {
+ a = construct_empty_array(TEXTOID);
+ }
+ d = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * HS_ROOT_COUNT(hs));
+ nulls = (bool *) palloc(sizeof(bool) * HS_ROOT_COUNT(hs));
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs));
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, skipNested)) != 0)
+ {
+ skipNested = true;
+ if (r == WHS_ELEM || r == WHS_VALUE)
+ {
+ d[i] = PointerGetDatum(HStoreValueToText(&v));
+ nulls[i] = (DatumGetPointer(d[i]) == NULL) ? true : false;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ a = construct_md_array(d, nulls, 1, &i, &lb,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i');
+static ArrayType *
+hstore_to_array_internal(HStore *hs, int ndims)
+ int count = HS_ROOT_COUNT(hs);
+ int out_size[2] = {0, 2};
+ int lb[2] = {1, 1};
+ Datum *out_datums;
+ bool *out_nulls;
+ bool isHash = HS_ROOT_IS_HASH(hs) ? true : false;
+ int i = 0, r = 0;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ bool skipNested = false;
+ Assert(ndims < 3);
+ if (count == 0 || ndims == 0)
+ return construct_empty_array(TEXTOID);
+ if (isHash == false && ndims == 2 && count % 2 != 0)
+ elog(ERROR, "hstore's array should have even number of elements");
+ out_size[0] = count * (isHash ? 2 : 1) / ndims;
+ out_datums = palloc(sizeof(Datum) * count * 2);
+ out_nulls = palloc(sizeof(bool) * count * 2);
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs));
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, skipNested)) != 0)
+ {
+ skipNested = true;
+ switch(r)
+ {
+ case WHS_ELEM:
+ out_datums[i] = PointerGetDatum(HStoreValueToText(&v));
+ out_nulls[i] = (DatumGetPointer(out_datums[i]) == NULL) ? true : false;
+ i++;
+ break;
+ case WHS_KEY:
+ out_datums[i * 2] = PointerGetDatum(HStoreValueToText(&v));
+ out_nulls[i * 2] = (DatumGetPointer(out_datums[i * 2]) == NULL) ? true : false;
+ break;
+ case WHS_VALUE:
+ out_datums[i * 2 + 1] = PointerGetDatum(HStoreValueToText(&v));
+ out_nulls[i * 2 + 1] = (DatumGetPointer(out_datums[i * 2 + 1]) == NULL) ? true : false;
+ i++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return construct_md_array(out_datums, out_nulls,
+ ndims, out_size, lb,
+ TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i');
+Datum hstore_to_array(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *out = hstore_to_array_internal(hs, 1);
+Datum hstore_to_matrix(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ ArrayType *out = hstore_to_array_internal(hs, 2);
+ * Common initialization function for the various set-returning
+ * funcs. fcinfo is only passed if the function is to return a
+ * composite; it will be used to look up the return tupledesc.
+ * we stash a copy of the hstore in the multi-call context in
+ * case it was originally toasted. (At least I assume that's why;
+ * there was no explanatory comment in the original code. --AG)
+ */
+typedef struct SetReturningState
+ HStore *hs;
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ MemoryContext ctx;
+ HStoreValue init;
+ int path_len;
+ int level;
+ struct {
+ HStoreValue v;
+ Datum varStr;
+ int varInt;
+ enum {
+ pathStr,
+ pathInt,
+ pathAny
+ } varKind;
+ int i;
+ } *path;
+} SetReturningState;
+static SetReturningState*
+setup_firstcall(FuncCallContext *funcctx, HStore *hs, ArrayType *path,
+ FunctionCallInfoData *fcinfo)
+ MemoryContext oldcontext;
+ SetReturningState *st;
+ oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx);
+ st = palloc(sizeof(*st));
+ st->ctx = funcctx->multi_call_memory_ctx;
+ st->hs = (HStore *) palloc(VARSIZE(hs));
+ memcpy(st->hs, hs, VARSIZE(hs));
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs) || path)
+ st->it = NULL;
+ else
+ st->it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(st->hs));
+ funcctx->user_fctx = (void *) st;
+ if (fcinfo)
+ {
+ TupleDesc tupdesc;
+ /* Build a tuple descriptor for our result type */
+ if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE)
+ elog(ERROR, "return type must be a row type");
+ funcctx->tuple_desc = BlessTupleDesc(tupdesc);
+ }
+ st->path_len = st->level = 0;
+ if (path)
+ {
+ Datum *path_elems;
+ bool *path_nulls;
+ int i;
+ Assert(ARR_ELEMTYPE(path) == TEXTOID);
+ if (ARR_NDIM(path) > 1)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("wrong number of array subscripts")));
+ deconstruct_array(path, TEXTOID, -1, false, 'i',
+ &path_elems, &path_nulls, &st->path_len);
+ st->init.type = hsvBinary;
+ st->init.size = VARSIZE(st->hs);
+ st->init.binary.data = VARDATA(st->hs);
+ st->init.binary.len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(st->hs);
+ if (st->path_len > 0)
+ {
+ st->path = palloc(sizeof(*st->path) * st->path_len);
+ st->path[0].v = st->init;
+ }
+ for(i=0; i<st->path_len; i++)
+ {
+ st->path[i].varStr = path_elems[i];
+ st->path[i].i = 0;
+ if (path_nulls[i])
+ st->path[i].varKind = pathAny;
+ else if (h_atoi(VARDATA_ANY(path_elems[i]),
+ VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(path_elems[i]),
+ &st->path[i].varInt))
+ st->path[i].varKind = pathInt;
+ else
+ st->path[i].varKind = pathStr;
+ }
+ }
+ MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+ return st;
+static uint32
+HStoreIteratorGetCtx(SetReturningState *st, HStoreValue *v, bool skipNested)
+ int r;
+ MemoryContext oldctx;
+ oldctx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(st->ctx);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(&st->it, v, skipNested);
+ MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldctx);
+ return r;
+Datum hstore_skeys(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ FuncCallContext *funcctx;
+ SetReturningState *st;
+ int r;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ {
+ funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
+ st = setup_firstcall(funcctx, PG_GETARG_HS(0), NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
+ st = (SetReturningState *) funcctx->user_fctx;
+ while(st->it && (r = HStoreIteratorGetCtx(st, &v, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r == WHS_KEY || r == WHS_ELEM)
+ {
+ text *item = HStoreValueToText(&v);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ else
+ SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, PointerGetDatum(item));
+ }
+ }
+ SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
+Datum hstore_svals(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ FuncCallContext *funcctx;
+ SetReturningState *st;
+ int r;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ {
+ funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
+ st = setup_firstcall(funcctx, PG_GETARG_HS(0), NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
+ st = (SetReturningState *) funcctx->user_fctx;
+ while(st->it && (r = HStoreIteratorGetCtx(st, &v, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r == WHS_VALUE || r == WHS_ELEM)
+ {
+ text *item = HStoreValueToText(&v);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ else
+ SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, PointerGetDatum(item));
+ }
+ }
+ SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
+Datum hstore_hvals(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ FuncCallContext *funcctx;
+ SetReturningState *st;
+ int r;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ {
+ funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
+ st = setup_firstcall(funcctx, PG_GETARG_HS(0), NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
+ st = (SetReturningState *) funcctx->user_fctx;
+ while(st->it && (r = HStoreIteratorGetCtx(st, &v, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ if (r == WHS_VALUE || r == WHS_ELEM)
+ {
+ HStore *item = HStoreValueToHStore(&v);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ else
+ SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, PointerGetDatum(item));
+ }
+ }
+ SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
+static HStoreValue*
+getNextValsPath(SetReturningState *st)
+ HStoreValue *v = NULL;
+ if (st->path_len == 0)
+ {
+ /* empty path */
+ if (st->level == 0)
+ {
+ v = &st->init;
+ st->level ++;
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
+ while(st->level >= 0)
+ {
+ uint32 header;
+ v = NULL;
+ if (st->path[st->level].v.type != hsvBinary)
+ {
+ st->level--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ header = *(uint32*)st->path[st->level].v.binary.data;
+ if (header & HS_FLAG_HSTORE)
+ {
+ if (st->path[st->level].varKind == pathAny)
+ {
+ v = getHStoreValue(st->path[st->level].v.binary.data,
+ st->path[st->level].i++);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValue(st->path[st->level].v.binary.data,
+ VARDATA_ANY(st->path[st->level].varStr),
+ VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(st->path[st->level].varStr));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (header & HS_FLAG_ARRAY)
+ {
+ if (st->path[st->level].varKind == pathAny)
+ {
+ v = getHStoreValue(st->path[st->level].v.binary.data,
+ HS_FLAG_ARRAY, st->path[st->level].i++);
+ }
+ else if (st->path[st->level].varKind == pathInt)
+ {
+ int ith = st->path[st->level].varInt;
+ if (ith < 0)
+ {
+ if (-ith > (int)(header & HS_COUNT_MASK))
+ {
+ st->level--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ith = ((int)(header & HS_COUNT_MASK)) + ith;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ith >= (int)(header & HS_COUNT_MASK))
+ {
+ st->level--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ v = getHStoreValue(st->path[st->level].v.binary.data,
+ HS_FLAG_ARRAY, ith);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ st->level--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(PANIC, "impossible state");
+ }
+ if (v == NULL)
+ {
+ st->level--;
+ }
+ else if (st->level == st->path_len - 1)
+ {
+ if (st->path[st->level].varKind != pathAny)
+ {
+ st->path[st->level].v.type = hsvNull;
+ st->level--;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (st->path[st->level].varKind != pathAny)
+ st->path[st->level].v.type = hsvNull;
+ st->level++;
+ st->path[st->level].v = *v;
+ st->path[st->level].i = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return v;
+Datum hstore_svals_path(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ FuncCallContext *funcctx;
+ SetReturningState *st;
+ HStoreValue *v;
+ {
+ funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
+ st = setup_firstcall(funcctx, PG_GETARG_HS(0), PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1), NULL);
+ }
+ funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
+ st = (SetReturningState *) funcctx->user_fctx;
+ if ((v = getNextValsPath(st)) != NULL)
+ {
+ text *item = HStoreValueToText(v);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ else
+ SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, PointerGetDatum(item));
+ }
+ SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
+Datum hstore_hvals_path(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ FuncCallContext *funcctx;
+ SetReturningState *st;
+ HStoreValue *v;
+ {
+ funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
+ st = setup_firstcall(funcctx, PG_GETARG_HS(0),
+ }
+ funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
+ st = (SetReturningState *) funcctx->user_fctx;
+ if ((v = getNextValsPath(st)) != NULL)
+ {
+ HStore *item = HStoreValueToHStore(v);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ else
+ SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, PointerGetDatum(item));
+ }
+ SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
+Datum hstore_each(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ FuncCallContext *funcctx;
+ SetReturningState *st;
+ int r;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ {
+ funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
+ st = setup_firstcall(funcctx, PG_GETARG_HS(0), NULL, fcinfo);
+ }
+ funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
+ st = (SetReturningState *) funcctx->user_fctx;
+ while(st->it && (r = HStoreIteratorGetCtx(st, &v, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ Datum res,
+ dvalues[2] = {0, 0};
+ bool nulls[2] = {false, false};
+ text *item;
+ HeapTuple tuple;
+ if (r == WHS_ELEM)
+ {
+ nulls[0] = true;
+ item = HStoreValueToText(&v);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ nulls[1] = true;
+ else
+ dvalues[1] = PointerGetDatum(item);
+ }
+ else if (r == WHS_KEY)
+ {
+ item = HStoreValueToText(&v);
+ dvalues[0] = PointerGetDatum(item);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGetCtx(st, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ item = HStoreValueToText(&v);
+ if (item == NULL)
+ nulls[1] = true;
+ else
+ dvalues[1] = PointerGetDatum(item);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ tuple = heap_form_tuple(funcctx->tuple_desc, dvalues, nulls);
+ res = HeapTupleGetDatum(tuple);
+ SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, PointerGetDatum(res));
+ }
+ SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
+Datum hstore_each_hstore(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ FuncCallContext *funcctx;
+ SetReturningState *st;
+ int r;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ {
+ funcctx = SRF_FIRSTCALL_INIT();
+ st = setup_firstcall(funcctx, PG_GETARG_HS(0), NULL, fcinfo);
+ }
+ funcctx = SRF_PERCALL_SETUP();
+ st = (SetReturningState *) funcctx->user_fctx;
+ while(st->it && (r = HStoreIteratorGetCtx(st, &v, true)) != 0)
+ {
+ Datum res,
+ dvalues[2] = {0, 0};
+ bool nulls[2] = {false, false};
+ text *item;
+ HStore *hitem;
+ HeapTuple tuple;
+ if (r == WHS_ELEM)
+ {
+ nulls[0] = true;
+ hitem = HStoreValueToHStore(&v);
+ if (hitem == NULL)
+ nulls[1] = true;
+ else
+ dvalues[1] = PointerGetDatum(hitem);
+ }
+ else if (r == WHS_KEY)
+ {
+ item = HStoreValueToText(&v);
+ dvalues[0] = PointerGetDatum(item);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGetCtx(st, &v, true);
+ Assert(r == WHS_VALUE);
+ hitem = HStoreValueToHStore(&v);
+ if (hitem == NULL)
+ nulls[1] = true;
+ else
+ dvalues[1] = PointerGetDatum(hitem);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ tuple = heap_form_tuple(funcctx->tuple_desc, dvalues, nulls);
+ res = HeapTupleGetDatum(tuple);
+ SRF_RETURN_NEXT(funcctx, PointerGetDatum(res));
+ }
+ SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
+static bool
+deepContains(HStoreIterator **it1, HStoreIterator **it2)
+ uint32 r1, r2;
+ HStoreValue v1, v2;
+ bool res = true;
+ r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(it1, &v1, false);
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, false);
+ if (r1 != r2)
+ {
+ res = false;
+ }
+ else if (r1 == WHS_BEGIN_HASH)
+ {
+ uint32 lowbound = 0;
+ HStoreValue *v;
+ for(;;) {
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, false);
+ if (r2 == WHS_END_HASH)
+ break;
+ Assert(r2 == WHS_KEY);
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValueByValue((*it1)->buffer,
+ &lowbound, &v2);
+ if (v == NULL)
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true);
+ Assert(r2 == WHS_VALUE);
+ if (v->type != v2.type)
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (v->type == hsvString || v->type == hsvNull ||
+ v->type == hsvBool || v->type == hsvNumeric)
+ {
+ if (compareHStoreValue(v, &v2) != 0)
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HStoreIterator *it1a, *it2a;
+ Assert(v2.type == hsvBinary);
+ Assert(v->type == hsvBinary);
+ it1a = HStoreIteratorInit(v->binary.data);
+ it2a = HStoreIteratorInit(v2.binary.data);
+ if ((res = deepContains(&it1a, &it2a)) == false)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (r1 == WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY)
+ {
+ HStoreValue *v;
+ HStoreValue *av = NULL;
+ uint32 nelems = v1.array.nelems;
+ for(;;) {
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it2, &v2, true);
+ if (r2 == WHS_END_ARRAY)
+ break;
+ Assert(r2 == WHS_ELEM);
+ if (v2.type == hsvString || v2.type == hsvNull ||
+ v2.type == hsvBool || v2.type == hsvNumeric)
+ {
+ v = findUncompressedHStoreValueByValue((*it1)->buffer,
+ &v2);
+ if (v == NULL)
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint32 i;
+ if (av == NULL)
+ {
+ uint32 j = 0;
+ av = palloc(sizeof(*av) * nelems);
+ for(i=0; i<nelems; i++)
+ {
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(it1, &v1, true);
+ Assert(r2 == WHS_ELEM);
+ if (v1.type == hsvBinary)
+ av[j++] = v1;
+ }
+ if (j == 0)
+ {
+ res = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ nelems = j;
+ }
+ res = false;
+ for(i = 0; res == false && i<nelems; i++)
+ {
+ HStoreIterator *it1a, *it2a;
+ it1a = HStoreIteratorInit(av[i].binary.data);
+ it2a = HStoreIteratorInit(v2.binary.data);
+ res = deepContains(&it1a, &it2a);
+ }
+ if (res == false)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(PANIC, "impossible state");
+ }
+ return res;
+Datum hstore_contains(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *val = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStore *tmpl = PG_GETARG_HS(1);
+ bool res = true;
+ HStoreIterator *it1, *it2;
+ if (HS_ROOT_COUNT(val) < HS_ROOT_COUNT(tmpl) ||
+ HS_ROOT_IS_HASH(val) != HS_ROOT_IS_HASH(tmpl))
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(false);
+ it1 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(val));
+ it2 = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(tmpl));
+ res = deepContains(&it1, &it2);
+Datum hstore_contained(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ PG_RETURN_DATUM(DirectFunctionCall2(hstore_contains,
+ ));
+ * btree sort order for hstores isn't intended to be useful; we really only
+ * care about equality versus non-equality. we compare the entire string
+ * buffer first, then the entry pos array.
+ */
+Datum hstore_cmp(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs1 = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStore *hs2 = PG_GETARG_HS(1);
+ int res;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs1) || HS_ISEMPTY(hs2))
+ {
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs1))
+ {
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs2))
+ res = 0;
+ else
+ res = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = compareHStoreBinaryValue(VARDATA(hs1), VARDATA(hs2));
+ }
+ /*
+ * this is a btree support function; this is one of the few places where
+ * memory needs to be explicitly freed.
+ */
+ PG_FREE_IF_COPY(hs1, 0);
+ PG_FREE_IF_COPY(hs2, 1);
+ PG_RETURN_INT32(res);
+Datum hstore_eq(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ int res = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(hstore_cmp,
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(res == 0);
+Datum hstore_ne(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ int res = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(hstore_cmp,
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(res != 0);
+Datum hstore_gt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ int res = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(hstore_cmp,
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(res > 0);
+Datum hstore_ge(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ int res = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(hstore_cmp,
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(res >= 0);
+Datum hstore_lt(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ int res = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(hstore_cmp,
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(res < 0);
+Datum hstore_le(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ int res = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(hstore_cmp,
+ PG_RETURN_BOOL(res <= 0);
+Datum hstore_hash(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ int32 r;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ int crc;
+ if (HS_ROOT_COUNT(hs) == 0)
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs));
+ INIT_CRC32(crc);
+ while((r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false)) != 0)
+ {
+ switch(r)
+ {
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, "ab", 3);
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, &v.array.nelems, sizeof(v.array.nelems));
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, &v.array.scalar, sizeof(v.array.scalar));
+ break;
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, "hb", 3);
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, &v.hash.npairs, sizeof(v.hash.npairs));
+ break;
+ case WHS_KEY:
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, "k", 2);
+ case WHS_VALUE:
+ case WHS_ELEM:
+ switch(v.type)
+ {
+ case hsvString:
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, v.string.val, v.string.len);
+ break;
+ case hsvNull:
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, "N", 2);
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, &v.boolean, sizeof(v.boolean));
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ crc ^= DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall1(hash_numeric,
+ NumericGetDatum(v.numeric)));
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(ERROR, "unexpected state of hstore iterator");
+ }
+ break;
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, "ae", 3);
+ break;
+ case WHS_END_HASH:
+ COMP_CRC32(crc, "he", 3);
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(ERROR, "unexpected state of hstore iterator");
+ }
+ }
+ FIN_CRC32(crc);
+ PG_FREE_IF_COPY(hs, 0);
+ PG_RETURN_INT32(crc);
+Datum hstore_typeof(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ HStore *hs = PG_GETARG_HS(0);
+ HStoreIterator *it;
+ HStoreValue v;
+ uint32 r;
+ if (HS_ISEMPTY(hs))
+ it = HStoreIteratorInit(VARDATA(hs));
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false);
+ switch(r)
+ {
+ if (v.array.scalar)
+ {
+ Assert(v.array.nelems == 1);
+ r = HStoreIteratorGet(&it, &v, false);
+ Assert(r == WHS_ELEM);
+ switch(v.type)
+ {
+ case hsvNull:
+ PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text("null"));
+ case hsvBool:
+ PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text("bool"));
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text("numeric"));
+ case hsvString:
+ PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text("string"));
+ default:
+ elog(ERROR, "bogus hstore");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text("array"));
+ }
+ PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(cstring_to_text("hash"));
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ elog(ERROR, "bogus hstore");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+static string scanstring;
+/* No reason to constrain amount of data slurped */
+/* #define YY_READ_BUF_SIZE 16777216 */
+/* Handles to the buffer that the lexer uses internally */
+static YY_BUFFER_STATE scanbufhandle;
+static char *scanbuf;
+static int scanbuflen;
+static void addstring(bool init, char *s, int l);
+static void addchar(bool init, char s);
+static int checkSpecialVal(void); /* examine scanstring for the special value */
+static bool inputJSON = false;
+%option 8bit
+%option never-interactive
+%option nodefault
+%option noinput
+%option nounput
+%option noyywrap
+%option warn
+%option prefix="hstore_yy"
+%option bison-bridge
+any [^\,\[\]\{\}\"\=\> \t\n\r\f\\\:]
+<INITIAL>[\,\{\}\[\]] { return *yytext; }
+<INITIAL>\=\> { return DELIMITER_P; }
+<INITIAL>\: {
+ if (inputJSON)
+ {
+ return DELIMITER_P;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addchar(true, ':');
+ }
+ }
+<INITIAL>[ \t\n\r\f]+ { /* ignore */ }
+<INITIAL>\=/[^\>] {
+ addchar(true, '=');
+ }
+<INITIAL>\> {
+ addchar(true, yytext[0]);
+ }
+<INITIAL>\\. {
+ addchar(true, yytext[1]);
+ }
+<INITIAL>({any}|\>)+ {
+ addstring(true, yytext, yyleng);
+ }
+<INITIAL>\" {
+ addchar(true, '\0');
+ }
+<INITIAL>\= { /* =<<EOF>> */
+ addchar(true, '=');
+ yylval->str = scanstring;
+ return STRING_P;
+ }
+<xNONQUOTED>({any}|[\>\"\:])+ {
+ addstring(false, yytext, yyleng);
+ }
+<xNONQUOTED>\=/[^\>] { addchar(false, *yytext); }
+<xNONQUOTED>[ \t\n\r\f]+ {
+ yylval->str = scanstring;
+ return checkSpecialVal();
+ }
+<xNONQUOTED>\= { /* =<<EOF>> */
+ addchar(false, '=');
+ yylval->str = scanstring;
+ return STRING_P;
+ }
+<xNONQUOTED>[\,\{\}\[\]] {
+ yylval->str = scanstring;
+ yyless(0);
+ return checkSpecialVal();
+ }
+ yylval->str = scanstring;
+ return checkSpecialVal();
+ }
+<xNONQUOTED>\=\> {
+ yylval->str = scanstring;
+ yyless(0);
+ return checkSpecialVal();
+ }
+<xNONQUOTED,xQUOTED>\\. { addchar(false, yytext[1]); }
+<INITIAL,xNONQUOTED,xQUOTED>\\ { yyerror("Unexpected end after backslesh"); }
+<xQUOTED><<EOF>> { yyerror("Unexpected end of quoted string"); }
+<xQUOTED>\" {
+ yylval->str = scanstring;
+ return STRING_P;
+ }
+<xQUOTED>[^\\\"]+ { addstring(false, yytext, yyleng); }
+<INITIAL><<EOF>> { yyterminate(); }
+yyerror(const char *message)
+ if (*yytext == YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR)
+ {
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("bad hstore representation"),
+ /* translator: %s is typically "syntax error" */
+ errdetail("%s at end of input", message)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("bad hstore representation"),
+ /* translator: first %s is typically "syntax error" */
+ errdetail("%s at or near \"%s\"", message, yytext)));
+ }
+static int
+ int res = STRING_P;
+ if (stringIsNumber(scanstring.val, scanstring.len, inputJSON))
+ {
+ /* for numeric_in() call we need to make a correct C-string */
+ addchar(false, '\0');
+ res = NUMERIC_P;
+ }
+ else if (scanstring.len == 1)
+ {
+ if (*scanstring.val == 't')
+ res = TRUE_P;
+ else if (*scanstring.val == 'f')
+ res = FALSE_P;
+ }
+ else if (scanstring.len == 4)
+ {
+ if (pg_strncasecmp("null", scanstring.val, scanstring.len) == 0)
+ res = NULL_P;
+ else if (pg_strncasecmp("true", scanstring.val, scanstring.len) == 0)
+ res = TRUE_P;
+ }
+ else if (scanstring.len == 5)
+ {
+ if (pg_strncasecmp("false", scanstring.val, scanstring.len) == 0)
+ res = FALSE_P;
+ }
+ return res;
+ * Called before any actual parsing is done
+ */
+static void
+hstore_scanner_init(const char *str, int slen)
+ if (slen <= 0)
+ slen = strlen(str);
+ /*
+ * Might be left over after ereport()
+ */
+ yy_delete_buffer(YY_CURRENT_BUFFER);
+ /*
+ * Make a scan buffer with special termination needed by flex.
+ */
+ scanbuflen = slen;
+ scanbuf = palloc(slen + 2);
+ memcpy(scanbuf, str, slen);
+ scanbuf[slen] = scanbuf[slen + 1] = YY_END_OF_BUFFER_CHAR;
+ scanbufhandle = yy_scan_buffer(scanbuf, slen + 2);
+ * Called after parsing is done to clean up after hstore_scanner_init()
+ */
+static void
+ yy_delete_buffer(scanbufhandle);
+ pfree(scanbuf);
+static void
+addstring(bool init, char *s, int l) {
+ if (init) {
+ scanstring.total = 32;
+ scanstring.val = palloc(scanstring.total);
+ scanstring.len = 0;
+ }
+ if (s && l) {
+ while(scanstring.len + l + 1 >= scanstring.total) {
+ scanstring.total *= 2;
+ scanstring.val = repalloc(scanstring.val, scanstring.total);
+ }
+ memcpy(scanstring.val+scanstring.len, s, l);
+ scanstring.len+=l;
+ }
+static void
+addchar(bool init, char s) {
+ if (init)
+ {
+ scanstring.total = 32;
+ scanstring.val = palloc(scanstring.total);
+ scanstring.len = 0;
+ }
+ else if(scanstring.len + 1 >= scanstring.total)
+ {
+ scanstring.total*=2;
+ scanstring.val=repalloc(scanstring.val, scanstring.total);
+ }
+ scanstring.val[ scanstring.len ] = s;
+ if (s != '\0')
+ scanstring.len++;
+parseHStore(const char *str, int len, bool json) {
+ HStoreValue *parseresult;
+ inputJSON = json;
+ hstore_scanner_init(str, len);
+ if (hstore_yyparse((void*)&parseresult) != 0)
+ hstore_yyerror("bugus input");
+ hstore_scanner_finish();
+ return parseresult;
--- /dev/null
+#include "postgres.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "hstore.h"
+ * Compare Functions *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+compareHStoreStringValue(const void *a, const void *b, void *arg)
+ const HStoreValue *va = a;
+ const HStoreValue *vb = b;
+ int res;
+ Assert(va->type == hsvString);
+ Assert(vb->type == hsvString);
+ if (va->string.len == vb->string.len)
+ {
+ res = memcmp(va->string.val, vb->string.val, va->string.len);
+ if (res == 0 && arg)
+ *(bool*)arg = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = (va->string.len > vb->string.len) ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ return res;
+compareHStorePair(const void *a, const void *b, void *arg)
+ const HStorePair *pa = a;
+ const HStorePair *pb = b;
+ int res;
+ res = compareHStoreStringValue(&pa->key, &pb->key, arg);
+ /*
+ * guarantee keeping order of equal pair. Unique algorithm will
+ * prefer first element as value
+ */
+ if (res == 0)
+ res = (pa->order > pb->order) ? -1 : 1;
+ return res;
+compareHStoreValue(HStoreValue *a, HStoreValue *b)
+ if (a->type == b->type)
+ {
+ switch(a->type)
+ {
+ case hsvNull:
+ return 0;
+ case hsvString:
+ return compareHStoreStringValue(a, b, NULL);
+ case hsvBool:
+ if (a->boolean == b->boolean)
+ return 0;
+ return (a->boolean > b->boolean) ? 1 : -1;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ return DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_cmp,
+ PointerGetDatum(a->numeric),
+ PointerGetDatum(b->numeric)));
+ case hsvArray:
+ if (a->array.nelems == b->array.nelems)
+ {
+ int i, r;
+ for(i=0; i<a->array.nelems; i++)
+ if ((r = compareHStoreValue(a->array.elems + i,
+ b->array.elems + i)) != 0)
+ return r;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return (a->array.nelems > b->array.nelems) ? 1 : -1;
+ case hsvHash:
+ if (a->hash.npairs == b->hash.npairs)
+ {
+ int i, r;
+ for(i=0; i<a->hash.npairs; i++)
+ {
+ if ((r = compareHStoreStringValue(&a->hash.pairs[i].key,
+ &b->hash.pairs[i].key,
+ NULL)) != 0)
+ return r;
+ if ((r = compareHStoreValue(&a->hash.pairs[i].value,
+ &b->hash.pairs[i].value)) != 0)
+ return r;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return (a->hash.npairs > b->hash.npairs) ? 1 : -1;
+ case hsvBinary:
+ return compareHStoreBinaryValue(a->binary.data, b->binary.data);
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "unknown HStoreValue->type: %d", a->type);
+ }
+ }
+ return (a->type > b->type) ? 1 : -1;
+compareHStoreBinaryValue(char *a, char *b)
+ HStoreIterator *it1, *it2;
+ int res = 0;
+ it1 = HStoreIteratorInit(a);
+ it2 = HStoreIteratorInit(b);
+ while(res == 0)
+ {
+ HStoreValue v1, v2;
+ int r1, r2;
+ r1 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it1, &v1, false);
+ r2 = HStoreIteratorGet(&it2, &v2, false);
+ if (r1 == r2)
+ {
+ if (r1 == 0)
+ break; /* equal */
+ if (v1.type == v2.type)
+ {
+ switch(v1.type)
+ {
+ case hsvString:
+ res = compareHStoreStringValue(&v1, &v2, NULL);
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ if (v1.boolean == v2.boolean)
+ res = 0;
+ else
+ res = (v1.boolean > v2.boolean) ? 1 : -1;
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ res = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_cmp,
+ PointerGetDatum(v1.numeric),
+ PointerGetDatum(v2.numeric)));
+ break;
+ case hsvArray:
+ if (v1.array.nelems != v2.array.nelems)
+ res = (v1.array.nelems > v2.array.nelems) ? 1 : -1;
+ break;
+ case hsvHash:
+ if (v1.hash.npairs != v2.hash.npairs)
+ res = (v1.hash.npairs > v2.hash.npairs) ? 1 : -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = (v1.type > v2.type) ? 1 : -1; /* dummy order */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = (r1 > r2) ? 1 : -1; /* dummy order */
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ * Sort and unique pairs in hash-like HStoreValue
+ */
+uniqueHStoreValue(HStoreValue *v)
+ bool hasNonUniq = false;
+ Assert(v->type == hsvHash);
+ if (v->hash.npairs > 1)
+ qsort_arg(v->hash.pairs, v->hash.npairs, sizeof(*v->hash.pairs),
+ compareHStorePair, &hasNonUniq);
+ if (hasNonUniq)
+ {
+ HStorePair *ptr = v->hash.pairs + 1,
+ *res = v->hash.pairs;
+ while(ptr - v->hash.pairs < v->hash.npairs)
+ {
+ if (ptr->key.string.len == res->key.string.len &&
+ memcmp(ptr->key.string.val, res->key.string.val,
+ ptr->key.string.len) == 0)
+ {
+ v->size -= ptr->key.size + ptr->value.size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res++;
+ if (ptr != res)
+ memcpy(res, ptr, sizeof(*res));
+ }
+ ptr++;
+ }
+ v->hash.npairs = res + 1 - v->hash.pairs;
+ }
+ * find string key in hash or array *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+findUncompressedHStoreValueByValue(char *buffer, uint32 flags, uint32 *lowbound, HStoreValue *key)
+ uint32 header = *(uint32*)buffer;
+ static HStoreValue r;
+ Assert((header & (HS_FLAG_ARRAY | HS_FLAG_HSTORE)) !=
+ if (flags & HS_FLAG_ARRAY & header)
+ {
+ HEntry *array = (HEntry*)(buffer + sizeof(header));
+ char *data = (char*)(array + (header & HS_COUNT_MASK));
+ int i;
+ for(i=(lowbound) ? *lowbound : 0; i<(header & HS_COUNT_MASK); i++) {
+ HEntry *e = array + i;
+ if (HSE_ISNULL(*e) && key->type == hsvNull)
+ {
+ r.type = hsvNull;
+ if (lowbound)
+ *lowbound = i;
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ return &r;
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISSTRING(*e) && key->type == hsvString )
+ {
+ if (key->string.len == HSE_LEN(*e) &&
+ memcmp(key->string.val, data + HSE_OFF(*e),
+ key->string.len) == 0)
+ {
+ r.type = hsvString;
+ r.string.val = data + HSE_OFF(*e);
+ r.string.len = key->string.len;
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry) + r.string.len;
+ if (lowbound)
+ *lowbound = i;
+ return &r;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISBOOL(*e) && key->type == hsvBool)
+ {
+ if ((HSE_ISBOOL_TRUE(*e) && key->boolean == true) ||
+ (HSE_ISBOOL_FALSE(*e) && key->boolean == false))
+ {
+ r = *key;
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ if (lowbound)
+ *lowbound = i;
+ return &r;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISNUMERIC(*e) && key->type == hsvNumeric)
+ {
+ if (DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_eq,
+ PointerGetDatum(data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e))),
+ PointerGetDatum(key->numeric))) == true)
+ {
+ r.type = hsvNumeric;
+ r.numeric = (Numeric)(data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e)));
+ if (lowbound)
+ *lowbound = i;
+ return &r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (flags & HS_FLAG_HSTORE & header)
+ {
+ HEntry *array = (HEntry*)(buffer + sizeof(header));
+ char *data = (char*)(array + (header & HS_COUNT_MASK) * 2);
+ uint32 stopLow = lowbound ? *lowbound : 0,
+ stopHigh = (header & HS_COUNT_MASK),
+ stopMiddle;
+ if (key->type != hsvString)
+ return NULL;
+ while (stopLow < stopHigh)
+ {
+ int difference;
+ HEntry *e;
+ stopMiddle = stopLow + (stopHigh - stopLow) / 2;
+ e = array + stopMiddle * 2;
+ if (key->string.len == HSE_LEN(*e))
+ difference = memcmp(data + HSE_OFF(*e), key->string.val,
+ key->string.len);
+ else
+ difference = (HSE_LEN(*e) > key->string.len) ? 1 : -1;
+ if (difference == 0)
+ {
+ HEntry *v = e + 1;
+ if (lowbound)
+ *lowbound = stopMiddle + 1;
+ if (HSE_ISSTRING(*v))
+ {
+ r.type = hsvString;
+ r.string.val = data + HSE_OFF(*v);
+ r.string.len = HSE_LEN(*v);
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry) + r.string.len;
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISBOOL(*v))
+ {
+ r.type = hsvBool;
+ r.boolean = (HSE_ISBOOL_TRUE(*v)) ? true : false;
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISNUMERIC(*v))
+ {
+ r.type = hsvNumeric;
+ r.numeric = (Numeric)(data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*v)));
+ r.size = 2*sizeof(HEntry) + VARSIZE_ANY(r.numeric);
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISNULL(*v))
+ {
+ r.type = hsvNull;
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r.type = hsvBinary;
+ r.binary.data = data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*v));
+ r.binary.len = HSE_LEN(*v) -
+ (INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*v)) - HSE_OFF(*v));
+ r.size = 2*sizeof(HEntry) + r.binary.len;
+ }
+ return &r;
+ }
+ else if (difference < 0)
+ {
+ stopLow = stopMiddle + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stopHigh = stopMiddle;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lowbound)
+ *lowbound = stopLow;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+findUncompressedHStoreValue(char *buffer, uint32 flags, uint32 *lowbound,
+ char *key, uint32 keylen)
+ HStoreValue v;
+ if (key == NULL)
+ {
+ v.type = hsvNull;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v.type = hsvString;
+ v.string.val = key;
+ v.string.len = keylen;
+ }
+ return findUncompressedHStoreValueByValue(buffer, flags, lowbound, &v);
+getHStoreValue(char *buffer, uint32 flags, int32 i)
+ uint32 header = *(uint32*)buffer;
+ static HStoreValue r;
+ HEntry *array, *e;
+ char *data;
+ Assert((header & (HS_FLAG_ARRAY | HS_FLAG_HSTORE)) !=
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ if (i >= (header & HS_COUNT_MASK))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (-i > (header & HS_COUNT_MASK))
+ return NULL;
+ i = (header & HS_COUNT_MASK) + i;
+ }
+ array = (HEntry*)(buffer + sizeof(header));
+ if (flags & HS_FLAG_ARRAY & header)
+ {
+ e = array + i;
+ data = (char*)(array + (header & HS_COUNT_MASK));
+ }
+ else if (flags & HS_FLAG_HSTORE & header)
+ {
+ e = array + i * 2 + 1;
+ data = (char*)(array + (header & HS_COUNT_MASK) * 2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (HSE_ISSTRING(*e))
+ {
+ r.type = hsvString;
+ r.string.val = data + HSE_OFF(*e);
+ r.string.len = HSE_LEN(*e);
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry) + r.string.len;
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISBOOL(*e))
+ {
+ r.type = hsvBool;
+ r.boolean = (HSE_ISBOOL_TRUE(*e)) ? true : false;
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISNUMERIC(*e))
+ {
+ r.type = hsvNumeric;
+ r.numeric = (Numeric)(data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e)));
+ r.size = 2*sizeof(HEntry) + VARSIZE_ANY(r.numeric);
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISNULL(*e))
+ {
+ r.type = hsvNull;
+ r.size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ r.type = hsvBinary;
+ r.binary.data = data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e));
+ r.binary.len = HSE_LEN(*e) - (INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e)) - HSE_OFF(*e));
+ r.size = r.binary.len + 2*sizeof(HEntry);
+ }
+ return &r;
+ * Walk on tree representation of hstore *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void
+walkUncompressedHStoreDo(HStoreValue *v, walk_hstore_cb cb, void *cb_arg,
+ uint32 level)
+ int i;
+ switch(v->type)
+ {
+ case hsvArray:
+ cb(cb_arg, v, WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY, level);
+ for(i=0; i<v->array.nelems; i++)
+ {
+ if (v->array.elems[i].type == hsvNull ||
+ v->array.elems[i].type == hsvString ||
+ v->array.elems[i].type == hsvBool ||
+ v->array.elems[i].type == hsvNumeric ||
+ v->array.elems[i].type == hsvBinary)
+ cb(cb_arg, v->array.elems + i, WHS_ELEM, level);
+ else
+ walkUncompressedHStoreDo(v->array.elems + i, cb, cb_arg,
+ level + 1);
+ }
+ cb(cb_arg, v, WHS_END_ARRAY, level);
+ break;
+ case hsvHash:
+ cb(cb_arg, v, WHS_BEGIN_HASH, level);
+ for(i=0; i<v->hash.npairs; i++)
+ {
+ cb(cb_arg, &v->hash.pairs[i].key, WHS_KEY, level);
+ if (v->hash.pairs[i].value.type == hsvNull ||
+ v->hash.pairs[i].value.type == hsvString ||
+ v->hash.pairs[i].value.type == hsvBool ||
+ v->hash.pairs[i].value.type == hsvNumeric ||
+ v->hash.pairs[i].value.type == hsvBinary)
+ cb(cb_arg, &v->hash.pairs[i].value, WHS_VALUE, level);
+ else
+ walkUncompressedHStoreDo(&v->hash.pairs[i].value, cb, cb_arg, level + 1);
+ }
+ cb(cb_arg, v, WHS_END_HASH, level);
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "impossible HStoreValue->type: %d", v->type);
+ }
+walkUncompressedHStore(HStoreValue *v, walk_hstore_cb cb, void *cb_arg)
+ if (v)
+ walkUncompressedHStoreDo(v, cb, cb_arg, 0);
+ * Iteration over binary hstore *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void
+parseBuffer(HStoreIterator *it, char *buffer)
+ uint32 header = *(uint32*)buffer;
+ it->type = header & (HS_FLAG_ARRAY | HS_FLAG_HSTORE);
+ it->nelems = header & HS_COUNT_MASK;
+ it->buffer = buffer;
+ buffer += sizeof(uint32);
+ it->array = (HEntry*)buffer;
+ it->state = hsi_start;
+ switch(it->type)
+ {
+ it->data = buffer + it->nelems * sizeof(HEntry);
+ it->isScalar = (header & HS_FLAG_SCALAR) ? true : false;
+ Assert(it->isScalar == false || it->nelems == 1);
+ break;
+ it->data = buffer + it->nelems * sizeof(HEntry) * 2;
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "impossible type: %08x", it->type);
+ }
+HStoreIteratorInit(char *buffer)
+ HStoreIterator *it = palloc(sizeof(*it));
+ parseBuffer(it, buffer);
+ it->next = NULL;
+ return it;
+static bool
+formAnswer(HStoreIterator **it, HStoreValue *v, HEntry *e, bool skipNested)
+ if (HSE_ISSTRING(*e))
+ {
+ v->type = hsvString;
+ v->string.val = (*it)->data + HSE_OFF(*e);
+ v->string.len = HSE_LEN(*e);
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry) + v->string.len;
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISBOOL(*e))
+ {
+ v->type = hsvBool;
+ v->boolean = (HSE_ISBOOL_TRUE(*e)) ? true : false;
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISNUMERIC(*e))
+ {
+ v->type = hsvNumeric;
+ v->numeric = (Numeric)((*it)->data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e)));
+ v->size = 2*sizeof(HEntry) + VARSIZE_ANY(v->numeric);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (HSE_ISNULL(*e))
+ {
+ v->type = hsvNull;
+ v->size = sizeof(HEntry);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (skipNested)
+ {
+ v->type = hsvBinary;
+ v->binary.data = (*it)->data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e));
+ v->binary.len = HSE_LEN(*e) - (INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e)) - HSE_OFF(*e));
+ v->size = v->binary.len + 2*sizeof(HEntry);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HStoreIterator *nit = palloc(sizeof(*nit));
+ parseBuffer(nit, (*it)->data + INTALIGN(HSE_OFF(*e)));
+ nit->next = *it;
+ *it = nit;
+ return true;
+ }
+static HStoreIterator*
+up(HStoreIterator *it)
+ HStoreIterator *v = it->next;
+ pfree(it);
+ return v;
+HStoreIteratorGet(HStoreIterator **it, HStoreValue *v, bool skipNested)
+ int res;
+ if (*it == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * Encode all possible states by one integer. That's possible
+ * because enum members of HStoreIterator->state uses different bits
+ * than HS_FLAG_ARRAY/HS_FLAG_HSTORE. See definition of HStoreIterator
+ */
+ switch((*it)->type | (*it)->state)
+ {
+ case HS_FLAG_ARRAY | hsi_start:
+ (*it)->state = hsi_elem;
+ (*it)->i = 0;
+ v->type = hsvArray;
+ v->array.nelems = (*it)->nelems;
+ v->array.scalar = (*it)->isScalar;
+ break;
+ case HS_FLAG_ARRAY | hsi_elem:
+ if ((*it)->i >= (*it)->nelems)
+ {
+ *it = up(*it);
+ res = WHS_END_ARRAY;
+ }
+ else if (formAnswer(it, v, &(*it)->array[ (*it)->i++ ], skipNested))
+ {
+ res = HStoreIteratorGet(it, v, skipNested);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ res = WHS_ELEM;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HS_FLAG_HSTORE | hsi_start:
+ (*it)->state = hsi_key;
+ (*it)->i = 0;
+ v->type = hsvHash;
+ v->hash.npairs = (*it)->nelems;
+ break;
+ case HS_FLAG_HSTORE | hsi_key:
+ if ((*it)->i >= (*it)->nelems)
+ {
+ *it = up(*it);
+ res = WHS_END_HASH;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ formAnswer(it, v, &(*it)->array[ (*it)->i * 2 ], false);
+ (*it)->state = hsi_value;
+ res = WHS_KEY;
+ }
+ break;
+ case HS_FLAG_HSTORE | hsi_value:
+ (*it)->state = hsi_key;
+ if (formAnswer(it, v, &(*it)->array[ ((*it)->i++) * 2 + 1],
+ skipNested))
+ res = HStoreIteratorGet(it, v, skipNested);
+ else
+ res = WHS_VALUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC,"unknown state %08x", (*it)->type & (*it)->state);
+ }
+ return res;
+ * Transformation from tree to binary representation of hstore *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+typedef struct CompressState
+ char *begin;
+ char *ptr;
+ struct {
+ uint32 i;
+ uint32 *header;
+ HEntry *array;
+ char *begin;
+ } *levelstate, *lptr, *pptr;
+ uint32 maxlevel;
+} CompressState;
+#define curLevelState state->lptr
+#define prevLevelState state->pptr
+static void
+putHEntryString(CompressState *state, HStoreValue* value,
+ uint32 level, uint32 i)
+ curLevelState = state->levelstate + level;
+ if (i == 0)
+ curLevelState->array[0].entry = HENTRY_ISFIRST;
+ else
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry = 0;
+ switch(value->type)
+ {
+ case hsvNull:
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |= HENTRY_ISNULL;
+ if (i>0)
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |=
+ curLevelState->array[i - 1].entry & HENTRY_POSMASK;
+ break;
+ case hsvString:
+ memcpy(state->ptr, value->string.val, value->string.len);
+ state->ptr += value->string.len;
+ if (i == 0)
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |= value->string.len;
+ else
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |=
+ (curLevelState->array[i - 1].entry & HENTRY_POSMASK) +
+ value->string.len;
+ break;
+ case hsvBool:
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |=
+ (value->boolean) ? HENTRY_ISTRUE : HENTRY_ISFALSE;
+ if (i>0)
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |=
+ curLevelState->array[i - 1].entry & HENTRY_POSMASK;
+ break;
+ case hsvNumeric:
+ {
+ int addlen = INTALIGN(state->ptr - state->begin) -
+ (state->ptr - state->begin);
+ int numlen = VARSIZE_ANY(value->numeric);
+ switch(addlen)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 2:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 1:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ memcpy(state->ptr, value->numeric, numlen);
+ state->ptr += numlen;
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |= HENTRY_ISNUMERIC;
+ if (i == 0)
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |= addlen + numlen;
+ else
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |=
+ (curLevelState->array[i - 1].entry & HENTRY_POSMASK) +
+ addlen + numlen;
+ break;
+ }
+ case hsvBinary:
+ {
+ int addlen = INTALIGN(state->ptr - state->begin) -
+ (state->ptr - state->begin);
+ switch(addlen)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 2:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 1:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ memcpy(state->ptr, value->binary.data, value->binary.len);
+ state->ptr += value->binary.len;
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |= HENTRY_ISNEST;
+ if (i == 0)
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |= addlen + value->binary.len;
+ else
+ curLevelState->array[i].entry |=
+ (curLevelState->array[i - 1].entry & HENTRY_POSMASK) +
+ addlen + value->binary.len;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC,"Unsupported HStoreValue type: %d", value->type);
+ }
+static void
+compressCallback(void *arg, HStoreValue* value, uint32 flags, uint32 level)
+ CompressState *state = arg;
+ if (level == state->maxlevel) {
+ state->maxlevel *= 2;
+ state->levelstate = repalloc(state->levelstate,
+ sizeof(*state->levelstate) * state->maxlevel);
+ }
+ curLevelState = state->levelstate + level;
+ {
+ Assert(((flags & WHS_BEGIN_ARRAY) && value->type == hsvArray) ||
+ ((flags & WHS_BEGIN_HASH) && value->type == hsvHash));
+ curLevelState->begin = state->ptr;
+ switch(INTALIGN(state->ptr - state->begin) -
+ (state->ptr - state->begin))
+ {
+ case 3:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 2:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 1:
+ *state->ptr = '\0'; state->ptr++;
+ case 0:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ curLevelState->header = (uint32*)state->ptr;
+ state->ptr += sizeof(*curLevelState->header);
+ curLevelState->array = (HEntry*)state->ptr;
+ curLevelState->i = 0;
+ if (value->type == hsvArray)
+ {
+ *curLevelState->header = value->array.nelems | HS_FLAG_ARRAY ;
+ state->ptr += sizeof(HEntry) * value->array.nelems;
+ if (value->array.scalar)
+ {
+ Assert(value->array.nelems == 1);
+ Assert(level == 0);
+ *curLevelState->header |= HS_FLAG_SCALAR;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *curLevelState->header = value->hash.npairs | HS_FLAG_HSTORE ;
+ state->ptr += sizeof(HEntry) * value->hash.npairs * 2;
+ }
+ if (level == 0)
+ *curLevelState->header |= HS_FLAG_NEWVERSION;
+ }
+ else if (flags & WHS_ELEM)
+ {
+ putHEntryString(state, value, level, curLevelState->i);
+ curLevelState->i++;
+ }
+ else if (flags & WHS_KEY)
+ {
+ Assert(value->type == hsvString);
+ putHEntryString(state, value, level, curLevelState->i * 2);
+ }
+ else if (flags & WHS_VALUE)
+ {
+ putHEntryString(state, value, level, curLevelState->i * 2 + 1);
+ curLevelState->i++;
+ }
+ else if (flags & (WHS_END_ARRAY | WHS_END_HASH))
+ {
+ uint32 len, i;
+ Assert(((flags & WHS_END_ARRAY) && value->type == hsvArray) ||
+ ((flags & WHS_END_HASH) && value->type == hsvHash));
+ if (level == 0)
+ return;
+ len = state->ptr - (char*)curLevelState->begin;
+ prevLevelState = curLevelState - 1;
+ if (*prevLevelState->header & HS_FLAG_ARRAY) {
+ i = prevLevelState->i;
+ prevLevelState->array[i].entry = HENTRY_ISNEST;
+ if (i == 0)
+ prevLevelState->array[0].entry |= HENTRY_ISFIRST | len;
+ else
+ prevLevelState->array[i].entry |=
+ (prevLevelState->array[i - 1].entry & HENTRY_POSMASK) + len;
+ }
+ else if (*prevLevelState->header & HS_FLAG_HSTORE)
+ {
+ i = 2 * prevLevelState->i + 1; /* VALUE, not a KEY */
+ prevLevelState->array[i].entry = HENTRY_ISNEST;
+ prevLevelState->array[i].entry |=
+ (prevLevelState->array[i - 1].entry & HENTRY_POSMASK) + len;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(PANIC, "Wrong parent");
+ }
+ Assert(state->ptr - curLevelState->begin <= value->size);
+ prevLevelState->i++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elog(PANIC, "Wrong flags");
+ }
+compressHStore(HStoreValue *v, char *buffer) {
+ uint32 l = 0;
+ CompressState state;
+ state.begin = state.ptr = buffer;
+ state.maxlevel = 8;
+ state.levelstate = palloc(sizeof(*state.levelstate) * state.maxlevel);
+ walkUncompressedHStore(v, compressCallback, &state);
+ l = state.ptr - buffer;
+ Assert(l <= v->size);
+ return l;
+ * Iteration-like forming hstore *
+ * Note: it believ by default in already sorted keys in hash, *
+ * although with r == WHS_END_HASH and v == NULL it will sort itself *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static ToHStoreState*
+pushState(ToHStoreState **state)
+ ToHStoreState *ns = palloc(sizeof(*ns));
+ ns->next = *state;
+ return ns;
+static void
+appendArray(ToHStoreState *state, HStoreValue *v)
+ HStoreValue *a = &state->v;
+ Assert(a->type == hsvArray);
+ if (a->array.nelems >= state->size)
+ {
+ state->size *= 2;
+ a->array.elems = repalloc(a->array.elems,
+ sizeof(*a->array.elems) * state->size);
+ }
+ a->array.elems[a->array.nelems ++] = *v;
+ a->size += v->size;
+static void
+appendKey(ToHStoreState *state, HStoreValue *v)
+ HStoreValue *h = &state->v;
+ Assert(h->type == hsvHash);
+ if (h->hash.npairs >= state->size)
+ {
+ state->size *= 2;
+ h->hash.pairs = repalloc(h->hash.pairs,
+ sizeof(*h->hash.pairs) * state->size);
+ }
+ h->hash.pairs[h->hash.npairs].key = *v;
+ h->hash.pairs[h->hash.npairs].order = h->hash.npairs;
+ h->size += v->size;
+static void
+appendValue(ToHStoreState *state, HStoreValue *v)
+ HStoreValue *h = &state->v;
+ Assert(h->type == hsvHash);
+ h->hash.pairs[h->hash.npairs++].value = *v;
+ h->size += v->size;
+pushHStoreValue(ToHStoreState **state, int r /* WHS_* */, HStoreValue *v) {
+ HStoreValue *h = NULL;
+ switch(r)
+ {
+ *state = pushState(state);
+ h = &(*state)->v;
+ (*state)->v.type = hsvArray;
+ (*state)->v.size = 3*sizeof(HEntry);
+ (*state)->v.array.nelems = 0;
+ (*state)->v.array.scalar = (v && v->array.scalar) ? true : false;
+ (*state)->size = (v && v->type == hsvArray && v->array.nelems > 0)
+ ? v->array.nelems : 4;
+ (*state)->v.array.elems = palloc(sizeof(*(*state)->v.array.elems) *
+ (*state)->size);
+ break;
+ *state = pushState(state);
+ h = &(*state)->v;
+ (*state)->v.type = hsvHash;
+ (*state)->v.size = 3*sizeof(HEntry);
+ (*state)->v.hash.npairs = 0;
+ (*state)->size = (v && v->type == hsvHash && v->hash.npairs > 0)
+ ? v->hash.npairs : 4;
+ (*state)->v.hash.pairs = palloc(sizeof(*(*state)->v.hash.pairs) *
+ (*state)->size);
+ break;
+ case WHS_ELEM:
+ Assert(v->type == hsvNull || v->type == hsvString ||
+ v->type == hsvBool || v->type == hsvNumeric ||
+ v->type == hsvBinary);
+ appendArray(*state, v);
+ break;
+ case WHS_KEY:
+ Assert(v->type == hsvString);
+ appendKey(*state, v);
+ break;
+ case WHS_VALUE:
+ Assert(v->type == hsvNull || v->type == hsvString ||
+ v->type == hsvBool || v->type == hsvNumeric ||
+ v->type == hsvBinary);
+ appendValue(*state, v);
+ break;
+ case WHS_END_HASH:
+ h = &(*state)->v;
+ if (v == NULL)
+ uniqueHStoreValue(h);
+ h = &(*state)->v;
+ *state = (*state)->next;
+ if (*state)
+ {
+ switch((*state)->v.type)
+ {
+ case hsvArray:
+ appendArray(*state, h);
+ break;
+ case hsvHash:
+ appendValue(*state, h);
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "wrong parent type: %d", (*state)->v.type);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ elog(PANIC, "wrong type: %08x", r);
+ }
+ return h;
--- /dev/null
+set escape_string_warning=off;
+select ''::hstore;
+select 'a=>b'::hstore;
+select ' a=>b'::hstore;
+select 'a =>b'::hstore;
+select 'a=>b '::hstore;
+select 'a=> b'::hstore;
+select '"a"=>"b"'::hstore;
+select ' "a"=>"b"'::hstore;
+select '"a" =>"b"'::hstore;
+select '"a"=>"b" '::hstore;
+select '"a"=> "b"'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>bb'::hstore;
+select ' aa=>bb'::hstore;
+select 'aa =>bb'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>bb '::hstore;
+select 'aa=> bb'::hstore;
+select '"aa"=>"bb"'::hstore;
+select ' "aa"=>"bb"'::hstore;
+select '"aa" =>"bb"'::hstore;
+select '"aa"=>"bb" '::hstore;
+select '"aa"=> "bb"'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>bb, cc=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>bb , cc=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>bb ,cc=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>bb, "cc"=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>bb , "cc"=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>bb ,"cc"=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>"bb", cc=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>"bb" , cc=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>"bb" ,cc=>dd'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>null'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>NuLl'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>"NuLl"'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>nul'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>NuL'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>"NuL"'::hstore;
+select e'\\=a=>q=w'::hstore;
+select e'"=a"=>q\\=w'::hstore;
+select e'"\\"a"=>q>w'::hstore;
+select e'\\"a=>q"w'::hstore;
+select ''::hstore;
+select ' '::hstore;
+-- -> operator
+select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'c';
+select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'b';
+select 'aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa';
+select ('aa=>b, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'gg') is null;
+select ('aa=>NULL, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa') is null;
+select ('aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore->'aa') is null;
+-- -> array operator
+select 'aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['aa','c'];
+select 'aa=>"NULL", c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['c','aa'];
+select 'aa=>NULL, c=>d , b=>16'::hstore -> ARRAY['aa','c',null];
+select 'aa=>1, c=>3, b=>2, d=>4'::hstore -> ARRAY[['b','d'],['aa','c']];
+-- exists/defined
+select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'a');
+select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'b');
+select exist('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'c');
+select exist('a=>"NULL", b=>qq', 'a');
+select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'a');
+select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'b');
+select defined('a=>NULL, b=>qq', 'c');
+select defined('a=>"NULL", b=>qq', 'a');
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'a';
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'b';
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ? 'c';
+select hstore 'a=>"NULL", b=>qq' ? 'a';
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['a','b'];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['b','a'];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['c','a'];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| ARRAY['c','d'];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?| '{}'::text[];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['a','b'];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['b','a'];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['c','a'];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& ARRAY['c','d'];
+select hstore 'a=>NULL, b=>qq' ?& '{}'::text[];
+-- delete
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'a');
+select delete('a=>null , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'a');
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'b');
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'c');
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'd');
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+select 'a=>null , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b'::text;
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'c'::text;
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'd'::text;
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b'::text)
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
+-- delete (array)
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['d','e']);
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['d','b']);
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY['a','c']);
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ARRAY[['b'],['c'],['a']]);
+select delete('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, '{}'::text[]);
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['d','e'];
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['d','b'];
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['a','c'];
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY[['b'],['c'],['a']];
+select 'a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - '{}'::text[];
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ARRAY['a','c'])
+ = pg_column_size('b=>2'::hstore);
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - '{}'::text[])
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+-- delete (hstore)
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>4, b=>2'::hstore);
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>NULL, c=>3'::hstore);
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, 'b=>2'::hstore);
+select delete('aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore, ''::hstore);
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>4, b=>2'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>NULL, c=>3'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b=>2'::hstore;
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ''::hstore;
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 'b=>2'::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, c=>3'::hstore);
+select pg_column_size('a=>1 , b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - ''::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+-- ||
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f';
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'aq=>l';
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'aa=>l';
+select 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || '';
+select ''::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f';
+select pg_column_size(''::hstore || ''::hstore) = pg_column_size(''::hstore);
+select pg_column_size('aa=>1'::hstore || 'b=>2'::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
+select pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore || ''::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
+select pg_column_size(''::hstore || 'aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore)
+ = pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2'::hstore);
+-- hstore(text,text)
+select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('asd', 'gf');
+select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'gf');
+select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'NULL');
+select 'a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', NULL);
+select ('a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore(NULL, 'b')) is null;
+select pg_column_size(hstore('b', 'gf'))
+ = pg_column_size('b=>gf'::hstore);
+select pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>c'::hstore || hstore('b', 'gf'))
+ = pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>gf'::hstore);
+-- slice()
+select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b']);
+select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['aa','b']);
+select slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b','aa']);
+select pg_column_size(slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b']))
+ = pg_column_size('b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+select pg_column_size(slice(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['c','b','aa']))
+ = pg_column_size('aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore);
+-- array input
+select '{}'::text[]::hstore;
+select ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd']::hstore;
+select ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd','i']::hstore;
+select ARRAY[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]::hstore;
+select ARRAY[['a','g','b'],['h','asd','i']]::hstore;
+select ARRAY[[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]]::hstore;
+select hstore('{}'::text[]);
+select hstore(ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd']);
+select hstore(ARRAY['a','g','b','h','asd','i']);
+select hstore(ARRAY[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]);
+select hstore(ARRAY[['a','g','b'],['h','asd','i']]);
+select hstore(ARRAY[[['a','g'],['b','h'],['asd','i']]]);
+select hstore('[0:5]={a,g,b,h,asd,i}'::text[]);
+select hstore('[0:2][1:2]={{a,g},{b,h},{asd,i}}'::text[]);
+-- pairs of arrays
+select hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+select hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h',NULL]);
+select hstore(ARRAY['z','y','x'], ARRAY['1','2','3']);
+select hstore(ARRAY['aaa','bb','c','d'], ARRAY[null::text,null,null,null]);
+select hstore(ARRAY['aaa','bb','c','d'], null);
+select quote_literal(hstore('{}'::text[], '{}'::text[]));
+select quote_literal(hstore('{}'::text[], null));
+select hstore(ARRAY['a'], '{}'::text[]); -- error
+select hstore('{}'::text[], ARRAY['a']); -- error
+select pg_column_size(hstore(ARRAY['a','b','asd'], ARRAY['g','h','i']))
+ = pg_column_size('a=>g, b=>h, asd=>i'::hstore);
+-- records
+select hstore(v) from (values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8)) v(a,b,c,d);
+create domain hstestdom1 as integer not null default 0;
+create table testhstore0 (a integer, b text, c numeric, d float8);
+create table testhstore1 (a integer, b text, c numeric, d float8, e hstestdom1);
+insert into testhstore0 values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8);
+insert into testhstore1 values (1, 'foo', 1.2, 3::float8);
+select hstore(v) from testhstore1 v;
+select hstore(null::testhstore0);
+select hstore(null::testhstore1);
+select pg_column_size(hstore(v))
+ = pg_column_size('a=>1, b=>"foo", c=>1.2, d=>3, e=>0'::hstore)
+ from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(v, hstore('c', '3.45')) from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(v, hstore('d', '3.45')) from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(v, hstore('e', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(v, hstore('e', null)) from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(v, hstore('c', null)) from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('a', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', null)) from testhstore0 v;
+select populate_record(v, hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', null)) from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(v, '') from testhstore0 v;
+select populate_record(v, '') from testhstore1 v;
+select populate_record(null::testhstore1, hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('a', '123'));
+select populate_record(null::testhstore1, hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('e', '123'));
+select populate_record(null::testhstore0, '');
+select populate_record(null::testhstore1, '');
+select v #= hstore('c', '3.45') from testhstore1 v;
+select v #= hstore('d', '3.45') from testhstore1 v;
+select v #= hstore('e', '123') from testhstore1 v;
+select v #= hstore('c', null) from testhstore1 v;
+select v #= hstore('e', null) from testhstore0 v;
+select v #= hstore('e', null) from testhstore1 v;
+select v #= (hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('a', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
+select v #= (hstore('b', 'foo') || hstore('e', '123')) from testhstore1 v;
+select v #= hstore '' from testhstore0 v;
+select v #= hstore '' from testhstore1 v;
+select null::testhstore1 #= (hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('a', '123'));
+select null::testhstore1 #= (hstore('c', '3.45') || hstore('e', '123'));
+select null::testhstore0 #= hstore '';
+select null::testhstore1 #= hstore '';
+select v #= h from testhstore1 v, (values (hstore 'a=>123',1),('b=>foo,c=>3.21',2),('a=>null',3),('e=>123',4),('f=>blah',5)) x(h,i) order by i;
+-- keys/values
+select akeys('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
+select akeys('""=>1');
+select akeys('');
+select avals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
+select avals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL');
+select avals('""=>1');
+select avals('');
+select hstore_to_array('aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL'::hstore);
+select %% 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL';
+select hstore_to_matrix('aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL'::hstore);
+select %# 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL';
+select * from skeys('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
+select * from skeys('""=>1');
+select * from skeys('');
+select * from svals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>f');
+select *, svals is null from svals('aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || 'cq=>l, b=>g, fg=>NULL');
+select * from svals('""=>1');
+select * from svals('');
+select * from each('aaa=>bq, b=>NULL, ""=>1 ');
+-- @>
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b';
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, c=>NULL';
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, g=>NULL';
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'g=>NULL';
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>c';
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b';
+select 'a=>b, b=>1, c=>NULL'::hstore @> 'a=>b, c=>q';
+CREATE TABLE testhstore (h hstore);
+\copy testhstore from 'data/hstore.data'
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25.0';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>+25.00';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+create index hidx on testhstore using gist(h);
+set enable_seqscan=off;
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25.0';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>+25.00';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+drop index hidx;
+create index hidx on testhstore using gin (h);
+set enable_seqscan=off;
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25.0';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>+25.00';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ? 'public';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?| ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+select count(*) from testhstore where h ?& ARRAY['public','disabled'];
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+select count(*) from (select (each(h)).key from testhstore) as wow ;
+select key, count(*) from (select (each(h)).key from testhstore) as wow group by key order by count desc, key;
+-- sort/hash
+select count(distinct h) from testhstore;
+set enable_hashagg = false;
+select count(*) from (select h from (select * from testhstore union all select * from testhstore) hs group by h) hs2;
+set enable_hashagg = true;
+set enable_sort = false;
+select count(*) from (select h from (select * from testhstore union all select * from testhstore) hs group by h) hs2;
+select distinct * from (values (hstore '' || ''),('')) v(h);
+set enable_sort = true;
+RESET enable_hashagg;
+RESET enable_sort;
+-- btree
+drop index hidx;
+create index hidx on testhstore using btree (h);
+set enable_seqscan=off;
+select count(*) from testhstore where h #># 'p=>1';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h = 'pos=>98, line=>371, node=>CBA, indexed=>t';
+--gin hash
+drop index hidx;
+create index hidx on testhstore using gin (h gin_hstore_hash_ops);
+set enable_seqscan=off;
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>NULL';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'wait=>CC, public=>t';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>25.0';
+select count(*) from testhstore where h @> 'age=>+25.00';
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+drop index hidx;
+-- json
+select hstore_to_json('"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4');
+select cast( hstore '"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4' as json);
+select hstore_to_json_loose('"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4');
+create table test_json_agg (f1 text, f2 hstore);
+insert into test_json_agg values ('rec1','"a key" =>1, b => t, c => null, d=> 12345, e => 012345, f=> 1.234, g=> 2.345e+4'),
+ ('rec2','"a key" =>2, b => f, c => "null", d=> -12345, e => 012345.6, f=> -1.234, g=> 0.345e-4');
+select json_agg(q) from test_json_agg q;
+select json_agg(q) from (select f1, hstore_to_json_loose(f2) as f2 from test_json_agg) q;
--- /dev/null
+SELECT 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}'::hstore;
+SELECT 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123'::hstore;
+SELECT 'aa => {a,aaa}, qq=>{ a=>12, b=>16 , c=> { c1, c2}, d=>{d1=>d1, d2=>d2, d1=>d3} }'::hstore;
+SELECT '"aa"=>{a,aaa}, "qq"=>{"a"=>"12", "b"=>"16", "c"=>{c1,c2}, "d"=>{"d1"=>"d1", "d2"=>"d2"}}'::hstore;
+SELECT '"aa"=>{a,aaa}, "qq"=>{"a"=>"12", "b"=>"16", "c"=>{c1,c2,{c3},{c4=>4}}, "d"=>{"d1"=>"d1", "d2"=>"d2"}}'::hstore;
+SELECT 'ff => {a,aaa}'::hstore;
+select 'null'::hstore;
+select '{null}'::hstore;
+select ''::hstore;
+select '{}'::hstore;
+--test optional outer braces
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a=>1}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a,b}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a,{b}}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{{a},b}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a,{b},{c}}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{{a},{b},c}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{{a},b,{c}}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a,{b=>1}}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{{a},{b=>1}}'::hstore;
+SELECT 'a'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a}'::hstore;
+SELECT ''::hstore;
+SELECT '{}'::hstore;
+--nested json
+SELECT hstore_to_json('a=>1');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a=>1}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a,b}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a,{b}}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},b}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a,{b},{c}}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},{b},c}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},b,{c}}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a,{b=>1}}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},{b=>1}}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{{a},{b=>1},{c}}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('a');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{a}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('{}');
+SELECT hstore_to_json('"aa"=>{a,aaa}, "qq"=>{"a"=>"12", "b"=>"16", "c"=>{c1,c2,{c3},{c4=>4}}, "d"=>{"d1"=>"d1", "d2"=>"d2"}}'::hstore);
+SELECT 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123, x=>{1,2}, Y=>NULL'::hstore -> 'ff',
+ 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123, x=>{1,2}, Y=>NULL'::hstore -> 'qq',
+ ('ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123, x=>{1,2}, Y=>NULL'::hstore -> 'Y') IS NULL AS t,
+ 'ff => {a=>12, b=>16}, qq=> 123, x=>{1,2}, Y=>NULL'::hstore -> 'x';
+SELECT '[ a, b, c, d]'::hstore -> 'a';
+CREATE TABLE testtype (i int, h hstore, a int[], j json);
+INSERT INTO testtype VALUES (1, 'a=>1', '{1,2,3}', '{"x": 2}');
+SELECT populate_record(v, 'i=>2'::hstore) FROM testtype v;
+SELECT populate_record(v, 'i=>2, a=>{7,8,9}'::hstore) FROM testtype v;
+SELECT populate_record(v, 'i=>2, h=>{b=>3}, a=>{7,8,9}'::hstore) FROM testtype v;
+SELECT populate_record(v, 'i=>2, h=>{b=>3}, a=>{7,8,9}, j=>{a=>{1,2,3}}'::hstore) FROM testtype v;
+--complex delete
+SELECT 'b=>{a,c}'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT 'b=>{a,c}, a=>1'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT 'b=>{a,c}, a=>[2,3]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT 'b=>{a,c}, a=>[2,3]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT '[2,3,a]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT '[a,2,3,a]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT '[a,a]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT ''::hstore - 'a'::text;
+SELECT '{a, 1 , b,2, c,3}'::hstore - ARRAY['d','b'];
+SELECT '{a=>{1,2}, v=>23, b=>c}'::hstore - 'v'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a=>{1,2}, v=>23, b=>c}'::hstore - 'v=>23'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a=>{1,2}, v=>23, b=>c}'::hstore - 'v=>{1,2}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a=>{1,2}, v=>23, b=>c}'::hstore - 'a=>{1,2}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a, {1,2}, v, 23, b, c}'::hstore - 'v'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a, {1,2}, v, 23, b, c}'::hstore - 'v=>23'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a, {1,2}, v, 23, b, c}'::hstore - '[v,23]'::hstore;
+SELECT '{a, {1,2}, v, 23, b, c}'::hstore - '[v,{1,2}]'::hstore;
+SELECT 'aa=>1 , b=>2, cq=>3'::hstore || '{cq,l, b,g, fg,f, 1,2}'::hstore;
+SELECT '{aa,1 , b,2, cq,3}'::hstore || '{cq,l, b,g, fg,f, 1,2}'::hstore;
+SELECT 'x'::hstore || 'a=>"1"':: hstore;
+SELECT slice_array(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+SELECT slice_array(hstore '{aa,1, b,2, c,3}', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+SELECT slice_array(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3', ARRAY['b','c']);
+SELECT slice_array(hstore '{aa,1, b,2, c,3}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+SELECT slice_array(hstore 'aa=>1, b=>{2=>1}, c=>{1,2}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3}', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa,1, b,2, c,3}', ARRAY['g','h','i']);
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa=>1, b=>2, c=>3}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa,1, b,2, c,3}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+SELECT slice(hstore '{aa=>1, b=>{2=>1}, c=>{1,2}}', ARRAY['b','c']);
+--to array
+SELECT %% 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>{a,n}, fg=>NULL';
+SELECT %% '{aa,1, cq,l, b,g, fg,NULL}';
+SELECT hstore_to_matrix( 'aa=>1, cq=>l, b=>{a,n}, fg=>NULL');
+SELECT hstore_to_matrix( '{aa,1, cq,l, b,g, fg,NULL}');
+SELECT 'a=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>b, c=>b';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>b';
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1,2}';
+SELECT 'a=>{2,1}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1,2}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1=>2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1,2}';
+SELECT 'a=>{2=>1}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1,2}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1=>2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1=>2}';
+SELECT 'a=>{2=>1}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1=>2}';
+SELECT '{a,b}'::hstore @> '{a,b, c,b}';
+SELECT '{a,b, c,b}'::hstore @> '{a,b}';
+SELECT '{a,b, c,{1,2}}'::hstore @> '{a,{1,2}}';
+SELECT '{a,b, c,{1,2}}'::hstore @> '{b,{1,2}}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{1}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{2}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{3}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2,{c=>3, x=>4}}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{{c=>3}}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2,{c=>3, x=>4}}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{{x=>4}}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2,{c=>3, x=>4}}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{{x=>4},3}';
+SELECT 'a=>{1,2,{c=>3, x=>4}}, c=>b'::hstore @> 'a=>{{x=>4},1}';
+-- %>
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'n';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'a';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'b';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'c';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'd';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 'd' %> '1';
+SELECT '[1,2,3,{a,b}]'::hstore %> '1';
+SELECT '["1",2,3,{a,b}]'::hstore %> '1';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 5;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 4;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 3;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 2;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 1;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore %> 0;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 5;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 4;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 3;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 2;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 1;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore %> 0;
+-- ->
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 5;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 4;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 3;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 2;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 1;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> 0;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 5;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 4;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 3;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 2;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 1;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> 0;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -6;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -5;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -4;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -3;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -2;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore -> -1;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -6;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -5;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -4;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -3;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -2;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore -> -1;
+-- #>
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{0}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{a}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, 0}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, 1}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, 2}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, 3}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, -1}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, -2}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, -3}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #> '{c, -4}';
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #> '{0}';
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #> '{3}';
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #> '{4}';
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #> '{4,5}';
+-- #%>
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{0}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{a}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, 0}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, 1}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, 2}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, 3}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, -1}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, -2}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, -3}';
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #%> '{c, -4}';
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #%> '{0}';
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #%> '{3}';
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #%> '{4}';
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #%> '{4,5}';
+-- ?
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 5;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 4;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 3;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 2;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 1;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? 0;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 5;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 4;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 3;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 2;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 1;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? 0;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -6;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -5;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -4;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -3;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -2;
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore ? -1;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -6;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -5;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -4;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -3;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -2;
+SELECT '[a,b, c,{1,2}, NULL]'::hstore ? -1;
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{0}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{a}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{b}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, 0}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, 1}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, 2}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, 3}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -1}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -2}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -3}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -4}'::text[];
+SELECT 'a=>b, c=>{1,2,3}'::hstore #? '{c, -5}'::text[];
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #? '{0}'::text[];
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #? '{3}'::text[];
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #? '{4}'::text[];
+SELECT '[0, 1, 2, {3,4}, {5=>five}]'::hstore #? '{4,5}'::text[];
+--deep delete
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{x}';
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{a}';
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{NULL}';
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{x}';
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{a}';
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{b}';
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{c}';
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{x,1}';
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{a,1}';
+SELECT 'a=>1'::hstore #- '{NULL,1}';
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{x,1}';
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{a,1}';
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{b,1}';
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore #- '{c,1}';
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{2}';
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{1}';
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{0}';
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{-1}';
+SELECT '[a]'::hstore #- '{-2}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{3}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{2}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{1}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{0}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{-1}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{-2}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{-3}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{-4}';
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore #- '{0,0}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{x}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{a}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{b}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{c}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{b, 0}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{b, -1}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{b, -1}' #- '{b, -1}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{c, 1}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{c, 2}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, -2}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, 1}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, 0}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, 0}' #- '{d, 1, 0}';
+SELECT 'n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore #- '{d, 1, 0}' #- '{d, 1, 0}' #- '{d, 1, 0}';
+-- delete(int)
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - 3;
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - 2;
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - 1;
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - 0;
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - -1;
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - -2;
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - -3;
+SELECT '[a,b,c]'::hstore - -4;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 3;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 2;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 1;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - 0;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - -1;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - -2;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - -3;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>2, c=>3'::hstore - -4;
+SELECT replace('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{n}', '{1,2,3}');
+SELECT replace('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{b,-1}', '{1,2,3}');
+SELECT replace('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d,1,0}', '{1,2,3}');
+SELECT replace('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d,NULL,0}', '{1,2,3}');
+--deep concat
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{}', 'n=>not_null');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{n}', 'n=>not_null');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{n}', 'not_null');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{n}', '{not_null}');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{}', 'b=>{3,4}');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{b}', '{3,4}');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d,1}', '{4,5}');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d,1}', '4=>5');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{d}', '2=>{4,5}');
+SELECT concat_path('n=>NULL, a=>1, b=>{1,2}, c=>{1=>2}, d=>{1=>{2,3}}'::hstore, '{NULL,1}', '4=>5');
+SELECT concat_path('x'::hstore, '{}'::text[], 'a=>"1"':: hstore);
+SELECT ('{"f2":{"f3":1},"f4":{"f5":99,"f6":"stringy"}}'::text)::hstore AS err;
+SELECT ('{"f2":{"f3":1},"f4":{"f5":99,"f6":"stringy"}}'::json)::hstore AS ok;
+SELECT q->'tags' FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore) AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-3}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-2}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-1}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{0}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{1}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{2}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{NULL}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-3,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-2,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-1,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{0,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{1,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{2,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{NULL,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{1}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{a}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{b}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{c}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{a,c}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,c}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{b,NULL}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,1}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM hvals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b, 1=>first}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,1}') AS q;
+--svals path
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-3}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-2}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-1}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{0}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{1}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{2}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{NULL}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-3,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-2,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{-1,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{0,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{1,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{2,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('{{tags=>1, sh=>2}, {tags=>3, sh=>4}}'::hstore, '{NULL,tags}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{1}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{a}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{b}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{c}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{a,c}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,c}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{b,NULL}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,1}') AS q;
+SELECT q FROM svals('a=>{b=>c, c=>b, 1=>first}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first'::hstore, '{NULL,1}') AS q;
+SELECT * FROM each('a=>b, c=>cc'::hstore) AS q;
+SELECT * FROM each('[a, b, c, cc]'::hstore) AS q;
+SELECT * FROM each('a=>{b=>c, c=>b, 1=>first}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first, n=>null'::hstore) AS q;
+SELECT * FROM each_hstore('a=>b, c=>cc'::hstore) AS q;
+SELECT * FROM each_hstore('[a, b, c, cc]'::hstore) AS q;
+SELECT * FROM each_hstore('a=>{b=>c, c=>b, 1=>first}, b=>{1,2}, c=>cc, 1=>first, n=>null'::hstore) AS q;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>{c=>3}, d=>[4,[5]]'::hstore AS h, '[a, {b=>c}, [c, d, e]]'::hstore AS a;
+SET hstore.pretty_print = true;
+SELECT 'a=>1, b=>{c=>3}, d=>[4,[5]], e=>[1,2,3,4], f=>g, g=>j'::hstore AS h,
+ '[a, {b=>c, c=>d}, [c, d, e, [1,2], h, {f=>g, g=>f}]]'::hstore AS a;
+RESET hstore.pretty_print;
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore);
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, loose := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, root_hash_decorated := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, array_curly_braces := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, json := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, json := true, loose := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, json := true, root_hash_decorated := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, json := true, array_curly_braces := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, loose := true, root_hash_decorated := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, loose := true, array_curly_braces := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, root_hash_decorated := true, array_curly_braces := true );
+SELECT hstore_print('a=>t, f=>t, t=>"f", arr=>[1,2,3,"3",x], 123=>string'::hstore, root_hash_decorated := true, array_curly_braces := true, loose := true);
--- /dev/null
+SELECT '"foo"=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT '"true"=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT 'true=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT '"t"=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT 't=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT '"false"=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT 'false=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT '"f"=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT 'f=>true'::hstore;
+SELECT '"foo"=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT '"false"=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT 'false=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT '"t"=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT 't=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT '"false"=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT 'false=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT '"f"=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT 'f=>false'::hstore;
+SELECT '"1"=>x'::hstore;
+SELECT '1=>x'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1.'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1.0'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01e'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01e1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01e+1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1.01e-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>.1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>.1e'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>.1e1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>.1e+1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>.1e-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>0.1e-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>00.1e-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.0'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01e'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01e1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01e+1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+1.01e-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1e'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1e1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1e+1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>+.1e-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.0'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01e'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01e1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01e+1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-1.01e-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1e'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1e1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1e+1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>-.1e-1'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1e2000'::hstore;
+SELECT 'foo=>1e12, bar=>x'::hstore ^> 'foo';
+SELECT 'foo=>1e12, bar=>x'::hstore ^> 'bar';
+SELECT 'foo=>1e12, bar=>x'::hstore ^> 0;
+SELECT 'foo=>1e12, bar=>x'::hstore ^> 1;
+SELECT '[foo, 1e12, bar, x]'::hstore ^> 'foo';
+SELECT '[foo, 1e12, bar, x]'::hstore ^> 'bar';
+SELECT '[foo, 1e12, bar, x]'::hstore ^> 0;
+SELECT '[foo, 1e12, bar, x]'::hstore ^> 1;
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, 1e-12}'::hstore #^> '{foo, 0}';
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, 1e-12}'::hstore #^> '{foo, 1}';
+SELECT 'foo=>t, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 'foo';
+SELECT 'foo=>t, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 'bar';
+SELECT 'foo=>t, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 0;
+SELECT 'foo=>t, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 1;
+SELECT '[foo, t, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 'foo';
+SELECT '[foo, t, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 'bar';
+SELECT '[foo, t, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 0;
+SELECT '[foo, t, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 1;
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, t}'::hstore #?> '{foo, 0}';
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, t}'::hstore #?> '{foo, 1}';
+SELECT 'foo=>f, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 'foo';
+SELECT 'foo=>f, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 'bar';
+SELECT 'foo=>f, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 0;
+SELECT 'foo=>f, bar=>x'::hstore ?> 1;
+SELECT '[foo, f, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 'foo';
+SELECT '[foo, f, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 'bar';
+SELECT '[foo, f, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 0;
+SELECT '[foo, f, bar, x]'::hstore ?> 1;
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, f}'::hstore #?> '{foo, 0}';
+SELECT 'foo=>{x, f}'::hstore #?> '{foo, 1}';
+SELECT hstore_typeof('a=>b') AS hash;
+SELECT hstore_typeof('{a=>b}') AS hash;
+SELECT hstore_typeof('{a, b}') AS array;
+SELECT hstore_typeof('{{a=>b}}') AS array;
+SELECT hstore_typeof('[a, b]') AS array;
+SELECT hstore_typeof('') AS "NULL";
+SELECT hstore_typeof('NULL') AS "null";
+SELECT hstore_typeof('1.0') AS numeric;
+SELECT hstore_typeof('t') AS bool;
+SELECT hstore_typeof('f') AS bool;
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 't'::bool);
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 'f'::bool);
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 3.14);
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 3.14::numeric);
+SELECT hstore('xxx', '3.14'::numeric);
+SELECT hstore(NULL);
+SELECT hstore('NULL');
+SELECT hstore('t'::bool) AS "true", hstore('f'::bool) AS "false";
+SELECT hstore(3.14), hstore(3.14::numeric), hstore('3.14'::numeric);
+SELECT hstore('xxx', 'foo=>t, bar=>3.14, zzz=>xxx'::hstore);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::int2[]);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::int4[]);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::int8[]);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::float4[]);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::float8[]);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,f},{f,t,NULL}}'::bool[]);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::text[]);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{1,1,4},{23,3,5}}'::varchar[]);
+SELECT array_to_hstore('{{{1,11},{1,1},{4,41}},{{23,231},{3,31},{5,51}}}'::int4[]);
+SELECT hstore('array', array_to_hstore('{{{1,11},{1,1},{4,41}},{{23,231},{3,31},{5,51}}}'::int4[]));
+SELECT 'a=>"00012333", b=>"12233", c=>00012333, d=>12233'::hstore;
+SELECT hstore_to_json('a=>"00012333", b=>"12233", c=>00012333, d=>12233'::hstore);
+SELECT hstore_to_json_loose('a=>"00012333", b=>"12233", c=>00012333, d=>12233'::hstore);